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State of Emergency!


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Emergency declared as torrential rain floods Far North


(More pics on the herald website)


A state of emergency has been declared in the Far North where floodwaters have isolated a number of towns and left thousands of homes without power.


Police are advising residents in the region to stay indoors and not use the roads unless "absolutely necessary" as torrential rain continues.


MetService is predicting up to 250 millimetres of rain for the region before tomorrow morning - more than in the whole of an average July.


Civil Defence is worried the flooding could cause more damage than the 100-year flood in March, as the rain is pelting a wider area.


Police Inspector Gary Hill said there had been a number of incidents reported to police this afternoon ranging from vehicle accidents to water rescues.


An estimated 2000 to 3000 homes were without power in the Far North by midday, and by late this afternoon power was out in the Maungatapere area, the coastal area north of Pataua, south of Hikurangi and some parts of Whangarei city.


Residents of Maungakaramea, south west of Whangarei were being advised to take water home as an outage had shut down the community's main water supply pump.





The Far North District Council said up to 30 communities could be cut off by floodwaters the end of Tuesday.


The Far North towns of Horeke, Pawarenga, Mitimiti, Kaeo, Mangamuka and Rahiri have already been cut off.


Numerous roads were closed throughout the Far North and Whangarei Districts by flooding, slips and downed trees, including State Highway 10 at Kaeo, State Highway 12 at Mangatoa and State Highway 1 at Rangiahua, Mangamuka Rd, Kamo Bypass and Poerewa Otiria Stream Bridge.


There are also concerns the flooding could affect the Whangarei District, where the district council has taken hundreds of calls since 8am about flooding and downed trees.


"We're bracing ourselves and expecting things to get worse," Whangarei District Council spokeswoman Ann Midson said.


Whangarei Hospital also had power issues and was this afternoon using an emergency generator. Phone connections to the region were also being interrupted.


Ms Midson said people in the district were being advised to go home and stay inside.


"If your life is in danger ring 111; if not, hunker down and try to sit it out."


Meanwhile, in Auckland, the bad weather has caused some public transport in Auckland to be delayed or cancelled.


The National Crisis Management Centre in Wellington has been activated because of the worsening weather situation.


Civil Defence said the centre was monitoring the situation in Northland, Auckland, Coromandel, Waikato and Bay of Plenty.


Welfare centres were being set up to help storm victims at the Kerikeri, Paihia, Kawakawa, and Kaikohe St John Ambulance centres and the Opononi Fire Station.


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farkin extreeeeeme!


Thats the 2nd State of Emergency due to extreme weather conditions declared in NZ in 1 week.

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Al Gore is a Dropkick!








How does he know it's global warming and not part of the Earth’s natural life cycle? The recorded "Global Warming" timeline is so short compared to the actual life of the earth! I'd say he's a scaremonger and besides... wasn't it once common knowledge that the world was flat??? Hahaha WTF?

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Al Gore is a Dropkick!








How does he know it's global warming and not part of the Earth’s natural life cycle? The recorded "Global Warming" timeline is so short compared to the actual life of the earth! I'd say he's a scaremonger and besides... wasn't it once common knowledge that the world was flat??? Hahaha WTF?


dude.. Al Gore has been studying Global warming since University, he's pretty much dedicated his life to it. he went to the arctic and drilled ice core samples and did a comparison between the amounts of CO2 in the air and temperature at the time as shown by the samples dating back over 600 million years.


is that enough data for you?


pretty much, his findings showed that the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere was directly proportional to the temperature of the planet.


currently we the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are about 4 times higher than they have ever been in the last 600million years through droughts, ice ages and everything..


so pretty much.


we're screwed. its about to get hot in hurrr

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i dunno about all this fancy science stuff but i ahve been watching the snow levels over the last 15 years and man has it changed i remember the days when skiing on repeahu on turoa and skiing over the moro race tbar like as in the whole fucking thing was covered like not there. not we are luck to get a 2 m base, i ant no scientest but i know out ski seasons are getting shorter and gayer. i remember the good old days

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the way the convection currents work in the ocean is that the water heats up at the equator and then the polar ice caps cool it back down, causing global currents that act like a giant cooling system for the planet. Aparantly if the ice caps melt, then this convection current will stop as there will be nothing to cool the water and its gonna make it ultra hot and stuffy.


then this will evaporate lots of water into the atmosphere which will cover a lot of the planet in cloud, causing temperatures to drop dramatically because the water in the clouds reflect sunlight and this will plunge the planet into an ice age.




i also heard that global warming is 2 fold. Not only are the gasses we emit trapping heat in the atmostphere. but because we are also emitting lots of particles into the atmosphere, this means it rains less and theres more water in the atmosphere. The way clouds and rain form is that the rain drops form on a dust particle. more dust particles to collect the water with only the same amount of water evaporating means that alot of the water drops collecting on the dust are not big enough to fall to the earth. This means that these small water drops are suspended in the atmosphere reflecting a lot of the suns rays.


so, we're not only warming up the planet by trapping the heat with gasses, but we're actually currently deflecting a lot of the heat with the small water droplets that form on the airborne particles we emit when burning fossil fuels and that..


this means that when we will only know the extent of the damage caused by the CO2 and that when we clean up our emissions and its effect is likely to be devistating.

