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Youth killed when teen sniffing gas lights cigarette

31 October 2006


A youth was killed when one of five teenagers sniffing from an LPG bottle in a car parked in Blenheim apparently lit a cigarette, police believe.



Thomas Kelson Hillman, 18, of Picton was killed after the gas explosion at 9.30pm last night. The other four remain in stable condition in Wairau Hospital.


Senior Sergeant Tony Sampson of the Blenheim police said initial inquiries failed to find any fault with the portable gas bottle which had been handled by members of the group at the time of the explosion.


Some members of the group were involved in inhaling flammable gases, he said.


It appeared that some had been sniffing LPG from the bottle minutes before the explosion, he said.


"It appears that an attempt to light a cigarette in the vehicle a short time later may have caused the explosion."


Mr Sampson said Mr Hillman had only been with the group for a short-time before the explosion but it was unknown if he had been inhaling the gas.


He survived the blast and was taken to Wairau Hospital, where staff spent "quite some time" in an unsuccessful effort to save his life.


Mr Sampson said police and fire service investigators were warning that substance abuse involving flammable gases was an extremely dangerous practice and "one which can have tragic consequences".


Mr Hillman's death has been reported to the coroner and police inquiries were continuing

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bah those people are all tards and i have no sympathy for any of them. Firstly why the fuck were they doing LPG? (inst weed/alcs/whatever cheeper?) AND then driving round. I have nothing against them using drugs (even if it is a stupidly dangerious one to use - not in the least beacuse its explosive), but drugs + cars = BAD.


However more importantly was the fact that they missed the whole closed space + no ventilation + explossive gas (+ running engine) + lighting a match IN the closed space = fireball and death. I loled so hard when one of the dead guys mates said on the news "He was realy realy bright, its such a shame", errr - geuss not huh cheif.


And even if it turns out that guy who got into the car lit a cigarette he still desrves a darwin award for not smelling the gas (there must have been a fair amount to explode like that and even if he DID NOT smell it you he somehow missed the whole high as kite driver + passangers + LPG bottle in the car thing).


The only outcome of this i would like to see is if the guys chemistry teacher went and told everyone he failed science 4 times in a row or somthing. Atleast that way i could possiably accept that he was mentaly dissabled or somthing, otherwise he gets my highest honor as a martyr of stupididty.

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hah.. yeah, like.. poor dude for being dead and all, but gotta admit that this is a pretty damn stupid thing to do..


plus.. have you ever smelt LPG? it smells like ass! no idea why the fuck you would want to inhale that dirty shit.. infact dont they put an additive in it so it smells bad as so you can smell if you got a gas leak and that..

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but drugs + cars = BAD.


Dunno bout that, there's fun to be had under the right circumstances... I'd love to give examples... but this is a public thread :s


And yea... in line with the topic, I spose some of the 'fun' stuff I'm talking about should really be left to 'stupid kids'

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Yeah natural gas doesn't actually have a smell, they put it in so you can 'safely' detect it.


Dang. I wasn't even aware that you could get high from LPG? Surely at least go buy some Kristov? Poor (stupid) bastards. Good candidate for the Darwin Awards.

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I was just talking to a medical student friend of mine - he said that like most other gasses people inhale it dosnt do any sort of chemical reaction, it merely disrupts your oxygen supply and can get the gas in your bloodstream, casuing an effect similar to the "bends" occouring where your brain starts to hallucinate as it dies from lack of oxygen / blood.


fun stuff

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causing an effect similar to the "bends" occouring where your brain starts to hallucinate as it dies from lack of oxygen / blood.


Everyones probably heard of deep divers trying to help the drowning fish by offering them their oxygen mask,


Maybe the kid was trying to help the gas in the air perform it's task in the universe by allowing it to combust?


Or maybe the kid was high as a kite after the huffing and wasn't thinking straight..


Who knows

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Here's another...


Hamilton fire chief Roy Breeze said his branch had dealt with several incidents in the past few days.


The worst involved a home-made bomb made from fireworks explosives and petrol. A 15-year-old Norton boy had escaped serious injury as he tried to load a beer bottle stubbie with the explosive cocktail as he was smoking.


The device caught fire and damaged the sleep-out garage he was in.


"He's a very, very lucky boy."

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The worst involved a home-made bomb made from fireworks explosives and petrol. A 15-year-old Norton boy had escaped serious injury as he tried to load a beer bottle stubbie with the explosive cocktail as he was smoking.


FOR GREAT JUSTICE! - WTF! that guy is just as bad. I myself agree that there is nothing more sacred than blowing shit up around guyfawkes (pm me for movies) but smoking WHILE you are handling gunpowder.... GG. serriously what was he thinking - not much i bet: probobly not the brightist tool in the shed.


Its tards like him that are going to get fireworks banned for all of us (and those guys running around birkenhead fireing fireworks at each other (do what normal people do and do it in the tunnels around Northhead)). You just know that that 15yr olds mum is going to have a massive cry about the dangers of fireworks. Its probobly her fault anyway for not keeping track of her son but im not even going to go there (The first guys mum dosnt get an opinion however as her son was 18 and was to dumb to live).


Serriosly I suggest at system whereby if you manage to survive two acts of supreme stupidity you get castrated anyways - thatway if you twice prove that you are retarded you loose the right to have kids - thus protecting other generations form your stupid genes.


Sounds extreme i know but i dont want to be living in fear of retards with fireworks

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once my mate was making napalm, and he had the petrol cap of their ride on lawn mower off (which was where he was getting the petrol from) when he lit it. And it fucking blew up the lawn mower! haha, burnt down his garage which was attached to his house, and burnt down the wall between the house and the garage too..



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once my mate was making napalm,


yeah, right, your 'mate' .. it was you wasn't it eeediota!


you know a storys going to be good with that as the opening line


nah, seriously.. im not that dumb bro, i didnt blow up a ride on lawn mower/burn down a garage/almost burn down a house..


but christ that dude musta been a fkn retard, a lil common sense goes a long way.

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once my mate was making napalm,


yeah, right, your 'mate' .. it was you wasn't it eeediota!


haha - on the subject of napalm stories, i had a mate (it cant have been me as i was holding the camera) who ruined a brand new pair of dickies jeans when a bit of napalm got on them. At least we weren't inside and smoking and this truly a freak shot with him standing like 5m away from a burning jam jar. I really should upload my thermite vs Hard Disc Drive video somewhere where people can watch it (youtube)

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