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your top three places in da world


would you consider not traveling overseas due to the rising awarenes of being carbon conshious  

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right you can be general or you can get to the nity grity if you wanty but i want to know your top 3 places youhave been and what made it soo dope.



1 is definitly nz we have such a fucking bad man country right at our finger tips. we have soo much to offer from big bad dnb all over the country to mean ass beaches and more mountians than you can shake a snow stick at.


2 ozzy i know kiwis are ment to hate the place but in fact its FUCKing mean o mean o mean. i mean how can you not like $20 rounds and $10 sids, apart from that its got mean beaches and we can just go live there no visa required. pitty about the accent though


3 switzerland is off the heasy spechily if u r into snow and winter. i have never been druing summer but man o man is it to good to be true if you liek to ride. expensive as fuck but the seanry blows you away. its liek nz but just on a grander scale. its got every thing you could ever want (except for english speek folk) cheeps buds, mean snow, way to many sexy ladies, tasty brews and you can put the old 50c peices int he old vending machines and it comes up with 5swiss franks thats like 1000% pfroift mean gangsta steaz.

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you can put the old 50c peices int he old vending machines and it comes up with 5swiss franks thats like 1000% pfroift mean gangsta steaz.


Now I wish you had told me that before I went over there.


For nightlife and general clubbing London cannot be beat. Almost every day of the week there is something on in every genre, plus big name bands are known to play small clubs on a schoolnight which is all good.


For scenery, Switzerland is amazing, so is the trip through Austria. Ireland looks like NZ as well.

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Asia for it's heat and overwhelming beauty - Malaysia got me for some reason - I just felt incredibly peaceful there. You slip into island/tropical time and slow right the fuck down/ It's like a life of deep breathing. Calm even amongst the chaos.


Crete - haven't been there but I know it would be the best ever (going in 2 weeks tho so will update on that one)


NZ -for sure - we got it all. I was talking to some Irish people the other day who were like "I've heard you go skiing and then you can drive to a lake, and then to the beach if you want!" that says it all for me.

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#1 - Tonsai - Thailand (south)


One of the sickest places for a holiday. Amazing people, amazing bars and beaches(sand bottom bars on the beach!!!), amazing weather, super CHEAP staying in your own bungalo hut thing (was spending about $120nz/week for heaps of piss, eating out every night, accomodation + pretty much everything else included too), and wicked wicked climbing!!!



#2 - Blue Mountains - Australia(inland of Sydney)


Possibly one of the best climbing areas in the world!! Views are pretty wicked too!



#3 - Veliko Turnovo(sp?) - Bulgaria


Just a huge amount of fun while I was there. No paint markings/traffic lights at major intersections + roads/highways. Random monuments here and there, ill preserved but still amazing. Quite a bit of rock too, but mostly under-developed for climbing.



P.S lol kris wit a K!! I did that too, you could put any any nz silver into the vendin machines and yer out it comes as a 10x multiplier + like 1.8x currency !!!


I bought a pair of shoes with that my second time round. $30 of 50s coins!

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Rome - did 2 years of classics at school and by fuck it was amazing to see all that architecture and art in the flesh.


Amsterdam - im sure you can guess why i had fun when i wen here


Queenstown - siiiickest town ever. post card perfect. nuff said



places i wanna go:


asia, i wanna see the chineese country side, i rekkon it would be dope. seen some amazing pictures. and japan and korea would be dope too.


ooh and hong kong. keen for that.


and more of europe.


England and eastern europe would be dope.

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singapore VS Maylaysia KL,,'



the orwellian vibe in sinagapore blew my mind, every one had this simple look in their wyes (on the main throughfares) and everything was so clean However u go into the back alleys and shit gets weird , If I had a doller fer everytime I was spat at fer being white I would have 6.. Then just accross the way , malaysia and KL , that was bizzare , in contrast to the orwellian big brother muslim state that singapore is , malaysia and KL where these festering juxtapostion of race calss and greed and the antithesis ,

like there was this area where on one side o the road was this guilded gated townhouse "suburb" shimmering and gleaming with the stench of opulance overiding the warm smell of rain (monsoon season) all protexcted by cameras razor wire and massive walls with paid militia in kevlar and helmuts with high powered assult weapons patrolling the wall,

and accdross teh road the filthiest slum, featuring dogs raw sewage and tin shacks and children forriging thru the kids accross teh roads waste,,,


that was pretty starnge




Then there was my sydney expadition and kicking it in the city with my cousins and meeting a aboriginal transvestite all of my age (at the time I was 12) who was so drunk he could barely speak,,, , then on the same trip going to redfern with my grandma and getting off the bus , literally w alking 10 metres and then being cahsed into a store by the locals who were spitting and hissing cos we were white...



then theres good ol NZ and rocking into obscure bars in obscure towns and meeting up with obscure peoples and finding out ur only seperated by 5 degrees ,,



next venture will be argentina fer 3 weeks , by my self , no espanol.. lotsa argentinian currency on teh search for makoya and cervesa and "KO-loom-beee-ann Marrr--chin,,pow-derr"


and into the jungle to view the ruins , and hopefully stay alive with both my kidneys...




have u noticed I like the gritty realness yett? fuck the touruist shit that aint real...

