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syrup sippin


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this is kinda form 2...


but does anyone know what the best cough syrup is to get a buzz?

i tried one with codene in it the other day... durotuss or something... drank the whole thing in like 20 mins and it didnt do sheet...


i heard prescription promethazine with codene syrup is the best but how the hell am i meant to get my hands on that?


anyone know anything about this? best dxm one? does mixing it with alcohol make it better? holla

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Ahh the dirty old Dextromethorphian Hydrobromide... You want Robitussin Dx, that's what an old friend of mine once told me... I think he knew what he was talking about... after all he's a psychopathic crack fiend who's done every stimulant under the sun.


Apparently you don't need fuck all, be careful....

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u know me... always looking to try new things :blowingup:


actually - and dont laugh - ive been listening to a bit of screwed and chopped music from houston lately...

and apparently some syrup goes down a treat with that isht


check out "big swangers - chopped and screwed by o.g. ron c" if you wanna hear what my weird tastes have put me on to...


anywho, im sure ill be irresitable to females once i've downed half a forty of absolut peppar mixed with a bottle of tuss...

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Haha, yeah kriticals crack fiend friend is right, Robitussin DX is the go.


It's good stuff, my mate bought pure dextromethorphan hydrobromide via the Internet for cheap as. Tastes like shit and you need like 600mg but a lot easier than drinking a bottle of cough syrup, eh.


Check http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/dxm/dxm.shtml for more info on DXM if you haven't already.


I'll find where the fuck he purchased the pures from..

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ahhh yes

I once knew a group of enterprising people who lived in a swampy rugby infested town south of the bombays..

they wanted somthing but couldnt have the "somthing" they were after

so they thought they would do an experiment

this involved 10 bottles of vicks formula 44. and a dehydrator . , They whipped up a crystalised concoction and then begun experimenting,

AIt was all fun and good, kinda like the worset grittest sopeedy acid type scenario.

that lasted for around 14 hours and gave u hallucinations like u were looking into a shimmering black and white tunnel. however they soon found out that this gave them the runs quite badly wen induced. so one of the people (who was a chemist ) sussed ojut hwo to make it sma\okable, this was even more fun, However it did make you go into the dark recesses of the human psyche and tended to get a bit intense , also associated with this was "absolutely no chance of sleeping for around 2 days"


which wasnt so fun....


so theres my tale, omitted is the fact that the chemist over did it and wound up in a locked hospital fer a few weeks as he was certain jfk was his spirit guide and he wanted to revisit the bay o pigs saga ,,, crazy crazy times,,,,

also u would get the WORST uncontrollable gurn, that would not quit....


and all thsi coupled with goa trance and gabber fun fun fun.....



fast and hard times in hamilltron 1991-2002... I will write a book one day and or make a film, literary and cinematic gold is in that thur dark memories of a a swamp infested by rugby heads

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I wonder if smoking cough syrup makes you cough?


yes yes yes yes! It did... imagine doing an inhalation (like wen u were sick and chesty wen u were a kid and u put ur head over bowl o hot water with vicks in it)

well thats what it is like... and your tounge went a little green, and it tasted like shit and u couldnt get rifd o the infernal taste fer a few days and everything frm, that point tasted smelt like vicks not very nice

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i ended up trying this on friday...

me and my mate toby bought two bottles of alize and two bottles of Dx


poured the Dx into the alizes - slurp down the hatch

it was pretty intense man i was quite fucked up


interesting buzz but quite dirty... i wont be rushing to do it again anytime soon

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah a 200ml bottle of Robitussin DX (600mg DXM) is the way to go on this one. You just have to bite the bullet and skull it, I can't believe you mixed it with alize you'd think that'd prolong the fuckin awful experience that is drinking it. Definitely a pretty weird dirty buzz which ain't that pleasant, and makes you go stupid. At the same time it's kinda fun though, smoking a bit of sticky green is all good on it aswell. I wouldn't be in a rush to do the pure DXM powder which can be a bit risky apparently, at least the cough syrup you know 1 dosage is just one bottle and can leave it at that. I'd advise not to eat beforehand as there's no doubt you'll blow chunks after drinking it if you've recently eaten.

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best to just fork out an extra kate sheppard and get a nice square



its like party pills vs. real pills..


why bother with party pills, sure theyre cheaper but they're horrible


theyre pretty much just crack in a cap...



I do agree that they're horrible, particularly if you take more than just the 1 decent strength brand (eg. Iced Diamonds).. But the fact that they're cheaper, legal and apparently don't do enough damage to your brain to warrant them being sold in every second shop in NZ wins me over at times. Especially at a gig where you wanna be cranking all night, nothing sucks more than when an mdma pill doesn't last long (and lets face it, they never last as long as you'd hope or like them to). I also find while you're on it you're too munted to fully get into the music (dependent on what the chemist-gone-bad chucked into the pill), then you hit that brick wall and lose your ability to keep going hard. Every now and then on a special occasion I'm keen, especially with the addition of a square if you're wanting to go out with a bang. But to be fair I don't really think pills are overly suitable for DNB gigs otherwise.

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