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Best movies of all time


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Next week I am having some pretty major surgery that will leave me unable to move for a good few weeks (which is a pretty scary concept given that I have the attention span of a gnat and find it pretty hard to sit still for long at the best of times) so I thought I would ask some likeminded individuals for tried and true movie picks (and any other ideas for entertaining myself - and no I won't be taking up cross stitch...)


I have pretty broad tastes and am nigh on impossible to offend (but no, kids, that's not neccessarily an invitation to try...)


only criteria is no Tom Cruise...

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The Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless mind, Fight Club, Sin City, Battle Royale, American Beauty, Amelie, Run Lola Run, Se7en, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Requiem for a Dream, Kids, Snatch, Empire of the Sun, Silence of the Lambs and Waking Life


Quoting myself... my self absorption has reached new and giddying heights. Yikes.


All really good movies though

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ahhh yess



heres my picks for you


Right so you are into drum and bass yeah?

well IMO any true junglist needs to be well schooled and well versed in the odditys and maddness of the veitnam war,, (its all in the jungle baby)

so get yourself these fucking harrowing classics...

and watch them in this order


Hamburger Hill


Full Metal Jacket

The Dear Hunter

Apocalypse Now (redux)


(please remember to have lotsa weed whilst watching these flicks,,,It puts you in the zone and will aid both your recovery (pain eliminators) and help you start having Veitnam Flash backs,,,)



We move into another realm,, and trust me warching these films listed above, back to back will take you to the next level...


La Haine (the Hate) french film but classic junglist watching, It discusses the urban wasteland of inner city paris focused around 3 guys set against the back drop of Riots with cops... and there is a great scene where you see a dj, cut it up and play a french version of "Fuck The Police" and then you follow the camera through the ghetto... Very Martin Scorsese But Fucking great none the less...



Time Code... a fantastic 4 tier multi narritive head fuck with 4 screens with four stories all happining at once,, The first all digital live action film made,, based In LA and discussing the complexities and hedonism and false ness of the general american dream.


Scitzopolis: a general head fuck, sit back light a cone and get ready to be blown away



24 hour Party People... all about the rise and fall of the infamous Factory Records,,,In Manchester, starts on Joy Devision ends on the happy mondays The pre-emininent label who created the musical revolution that we all know and love today... a must for any raver or proto raver...

Full of excess and decadence,, the best scene is wen two of the happy mondays are atop a building on E and feed 100 pidgons rat poisen and watch as they die...



Let Sleeping Dogs Lie... IMO the best NZ film ever, stars Sam Neil, in his first Role, made in 1977,,, about the rise of a neo facist Government in new zealand,,, Its a bit slow at points But its fucking great apart from that


Event Horizon,,,, You want mind fuck horror,,, this is the one,,,,,



well thats a hefty amount.... I could go on for days,,,,


Good luck fer your watching and get better soon!


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Hamburger Hill


Full Metal Jacket

The Dear Hunter

Apocalypse Now (redux)


Nice war movies!


Id recommend:


Ichi the killer, Aeon Flux, V for vendetta, Suicide Club, Battle Royal (1 and 2), City of God, Donnie Darko, Evil Dead 3, Requiem for a Dream, Butterfly effect, Lock Stock and 2 smoking barrels, Ronin, Unleashed, Sin City, Kill bill (1 and 2), Dawn of the Dead, Resident evil (1,2 and 3), The Island, Snatch, Run Lola Run ahhhh...


that will about do i think

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...Battle Royal (1 and 2)...


I definitely agree with the rest of the list and BR one is the shit but BR two? I kinda thought they lost the plot with the second. I wish they hadn't made it. BR one stood strong on it's own. it's just not the same without Kiriyama. You can't go past bleeding eyes sockets for entertainment value...



He rules!


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I enjoyed both but BR1 was my favourite too, little disappointed that they felt the need to add a nice warm fuzzy ending to BR2 - it kinda contradicts the whole concept.


Gotta love that dude joining BR1 just for kicks, and I love the way in both movies they define the craziest characters by giving them the maddest hairdo's <- (only emoticon I could find with crazy hair apart from mulletman)


I love Fear and Loathing, esp the lizard lounge scene

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Blade Runner


Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, Red Dragon (Hannibal the best IMO)

The Shining (Kubrick version)

Being John Malkovich

Citizen Kane

Top Gun

Bad Taste

A Clockwork Orange

The Omen (Original)

House Party


Rocco- Animal Trainer (Entire Series)



Should keep you bizzy

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I am concerned that David Lynch movies have not been represented well in this thread so here goes:


BLUE VELVET - arguably his greatest work - it's all about the disturbing and derelict underbelly that lives underneath white-picket-fence suburban America..


LOST HIGHWAY - wicked film. it's sooo tripped out how halfway through the movie, the main character wakes up and he's got a completely different life and all these cliche characters are surrounding him.. its like WTF


MULHOLLAND DRIVE - not his best work, but probably his most insane, wicked acting performances from the stunning Naomi Watts and exceptionally good cinematography, but DO NOT watch this movie on acid..


TWIN PEAKS - where it all began.. subtle yet disturbing. Fire Walk With Me, the film adaptation of the TV series, is definitly worth a look..

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one movie you have to see


WOLF CREEK (scary trust me)


28 days later (great camera work and good character actors too!)


UTU (awesome kiwi movie)


smash palace (bruno lawrence at his best)(kiwi movie)


highlander ( cool as , with cameo appperances thruout by sean connery)


evil dead (funny , disturbing , budget)



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I knew you would have some tips Control, you always have good movie recommendations at Foci but... due to the state I'm always in when I'm there I can never seem to remember them later on This should be extra true for me tonight since it's my last Soul Science until I'm all patched up...

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24 hour Party People... all about the rise and fall of the infamous Factory Records,,,In Manchester, starts on Joy Division ends on the happy mondays The pre-emininent label who created the musical revolution that we all know and love today... a must for any raver or proto raver...

Full of excess and decadence,, the best scene is wen two of the happy mondays are atop a building on E and feed 100 pidgons rat poisen and watch as they die...


Yeah I just watched this last night actually, that scene is fucking funny. Best part of the film for sure. If you didn't know what it is all about and what it all means you'd probably think it was fairly average but since we are not all a bunch of oblivious turd burgling Slinky attending glo-stick wielding culturually deprived waterfront poorags, it gets onto our top movies list. Right Ben?

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yea have to say im a huge fan of music related movies regardless of genre.

Saw "Ray" last night the biography of ray charles best movie ive seen in a longtime.


also went and saw a movie@rialto on monday about a dj who goes deaf then flips out on drugs, then refinds himself and learns to mix on the vibrations of subs. fraud as fuck plot but its has its moment, and again if its about music. i dig it

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I knew you would have some tips Control, you always have good movie recommendations at Foci but... due to the state I'm always in when I'm there I can never seem to remember them later on This should be extra true for me tonight since it's my last Soul Science until I'm all patched up...


same here, there's one movie which I'm suppose to watch.. apparently "the best movie ever made".. for the life of me I can't remember the name of it, something about drugs...

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