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2006 (blow your whistle)


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i havent had a pie in three days


good shit, keep at it


ive decided for the first time to be realistic


rather than stop smoking, i hope to cut down

rather than save money, i hope to incurr less debt

instead of "cleaning up my act" ill just be more down low about it


Happy New Years all!


also stop swearing, im a foul-mouthed little fuck

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dont get me started on pies.....


Mt Eden bakery are the legends..... they have potatoe top nacho pies, they weigh an absolute tonne, and are the best shit since sliced bread, if u want a good pie, go get one of these, its bassically a full on meal, wrapped in pastry. only $4 or so....


as for NY resolutions, im down with the ' cut down smoking, less debt, more production steez, and hope to get out there to play as many gigs as poss'

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yeayea its been a while since new years..BUT IM FUCKIN bored at werk and that other drum and bass forum makes me bored. (not naming any names,its the small one)



yes new years was fun

Krd certainly pulled it out

420 was MEAN! kis was MEAn krd was mean.

as fer new years resolutions? hmmmm tried to give up smoking my body sed "hell no! nines u aint be doin that shit!"

so I moved on to limit me class A consumption which can only b good! and get more gigs and smnash more souls and DISREGUARD ALL HATERS!

I say they can get fucked, and any one who wants to test my shiz, do it to me face niggah!


um and also get prepped fer me bubba who is coming in june! woot! so who wants to be an uncle? I have no bros and sisters you see

! hollar to the massif werdwerd


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