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Is gingerism as bad as racism?


Is gingerism as bad as racism?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Is gingerism as bad as racism?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Who Cares?

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i was watching a program about gingers and it takes 20% more drugs to knock em out for opperation n shit. thats cranky as so i wonder does that apply to rereational shit as well. ?????




Know the name of it bro? the doco that is?



Other good thing about being a ginga ninja (or fair skinned/pasty white) is that your skin synthesizes nutrients from sunlight more effectively in areas of poor sunlight... so for I.T. geekz it's pretty sweet... pretty useless in the desert though... get burnt to all fuck


^Don't quote that shit cause I don't know the details... could be Vitamin E production but not sure





On topic... 'Race' is an outdated concept made up before the concept of evolution was founded in science - when people thought black people were a different race of people than white people... but we all know now that they are the same race right? (Am I wrong? I don't know?)


I mean... a black person is similar to a white person (Homo Sapien) except their genes are different and produce more pigment in their skin due to evolving in an area of direct sunlight... I would say hassling them is the same as hassling a ginger because there genes are different... having evolved in an area of low sunlight


IMO There's nothing wrong with some forms of racism/sexism... if you decide to be of the opinion that Asians were generally shorter than white people and had slanty eyes there-for wouldn't achieve as well in a game like basket-ball... is that wrong? It's probably true... get over it people... if you decide to be of the opinion that women were generally less able bodied then men and may not achieve as well at some sports... wtf is wrong with that? It's not to say woman AREN'T as good at sports... or that some women wouldn't kick ass compared to most guys... it's just a generalization which is true


The form of racism I deplore is the whole I'm superior to you thing... ya know, I say to any white supremacist go pick a black man and march into the desert... see which one of you is superior when you're burnt to fuck


Everyone has traits which make them uniquely better then other people at something... we're all superior to other people in our own way... it's not racism it's fact


Conclusion = Racism is not as bad as Gingerism... it's the same


Sorry for the rant... I voted 'Who cares', but obviously I do

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I think that mocking red heads is absolutely bad as racism , it in effect is "a kind of racism". directed at celts well bak in the ol days and shit perpertarted by the filthy english <

its always the case and I think always will be until class and money is destroyed that if somthing or some one is diff than the masses they will be picked on, as we innately thru sociolisation tend to attack any thing that dont fit in our perscribed box..

and me being a sneaky redhead I am down with u pakmang,,

werd also my sun being a auburn kid ,, no doubt he will experience these issues you went thru ..


to cut tings short..

fuck race fuck class FUCK hair colour we are ALL human...

one race many colours. big ups to the unity massive




Fuck you gingahs do go on a bit, why don't you keep it in your pants?


Next to the fanta.

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ginga's have no soul it is a proven fact.


On a more serious note though, why would anyone actually let being hassled affect them? It can affect you when you are younger but most people generally build up a pretty thick skin to most of that shit by the time they hit there late teens.

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it doesnt count if you shave it off anyway....

i aint a red head, but the genes definately run in my family *all chances of kids fly out the window* , my uncle, aunty, and little sister have either full blown ginge or "strawberry blond" hair. like redstar said, its the celtic bloodline, and i reckon thats something to be proud of...

especially with new archealogical findings proving that there was a celtic culture of monolithic carving, star watching peoples in new zealand almost two thousand years ago. we could actullay be the real tangata whenua... but i guess thats a whole new thread.,

anyway i reckon gingerism is just a laugh. kinda like billy tee's maori-ism, and bro'town's poly-ism. if we cant laugh at ourselves and each other we're fucked... stink when you're a kid getting teased though, but kids are just mean to each other in general.

IMO - it aint racist if its done in jest... like catalyst says, its the supremist attitudes we need to be wary of. just look around the world today, and its pretty obvious that we all need to accept and understand each others differences.


although, redheads should not become chefs... no-one likes pots and knives being thrown across the room.

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. like redstar said, its the celtic bloodline, and i reckon thats something to be proud of...

fully. those celts have an awesome history and some fuckin rad artwork!!

Johnston fo life yo

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