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whats yo toxin


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im interested in what peoples flavours are when it some to the legal drug we call booz. its always interesting to see what is peoples favourite and so on. Personally i am always put between a rock and a hard place on this decision as i love getting boozy and there are so many tasty concoctions which can be made. Plus I want to know if you would rather drink cheaper drinks or fewer stronger taster but more expensive drinks.


My top three in no particular order

1. Appleton estate dry / or with LnP with lime

2. double wild turkey rare breed dry / coke

3. long island ice teas (rowdy juice)



p.s. I even typed this in word first then had to re write it in the forum as my copy paste does not work, so hahahahaha cant rip on it now pakage.

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At the bar:

Vodka lime & Soda - can drink these all night, still feel good the next day

Vodka & Apple Sourz Shots

Jagermeister Shots



At home:


A nice Red - pref pinot noir/merlot

Vodka w/ anything in the fridge remotely mixable


I'm of the opinion that whatever you are drinking, more tends to be better until it becomes too much.

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A nice cool Stella always does it for me aye

but if I'm in the mood then vodka, lime and cranberry

i haven't really ventured into many alcoholic concoctions

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Beers are the number one for me. Always going through phases, at the mo I'm drinking alot of Export dry and Becks. Export Dry, a good beer for the price if ya ask me.

Then I love my red, Pinot Noir has been the grape for me lately. Red wine seems so fullfilling and powerful to drink, i love it.

And lastly, I usually always have a bottle of Jacks in the pantry. Always hits the spot when I'm in the mood. Got me a bottle of Gentleman Jack at the mo from duty free, tis good.

That's basically all I drink..

I love to drink.

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at the bar:


Vodka, Lime, Soda water (thanks nato, you've made my hangovers disappear with this one )


Jager shots


Vodka + Apple Sour shots (thanks fu, ez to drink and kicks yo ass)


Jack daniels and coke


Heineken (or becks at those god forsaken bars that dont stock heiney..)


or whatever the hottest girl at the bar is drinking, so i can buy her one (as long as its not too faggy eg no champagne cocktails or anything in a martini glass.. theres just something really wrong about a dude asking you if you want him to 'sugar your rim' LOL).




Heineken or Jim Beam (black label if i can afford)


or yeah, a nice sav like a villa maria or any good red.

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Good thread.


Gin & Tonic is my no.1 at the moment. The drink of kings! Tanquery, Bombay Sapphire, and South Gin all do the trick.. with lime, not lemon. Tonic out of small bottles, not big 1.5s as they go flat very quick.


Used to be BIG on the CC & Dry but I've had one too many and gone off them for now. I find all that ginger ale gets sickly after a while. Crown Royale is arguably better than Canadian Club but it's quite sweet.


Appleton is a great rum, as is Mount Gaye. Might have to try out the L&P combo there sirk_grebob. I usually just have it with Coke.


Makers Mark - very nice bourbon. All you Jack/Jim fans should check it out next time you're at FU, because curiously it'll cost you the same amount, despite supposedly being topshelf!


Beers- Stella or Heineken usually. Asahi & Sapporro when available. Japanese beer rules! If you like Export Dry check out the above.


Vino - Marginally prefer reds. Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir, Pinot pretty much everything tbh as for whites I'm still a big fan of ye olde Wither Hills sav, as there's often good deals on it at Foodtown. Not much of a wine-head YET, but I'm slowly getting educated, and soon enough I'll be a fully fledged wine snob, just give it time..


just to confirm - i offer my 100& support and allegiance to this thread.

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depending on my level of intoxication at the time


laphroaig 10 yrs neat (to start the night on the right note)

frangelico and lime (getting a little sloshy and talking shit)

gin and tonic (staple drink - memory lapsing and constant spillage)

tequila and jager shots (game over)


yeah thats about right... when im not piking

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i have a bottle of this sitting on the sideboard at my place...have never tried it.. might give it a try??

oo and yeah while on holiday in the summer my mum's always on the G&T's

and love to join her on a few...

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theres just something really wrong about a dude asking you if you want him to 'sugar your rim' LOL).


wot ever pakage every time i see you your asking different guys to sugar you rim bahahahahahahahaha

your picking a fight you cannot win there chris, id be careful buddy! remember the other weekend? i got ammo for days au


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export (from the tap_

red wine

absolut or 42 below fejoa red bull and cranberry

cc and dry


Or wen im feelin real newton city bling...



meth juice


the rinsed out beer mats at the end of the night with a shot of liquid acid

the ashtray juice

mdma infused sangreia

hovering in the smoking room at family snafuing the dregs from spilt drinks





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meth juice


the rinsed out beer mats at the end of the night with a shot of liquid acid

the ashtray juice

mdma infused sangreia

hovering in the smoking room at family snafuing the dregs from spilt drinks





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meth juice


the rinsed out beer mats at the end of the night with a shot of liquid acid

the ashtray juice

mdma infused sangreia

hovering in the smoking room at family snafuing the dregs from spilt drinks






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theres just something really wrong about a dude asking you if you want him to 'sugar your rim' LOL).


wot ever pakage every time i see you your asking different guys to sugar you rim bahahahahahahahaha

your picking a fight you cannot win there chris, id be careful buddy! remember the other weekend? i got ammo for days au



Hes got you buy the balls there grebob ( OH MY BASS !!!!!!!!! ) Craig if you got ammo for days i have ammo till hes not fucking breathing anymore

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theres just something really wrong about a dude asking you if you want him to 'sugar your rim' LOL).


wot ever pakage every time i see you your asking different guys to sugar you rim bahahahahahahahaha

your picking a fight you cannot win there chris, id be careful buddy! remember the other weekend? i got ammo for days au



Hes got you buy the balls there grebob ( OH MY BASS !!!!!!!!! ) Craig if you got ammo for days i have ammo till hes not fucking breathing anymore

haha, i bet you do


ammo till the end of time

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frangelico and lime


Agreed, that shit is divine! Especially when you go all out and make it at home with lots of fresh limes. Mmmmmm.


Sometimes Crown Royal and Dry (to a lesser extent CC)


Partial to the odd beer, preferably of the Mexican ilk

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