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On the first day o consumerism week my true love gave to me.


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ahhh its that time of year again... the time that I have for many many many years blocked out by enjoying large amounts of alachohol and other things and not seeing my family... ( up until this year it has been 7 years family free xmas for the 9. and lemme tell y'all its been fucking great)

BUT know the flip has been scripted.


no more sitting and drinking for 15 days... starting on xmas eve..

no more getting horribly twisted on those wee things that that song that goes on about killing a million brain cells, and wandering round the city..

no more going to a bar in christchurch and drinking fer 18 hours

but now a time for me, to dress up in a black santa hat and give presents to my boy and make sure he has a fantastic time...

but that is parent hood innit?



So here is the question of the hour...


how do you spend your christmas... why do u do it that way.. what would happin if you didnt do it the way you HAVE too.. and what does christmas (or in 9glish, consumerism week/anti xmas/ day of false religous icon /americanism day ) mean to you and why?



Holy shit wise men and the cows that moo'd and the frankensense and the angel type person with baybe jeebus in the manger and the star (not a red one unfortunately ) that rose in the sky and shit . kids...

put that in your xmas stocking or pillow case on the end of your bed full of toys and unwrapp them...


pps my awnsers will come later...




Redstar999 sings>>>>>

"on the first day of consumerism week my tru love gave to me... a woman on krd with soft toys that are her freinds.... high on meth begging fer money for crack ....cos she is an addict and lives on the street and shoppers running by ignoring her....


and a massive credit card debt that I will pay and be happy for...."

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for me, christmas isnt about religion.. its just about kicking back at the end of a hard year, having some fun, making people you care about happy and generally enjoying yourself.


My parents are splitzville so i usually go have champagne breakfast steez with my mum, and then rock over to my old mans for lunch and continue drinking, rounded off by catching up with mates in the evening (and probably more drinking).


good times, good food, good company, thats what its about for me.

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heh yeah I usually go for the buy nothing christmas i'd rather someone bought nothing for me and gave me a smile/hug/clinking sound of glass on glass/whatever than stress out about buying something, and end up getting me something shit that I'm going to throw away anyway and further pollute the environment and take advantage of some kid working in a sweatshop. unfortunately this is usually the case.


kids freaking love Christmas though so I understand the dilemma you are in. I'd probably go as untraditional as I can get away with while still making redstar grin ear to ear and feel loved. cause thats what its all about 'innit?

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this will be my first christmas without family, apart from my sister. No idea what wel do.. probably go out for lunch, then to the pub. Maybe go to H-town to see some friends. certainly not about religion, or buying gifts. Just to spend time with people I don't ever see.


Christmas = food, beer, close friends/sister

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Excellent replies guys.....


christmas aint shit to me....

I left home wen I was 15 , and I hate seeing my olds trip on all the blah blahs with xmas...

my dad kinda fucked it fer me wen i was a kid I think... he was always pissed and argumentative, so , I thoght I should jus go chillax with my freinds and get FUCKED UP!

and thats exactly what I have done fer years,,

many great times. once a freind and I hitched to wellington and stayed with some street kids, that was fun..

another time I stayed in my mates room eating vogels cheese and tomato and salsa toasties smoking jah erb , on acid watching veitnam films

another great xmas exp was in hammilton when I had bought lotsa food and beer and other chems, and had my flat to my self fer 4 days I cranked goldie and other drum and bass (kosheen tech itch etcetc this was in 2000,,, and then got in my car and went and found a homeless guy who lived in franktpon in hamilton, and invited him back to my house gave him a shower some clean clothes, and fed him , blew him out got him pissed gave him some food and then dropped him off



christmas in its raw putrid form I despise,,, but then again its pureset essence I love

and I love to gve positivly and give energy and love....

fuck all the m,aterialistic attributes ,, I hate it



humans never really connect in this hyper capitalist age,, but they do on xmas day,,, I wish that would happin everyday,,, all humans jus b and realise that we are ALLLLL the same...







On the 2nd day of consumerism week my tru love gave to me... a son and a mind and a future and a heart and a brain and all the tennanments to rise above ALL that is false and arbitary and think of how WE, can change the world and FINALLY B FREE!

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Christmas - Another massive birthday for Jesus! So what are y'all getting him?


Christmas is about spending and making time for ma family. New Years is about spending time with my friends. A time to chill and recuperate for a bit longer than a weekend For me its also about making positive changes for the new year.


Only a few more days to go

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ive been a xmas hater for many years now but ive been locked into the family day since birth.....

how do i get out of going?...

my mum isnt going this year and my dad hasnt gone for a few years and i would like to get into that club.....

ill only go to hang with my nephews and then split.....

whats my early getaway move..???

