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The 10 Commandments of Drum'n'Bass


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So I was at Fu's Birthday Party this weekend and I decided that somebody needed to publicise the 10 most important rules for D'n'B heads to follow on the D-Floor, so here they are.. in Letterman style we're counting down towards number 1.


10. Thou shall not make fun of other peoples dancing.


9. Thou shall use stimulants moderately to avoid becoming comatose.


8. Thou shall not dispose of their drinking vessels on the dance floor.


7. Thou shall not grope strangers non-consensually.


6. Thou shall wear deodorant.


5. Thou shall not attempt to use the Microphone without permission.


4. Thou shall not interrupt the DJ in the midst of a mix.


3. Thou shall say it and not spray it.


2. Thou shall mosh appropriately.


1. Thou shall keep a fucking shirt on at all times.


Now go and spread the word of our lord. Or burn in hell.

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Ah yes very true


Like that chick from snapshot who was dancing on the floor on Sunday..


Hahahaha, there was two of them dancing together wasn't there? I got run into a few times by them (as did everyone else on the dancefloor by the looks of it). Mentalists.

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Ah yes very true


Like that chick from snapshot who was dancing on the floor on Sunday..


Hahahaha, there was two of them dancing together wasn't there? I got run into a few times by them (as did everyone else on the dancefloor by the looks of it). Mentalists.

it woulda been sweet if she was actually busting some break dancing..


needs more cardboard box

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... (i.e super-mashed falling all over the dancefloor steez).


Agreed...This was directed more at those peeps that are way too cool to dance and just stand by the wall making fun of people who are actually getting down.


And re #7... thinking that perhaps said stranger may have looked/smiled in your direction does not equal consent...

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Agree with the debate on rule 10. Mockery is good if you don't participating and being mocked yourself.




But yea... if it weren't for the arm flailing hardouts then the shy crew might not get their groove on as much so go hard... mocking is fun but go hard anyways I don't give a shit till you elbow me (or my mates) then it's on


So yea, rule 10 don't agree, mock it up hard


Rule 9... naa



+ camo wtf? naa

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bah rules scmools , to me dnb is like satanisim and or anarchism "no gods no masters" or " you are ur own master, and u hurt thou shall get hurt", in essence , respect is all it takes, its like mosh etiqette but more refined, (thinking where I can find a copy of this)


AND camo ftw , we are urban warriors are we not?? well in training..

camo is the bizzo if used sparingly


(i gots yo bak pakmang)



Mosh rules v 0.1 (i will try and find some better ones Ie the Beastie boys one , circa 1995, the below one is a bit meh, )


. Have fun; the idea of a concert is enjoyment. Enjoying time out, with friends and of course the music. Slam dance if you want to and head bang until you brain is raddled, that’s the enjoyment. However, if your idea of fun is injuring other people you need help. One of the mosh pits I was slam dancing in was immense fun. It consisted of about 7 guys all ruff housing. The fun ended when a 4 foot nothing poser in a slipknot mask bashed me over the head repeatedly and then disappeared behind his masked friends when I turned to face the culprit. Later he was caught again bashing the heads of concertgoers when two extremely large fans decided to put a stop to this only to see the little boy flee with a whimper when they confronted him.


2. Help out your fellow fans: just as these men helped to stop this squirt from attacking people so should the rest of us watch out for each other. No one at a concert should be enemies. We are all there for the same reason. If someone falls down in the mosh stop and help them up. People would do the same for you. There have been numerous occasions when I have slipped and fallen in a pit, its inevitable really. Luckily for my I was help up immediately and the mosh continued un-hindered. It takes 3 seconds to help someone from being trampled; I don’t think you’ll miss much in aid of a comrade.



3. Respect the Female audience; it is rare that a girl will enter a pit or go near one. Eventually a pit will open up and girls will find themselves on the edge. While moshing just mind the fact that they are there and most importantly don’t be a jerk and pull them in. once again you might find yourself chased by very large concert goers looking to even the score from your stupidity. Of course both genders are welcome and it brings me pride to see the male fans protecting the girls from abuse.


These are just a few simple guidelines for enjoying yourself and allowing others to enjoy themselves. You are all there for the same reason so there should be no animosity, that’s hatred for those who have been in too many pits, between the fans. Help each other out and avoid causing problems and therefore causing conflict where you are involved. And come on the ladies look so fine how could you disrespect them, one should admire their beauty and chutzpah for attending the pit.

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as one that spends a lot of time in the front line of this war on the hairs in your ears i beleave that camo can be pulled off if used in correct mannor. 1 not over killing it rocking up to a gig in full army colours head to toe. 2 having the skill to apply steaz in your selection (meaning the ablity to buy shit that looks cool but still applys) as i have seen this phase come and go in the world of the snowboarder where it didnt really have that much relervance apart form people trying to look cool. we are moden day junglist but not in georges war (thank fuck) which gives us the right to able to hide with in our surroundings eg, camo papers its alway mean haveing joints in the jungle which no one can see.

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