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I don't disagree that the planet isn't warming :eusa_wall: I just don't believe that the causes are entirely 'Human Based'


SO... nope! Hahaha I'm not gonna argue over the net though cause that is retarded, but I do think there is more to it that Al Gore thinks there is!

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pretty sure he has been studying climatology....


pretty sure he lost a lot of "mojo" when Bush beat him to the big seat too!!


pretty sure this movie makes him famous and a good guy


Why is there no hole in the ozone above texas where a massive massive amount of sulfides + carbon gets punted into the air? Or Eurpoe/Japan/Mexico City?


Why is the ozone hole over like Mt. Erebus (near enough to NZ) or whatever it's called... where like thousands of times what humans produce/year is also punted into the air (not by humans! )


What we do is makin a difference... but we'll prob. run out of fossil fuels before it has any "significant" effect that cannot be reversed...


Choppin trees is bad though, but there's so many campaigns to restore that shit, 5 years time we'll be plantin more trees than fellin and it'll all be good again!


/rant, not really my point of view on the issue, but just a counter argument

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yeah, sorry, im not trying to argue. science always interested me hardout, i love physics, especially astro-physics and all that..


global warming is another topic of interest of mine.


the thing that i love about science is that its like maths, its so black and white.


i think the point that your missing here is that science can only explain the How, not the why.


fact: Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are directly proportional to global temperature.


fact: there is four times as much Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as there has ever been before in the history of the planet


fact: if we dont reduce the CO2, we're gonna fry.


its simple chemistry & physics


Also that it doesnt really matter why its happening. The facts clearly show that it is happening and regardless if its man made or natural or both, we need to do something to stop it before it pwns us all and throws our development back into the dark ages by schooling us with an ice age..

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ill see you boys in hell ay??

yeah, i dont think we should completely panic just yet dude. whats needed more is cool headed decisions by the worlds leaders that will steer us in the right direction.


no point crying over spilt milk.. may aswell just grab a cloth, wipe it up and pour another glass.


but yeah dude.. make sure you save me a good seat at the back

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well i was having some spots with lucerfer the other day and he was like yer bo you boys will get the mean vip treatment down here.


na but on a serious note i agree on the spilt mike thing ay but a ice age would be good for ski felds atleast.

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dude.. Al Gore has been studying Global warming since University, he's pretty much dedicated his life to it. he went to the arctic and drilled ice core samples and did a comparison between the amounts of CO2 in the air and temperature at the time as shown by the samples dating back over 600 million years.


is that enough data for you?


it's not enough for heaps of scientists bro.. the whole issue is still one of contention, definitely not black and white as you say


i dug up some links of critiques of 'an inconvenient truth' from the al gore page on wiki:







and here's a wiki article on the current DEBATE about global warming




my thoughts? i dunno.. we are definitely fucking up the planet in many ways though, regardless of all this..

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Al Gore is a Dropkick!








How does he know it's global warming and not part of the Earth’s natural life cycle? The recorded "Global Warming" timeline is so short compared to the actual life of the earth! I'd say he's a scaremonger and besides... wasn't it once common knowledge that the world was flat??? Hahaha WTF?


dude.. Al Gore has been studying Global warming since University, he's pretty much dedicated his life to it. he went to the arctic and drilled ice core samples and did a comparison between the amounts of CO2 in the air and temperature at the time as shown by the samples dating back over 600 million years.


is that enough data for you?


pretty much, his findings showed that the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere was directly proportional to the temperature of the planet.


currently we the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are about 4 times higher than they have ever been in the last 600million years through droughts, ice ages and everything..


so pretty much.


we're screwed. its about to get hot in hurrr


Al Gore also invented the Internets.

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So which is it? the american government or Al Qaeda? or are they working together now?

al gore is a 'douche bag'


Its the Al Qaeda but the American Government want you to believe its a conspiracy from them to hide the fact that its Al Qaeda but through secret internet searches I found out Bush is funding Al Qaeda to do it to piss Al Gore off.


So.. its both. But really its just One. But which one?

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I don't disagree that the planet isn't warming :eusa_wall: I just don't believe that the causes are entirely 'Human Based'




dude...seriously. take a look around. humans have fucked up the earth far beyond repair. the causes are completely human based. it is not part of the earths natural cycle. anyway, wouldn't it be better to take the precaution and start attempting to change just in case?


i realise you're not trying to start an argument but i had to state an opinion.

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just got back from up north, no power, no water and right on the beach. plus four kids under 6...JESUS! glad to be back. The makeshift house on the hill next to us rolled right off the hill. Crazy business!

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