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Thoughts and Prayers please


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This morning my Sisters boyfriend Wayne, slipped and fell down an escalator and has broken his neck in two places. At this stage its not life threatening but paralysis is a real possibility from such a severe injury. Currently he is in the critical ward at auckland hospital under sedation to prevent him from moving too much. He may have to have surgery to relieve the pressure and re-align the bones so they heal propperly. He can feel some of his limbs but cant move his legs and can barely move only one of his arms. We're all hoping that once the swelling of the injury stops putting pressure on his spinal cord and with some physiotherapy he will eventually walk again. But its all a bit up in the air until the swelling subsides and the damage can be assessed.


So i ask you all, in this time of hardship and pain to spare a thought, a prayer or what ever you get into for Wayne and my Sister as they try and cope with this really quite scary and serious situation.


Much luv Wayne, I hope you're alright man.




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hmmf, aparantly he was going down an escalator sitting on the hand rail and fell backwards off the rail 3meters down onto a marble floor. 2 of his vertebrae in his neck are pretty badly shattered and they think that he's possibly got spinal cord damage. Still, i remain hopeful, its really too early to draw any conclusions and its still possible that its just the swelling causing the paralysis. We seem to be getting a different story in terms of the extent of the damage from every different doctor and nurse... So im just gonna keep hoping he's going to be ok till we get some hard facts in a few more days. He's been pretty heavily sedated today and it seems he's only starting to register the extent of his injuries. My sister is staying over night with him to comfort him and keep him company. fuck it must be scary for him!


theres always an upside, we can be thankful he didnt kill himself in the fall and we can also be thankful for science! go stem cell research go!

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damn, we've all done that sliding on the handrail thing....

i think about all the years skating and i was lucky to walk *crawl* away with only massively bruised nuts as my worst rail injury.


as for wayne, i hope he's got the heart to make it through this event.

the worst part of a time like this is the uncertainty and the mind dwelling "what-if's" that go on in your head...

pity doesnt heal people, laughter does, through the spirit and mind to the body. he'll need all the support & encouragement he can muster.

if you know wayne, get up there and show him how much love hes got out there ay.


a mate of mine, james, fell off a mezzanine in oz, broke his back & neck, and was wheelchair bound for months

told he would probably never walk again, and definately never run.


he didnt give up on himself, & today is living at piha beach where he walks, & surfs every day.

so bro, listen to the the doctors, follow their advice, but remember - they can only do so much, dont ever give up hope.

and dont let this injury take away who you are on the inside.

i'm sending some healing vibes your way dude.

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Definately agree with that up there, it's all about keeping it positive despite what the docs say... there are ALWAYs second chances if you're alive. And the mind is one powerful thing - intention is massive. So on that note massive loves, prayers, thoughts and feelings going to your sis and Wayne. Shite fuck it really get's ya thinking innit.

Sobering business.

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breaking news!


the feeling has been restored to his entire body! he can move his arms slightly (not his hands though) and aparantly he wiggled his toe today!


fuckin woot man!


i hope that means that as the swelling decreases he will slowly regain more and more movement! Still no garuntee's though, who knows whats gonna happen really..


For his sake, hopefully he'll atleast be able to crack a boner again LOL

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one of my english teachers at school did the exact same thing and died at the old finance plaza many many years ago....wanye is lucky to be alive

my prayers go out to wayne and your whole family craig....

good to hear hes getting some feeling back....

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  • 3 months later...

Wow... I just read this...


Thankyou all so much!!


5 months down the track... Wayne can walk! He is doing really well and hes coming home at the end of august!


Thankyou all for your concern, its been awesome to be so supported through this!


And YES.... he can crack a boner... glad that what was of most concern to you all



Take care of yourselves and your mates when your 'on it' coz your really not as invincible as you think... Wayne learnt the hard way. But he will repay my support by being my bitch when he gets home... oh yeahhhh!



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Wow... I just read this...


Thankyou all so much!!


5 months down the track... Wayne can walk! He is doing really well and hes coming home at the end of august!


Thankyou all for your concern, its been awesome to be so supported through this!


And YES.... he can crack a boner... glad that what was of most concern to you all



Take care of yourselves and your mates when your 'on it' coz your really not as invincible as you think... Wayne learnt the hard way. But he will repay my support by being my bitch when he gets home... oh yeahhhh!




Good shit, but ffs, tell him not to slide down any more escalator handrails...


The ONLY "cool" teacher at my old school died doing exactly this.







And dont lie, we all know you were the one who's main concern was whether he could crack a boner again...

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one of my english teachers at school did the exact same thing and died at the old finance plaza many many years ago....


Ahhh, I see it's been mentioned already.



WTF was his name man? I so cant even remember... pot-head memory steez.

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