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Woah Trippy


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the story is completely inaccurate, there was never mention of a farmer, i was saved from the dark depths of that forrest by children playing spotlight, the children were real and this is not the place to discuss it DAMMIT!

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heheh tomkids story as told by skono is brilliant


well wikkid


ahh yes salvia



onece I had alarge hit and fell down some stairs that I was sitting on and in my mind I felt like I was in this psychadelic spiral, I then got up and all the colours seperated and they were all saying "come with us" I then realised that I was a colour in the tip top ice cream logo and started saying "NO I dont wanna b a logo! I DONT WANNA B A LOGO!"

if ben from cosmic corner fame was here he would vouch for me as he witnessed this...


slavia = great insight especially wen u ask the universe to go deep

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i had a dream after tripping of the last book in a bible where juses comes back to earth and takes all the people who r good and takes em to heaven. well i was left behind to see hell on earth with full scale war between the imortal and humans. if u havent figured out i was left behind. shit was fucked up the devil told me if i kill all my friends i would be kept as a pet. twisted shit i dont really want to get into more as it fucks my head up but yer theres my twisted tales

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i had a dream after tripping of the last book in a bible where juses comes back to earth and takes all the people who r good and takes em to heaven. well i was left behind to see hell on earth with full scale war between the imortal and humans. if u havent figured out i was left behind. shit was fucked up the devil told me if i kill all my friends i would be kept as a pet. twisted shit i dont really want to get into more as it fucks my head up but yer theres my twisted tales




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  • 1 month later...
hahaha not exactly public forum material


little creatures?


that tale will never see the light of a public forum



awww go on!


I will.... Tomkid was hanging around the bush bit at phat 06 and skono went up to him and asked what he was up to tomkid told skono that there had been these little creatures attacking him. Tomkid said he had been taking photos of them. Skono took him back to the tent where i was and told him he should have some time out. When he got to photos back all we could see was bush. What did the creatures look like again tomkid? Cartoon like were they?


haha he was actually walking around sort of near the stage area when i saw him, he was pale and unnerved, and talking about the little creatures.


i told him to go back to his campsite and pointed him in the right direction. he started walking, but about 45 minutes later i saw him in the same place; he'd been walking around in circles!


so i too him back myself, and at that's when he elaborated on the creatures, and also told me about a farmer that found him and showed him the way out of the bush. skepties as to whether the farmer was anything but imagined as well..





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muahhaha great thread Ben.


had some some tabs and went and saw blindspot when they came to Whanagrei, but after tha gig I had to go pick up my girl friend and drop her off at my place, so stupidly got my mates car and went and picked her up fully fucken trippin balls, rolling round western hills heading up towards kensington and it started to rain, so it's night time bout 12am pitch black and tha rain starts comin down towards tha windshield and tha light from tha headlights are hittin every individueal rain drop, so in my mental state i think im in a fucken spaceship traveling at lightspeed look over to my right and a see a fucken planet like saturn with a ring around it, and by this time i'm so excited and smiling my girl friends gone "Steve what tha hell are you doin?!?!?" which has pulled me back and i pull over and almost shit my pants cause i was thinkin imagine i though fuck it and tried a loop de loop or sumthing not known i was in a car, so never ever taken acid and driven again, but fuck was something special aye!




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  • 2 weeks later...

had some acid and was walking round the beaches with a mate of mine in front of some cliffs east coast bays stylee and the cliff started to extend out past the horizon when in reality was only about 100m long then we dipped our toes into the rock pools and they started flashing like little stars have been told recently when recounting the story that it is actually a phosphorus phenomenon or something that only happens in a full moon but im not convinced


on a more serious note had 10 cops searching my room with 300 mushies made up into juice under my bed that was a trip in itself they didnt find them and we ended up taking them all that night hahaha dumb pigs

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One time at around 15 or so I had taken a fairly large quantity of shrooms while I wagged school... it may have been holiday time.. I forget, all I remember is that the parents were at work... anyhow, I spent the day absolutely fucked up


Layed on my couch staring into oblivion in one of those awesome, literally drooling states of intense tripping that some will be familiar with... that lasted all day long and I remember that it started getting a bit darker... after loosing my mind my folks came home and I mustered up enough sanity to say hello and hid in my room.... the mate who had eaten them with me had long since gone into town to meet some of his older cooler mates....


so yea... the topical part of the story was when (later that evenin) I decided that it would be weird not to go and hang with the folks for a little bit or they might be suspicious so I went up and sat on our couch watching TV and got it into my head that they were actually robots (Similar to the Actors in the Truman show, or the AI computer people in the Matrix)... I was very scared and freaking out... all the while trying not to blow my cover.... what made it worse was that when they talked they sounded like the parents in the Peanut's/Charlie Brown Cartoons... ya know, like Trumpet talking etc


Don't think I've ever tripped that hard again since... definatley a character building exercise


Moral: young teenager + parents + shrooms = NO!

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then we dipped our toes into the rock pools and they started flashing like little stars have been told recently when recounting the story that it is actually a phosphorus phenomenon or something that only happens in a full moon but im not convinced

It happens all the time. not only on a full moon and its real bro its like little jelly things that light up when disturbed. its quite common. But then again maybe it was just the acid

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took sum cid daytime while just crusing round in me tyreshreading machine, saw some hillbilly dude hitch hikin, piked him up with me mate, and went on driving. got to the stage were everything he said was unbearable , trying hard not to laugh then busted it out that we were on cid ; so he offers us a joint wtf. drop him off at a church opposite taka police station, get out of the car, hava yak, walk up into the bushes n start stroking the trees , walk bak to car, drive off ; meanwhile somedude watching us the whole time from a van. got luke to drive the car onto a beach as was getting to much, with families everywhere, got out to chill but ended up thinnking i was allidin on a magic carpet for the next hour. fukin abortion that was.

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