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1. Mongolia.....not as a good place to live but a wicked trip none the less.

2. India......see above

3. Korea.....my folks lived in Seoul for a couple of years so I got 3 or 4 trips up there. Seoul is mean in a non-traditional way. Beautiful city, beautiful countryside, interesting history, worth a visit for sure.


But sorry everyone, NZ for living. Will live overseas for a while but I imagine I will end up back here eventually.

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1. Canada. The people are awesome, the scenery is awesome, the snowboarding is awesome, and the "illicit substances" are awesome and cheap. Especially in British Columbia (B.C). B.C Buds are badass. The only place in the world that I'd like to LIVE other than NZ.


2. NZ. Too many people fail to appreciate just how good we have it here. Bitch about the politics or tax or high house prices all you want, we're still probably one of the safest, cleanest and most beautiful countries in the world.


3. Aussie. As much as Australians can annoy the shit out of you, the place is nice.

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Vienna, Austria- beautiful city, awesome buildings, amazing art...

I was there in winter and it was magical


Paris- same reasons really.. the art, churches, buildings, people..

i truly can't get enough of the art you find in europe.


Roma- like craig said...out- of- it.. nothing can describe that shit


and of course NZ. theres no place like home.. and we really do have an amazing home


I'm keen for south america.. have family friends in brazil that im deff going to stay with at some point in my life.

eastern europe, and asia fo shizzle

I'm sorry to out poor wee earth

oh and seeing the 7 new wonders or the world makes me crave!!

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KL certainly doesn't see singapore as a big brother (neither does the rest of MY), singapore (city or state) does not see itself as MY(KL's) big brother; and rightly so!


But yeah those south eastern asian countries, particularly ones with a muslim influence, have a strange (or lack of) appreciation of how the environment reflects social class'. You'll often see very rich families building huge mansions etc driving their merc's, in seemingly "poor areas". Just culture differences I guess. Home is home, which is everything within the boundary. Whereas for westerners, "home", is whats within the house and the surrounding environment as well (which is, to some extent, more important on occasion ie shitty flats/old houses in "wealthy suburbs"). Huge contrasts probably due to a past imperial presence in SG.

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KL certainly doesn't see singapore as a big brother (neither does the rest of MY), singapore (city or state) does not see itself as MY(KL's) big brother; and rightly so!


Errr, I think he was meaning "Big Brother" in reference to the George Orwell book "1984"...






thats exactly what I was referencing to.

singapore felt VERY controlled to me,,, seemed like I had stepped into the book




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Would love to travel South America, but hearing stories of people cutting your hand off for a watch does not impress me too much. Would love to get off the beaten track (did it quite a bit in Europe and its safe) in a place like Brazil travelling the slums of Rio etc.

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Yeh sorry redstar, I grew up in Brunei, lots of SG kids there who thought they were the shit! Rich daddies etc so as soon as I skim read "big brother singapore malaysia" I was like omg die rich kids! rude~ haha!


Yeah it is v controlled... wonder what the dnb scene is like lol!

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Would love to travel South America, but hearing stories of people cutting your hand off for a watch does not impress me too much. Would love to get off the beaten track (did it quite a bit in Europe and its safe) in a place like Brazil travelling the slums of Rio etc.


Yea, I'd love to go to Columbia...

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Havn't travelled to any amazing places yet (australia and america, standard.) but when I do I know how I want to do it. None of this flying in planes bull shit, i'm packing my bags and journeying propa with legs and wheels and actually seeing everything across my path first hand. Up through Asia first I'm keen for and then beyond... mixing with the locals and culture as much ass poss.. soo keeeen

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japan - lived there for almost a year, even went to school, loved it.


bali - cheap as fuk, - terroism, puts some off however my thoughts are you got more chance of dying in a car crash so harden up. wicked surf, hell friendly locals, 50cent swappa crate beer.


not 2 fond of australia, its just not different enough to here.




playing on a oe mid next year so keen to start in russia then work through europe.

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Up through Asia first I'm keen for and then beyond... mixing with the locals and culture as much ass poss.. soo keeeen



I went to Indonesia last year during Ramadan (fasting month) and was staying with families in villages just out of Jogjakarta - everyone I met was muslim and were not eating, drinking or smoking during daylight which meant getting up at 3am to eat and smoke before sun up, and then staying up well past midnight to break fast. It was insane on very little sleep and about 4 words of Bahasa Indonesian in me! The best part though was being in the village - and sitting in the communal mosque after dark and playing wordlessly with the kids - eating and drinking tea with the adults. Hot balmy eves, bird flu down the road and chilckens free roaming in the dust. I would recommend getting the fuck off the beaten track for sure, and just being.


Just did the same thing in Italy - flew to Milan but bypassed and went up into the mountains past Bergamo to where San Pellegrino (water stuff) comes from. Climbed a big fuck off mountain which had a old old old spartan hut at the top in this meadow with a natural spring. Lit fires and camped with the bats and squirrels. Funtimes!

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