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ive been a xmas hater for many years now but ive been locked into the family day since birth.....

how do i get out of going?...

my mum isnt going this year and my dad hasnt gone for a few years and i would like to get into that club.....

ill only go to hang with my nephews and then split.....

whats my early getaway move..???


get someone to call you on your cell phone and act like theres some sort of emergency

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ive been a xmas hater for many years now but ive been locked into the family day since birth.....

how do i get out of going?...

my mum isnt going this year and my dad hasnt gone for a few years and i would like to get into that club.....

ill only go to hang with my nephews and then split.....

whats my early getaway move..???


jus do the shit u need to and bounce man, ,,, thats what I would do...

like all the obligitory shit

then split

its the ONLY way





christianity VS consumersim = same jeebus time ,same buy shit ideas, new brainwahing channel...

fuck them both,,,,


drop acid eat food listen to gein or current value (REALLY FUCKING LOUD!, you only play the most evil music on eggey jessus day (easter) and make molotovs and watch veitnam films and smoke weed FTW...



burn bibles as well , and desercrate every nativity scene u can find , go on take pxts post them here,, u know u want too


I want a tee shirt fer xmas, can u guys get me one, has to b old and tattered and stinking of shit (metaphors people , METAPHORS) with

"bah humbug and proud" >>but written like this bahmbgNprowd... <

man I WOULD wear that shit, I would take up monty burns dare,,, I would make chrsitmas "fishmass" and how!!!, hand me the fucking bukets of fish guts and the ladel, put me up on that slay dressed as santa claus bought to you by coke!!!! sail me down queen street, I would gladly hurl fish eyes and gills and blood on peeps,,,

BUT only if I was wearing the tee shirt that I mentioned, only then ,, ONLY then...


go and burn all those fake arse snow and northern hemisphere references to a "white christmas, where all will be merry and bright, and all our christmas's will b white" hmmmm smax of a k k k written song to me,,,, does it sound like that to you?

wheres my ladel ? wheres my fishmass dinner,,, wheres my tools to subvert and purge these fucking soundtracks of "buy more"... >> coded deep with in the choon,, subliminal and shit..." buy more worker buy more! get in debt , scorched almonds for your grandma! thats a good gift"

"last christmas I bought you that bling car but the very next day I caught u going down on your boss, this year,,I will buy some material gift to say that I love you that will be special"




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jeepers.....thats all a bit much....

im going for the standard meet n greet then eat.....

then just biggity bounce out gracefully.....

i am 29 years old...i suppose i dont really need an excuse anymore, i can do what the fuck i want now....

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ive been a xmas hater for many years now but ive been locked into the family day since birth.....

how do i get out of going?...

my mum isnt going this year and my dad hasnt gone for a few years and i would like to get into that club.....

ill only go to hang with my nephews and then split.....

whats my early getaway move..???


jus do the shit u need to and bounce man, ,,, thats what I would do...

like all the obligitory shit

then split

its the ONLY way





christianity VS consumersim = same jeebus time ,same buy shit ideas, new brainwahing channel...

fuck them both,,,,


drop acid eat food listen to gein or current value (REALLY FUCKING LOUD!, you only play the most evil music on eggey jessus day (easter) and make molotovs and watch veitnam films and smoke weed FTW...



burn bibles as well , and desercrate every nativity scene u can find , go on take pxts post them here,, u know u want too


I want a tee shirt fer xmas, can u guys get me one, has to b old and tattered and stinking of shit (metaphors people , METAPHORS) with

"bah humbug and proud" >>but written like this bahmbgNprowd... <

man I WOULD wear that shit, I would take up monty burns dare,,, I would make chrsitmas "fishmass" and how!!!, hand me the fucking bukets of fish guts and the ladel, put me up on that slay dressed as santa claus bought to you by coke!!!! sail me down queen street, I would gladly hurl fish eyes and gills and blood on peeps,,,

BUT only if I was wearing the tee shirt that I mentioned, only then ,, ONLY then...


go and burn all those fake arse snow and northern hemisphere references to a "white christmas, where all will be merry and bright, and all our christmas's will b white" hmmmm smax of a k k k written song to me,,,, does it sound like that to you?

wheres my ladel ? wheres my fishmass dinner,,, wheres my tools to subvert and purge these fucking soundtracks of "buy more"... >> coded deep with in the choon,, subliminal and shit..." buy more worker buy more! get in debt , scorched almonds for your grandma! thats a good gift"

"last christmas I bought you that bling car but the very next day I caught u going down on your boss, this year,,I will buy some material gift to say that I love you that will be special"





woah, settle down ben, you feeling alright there mate?

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