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childhood activities :fun with fire.


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so I w as reminising whilst sitting on the que (alos reading another dance music related website where I got this idea from) so i thought I would start a topic here about childhood fun with fire.


had a interesting child hood in regards to activities such as the subject of the thread.


one day me and my friends gathered up as many sprey cans as we could muster, went down to the beach and made a bon fire with about 100 cans of various stuff inbedded in the middle of the bon fire,

we then fashioned a base made of residual drift wood about 2-3 metres away from the fire, doused the bon fire (unlight at this stage ) and added a few tires, lit it and waited hidden behind our fort. Then the magic started happining with the cans exploding, and shards of metal flying about the place and fire balls,

after about an hour and a half of this faux vietnam circa khe sahn experience <

Our lovingly built fort was peppered with all manner of shrapnel, we must have been centametres (at stages from death)

that was def a highlight for me and my prepubesent buddies.


then later on as I got older and started being up at night listening to fast repetitive music IE gabber and industrial hard core (it didnt influence me to do these things Honest

we called this stage,operation Baked bean/scorched rubbish bins .

what the basic premise was that there was a large amount of Bright orange plastic rubbish bins located around the city, so we had to burn them , burn them all, as well as add a can of baked beans to sed rubbish bins fer a bit of extra entertainment.

what would happin was that the plastic rubbish bins would burn and melt leaving a puddle of orange plastic and the can of baked beans would explode spreading baked beans in a

2 metre radius , collateral damge u may say,, fucking entertaining I say


yes yes,,,


have many more tales, including "potato cannon wars" and "lets make molotovs".. but these will remain until the next time...

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I have a couple o 'nearly burnt teh skool down' stories..


Best one was melting polystyrene into petrol to make napalm, took some out in science class, smeared it on my mates pencil case and lit, didn't realize how big teh flames were gonna be and before long we had a blaze on our hands and Mr Darrelson running down teh isle at full tit with a fire extinguisher.. I thought I'd try and stamp it out and ended up with teh rubber soles on my cheap ass warehouse shoes and teh napalm becoming one.. I did a full lap of teh class with my foot on fire! Left little burning footprints behind as I ran around in a panic, and my hair still doesn't grow properly in patches on my left calf..


Had some good fun with that homemade napalm.. On the bus, at home, at my mates farm.. Might go whip up a batch!


Don't even get me started on Deodorant + Lighters... I bet we've all been there though..

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Well.... A group of about 10 people that I know (or perhaps I dont know them... perhaps this is a fictional story... yea, that's the one...) WAYYYY back in the day went to Ministry for "The Brain" from a mates place in Ponsnobby, and for some insane reason, they decided to walk instead of catch a taxi or whatever. Well, lets just say that a few days later, the local newspaper that they get in Ponsonby (err, Central Leader?? Auckland City Harbour News??) had a story detailing a "trail of destruction" on a path between Ponsonby and Town... smashed wheelie bins (it seems some of them had been thrown off the top of walls, thrown into the street etc, and we're talking a good 100+ bins), rubbish all over the roads, and pretty much EVERY parking/street sign on the route had been bent or broken.


I mean, you know, a little random sign breakage or wheelie bin smashing isn't anything new, but to do it on a scale that warrants a write-up in the local paper? That takes effort.

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I was all about fun with fire as a kid.

2 that spring to mind both involve alcohol and the police.

The first occured when i was about 16, me and my best mate used to spend every saturday verge drinking with a couple of maori crates, on this particular saturday it started to get cold at about three o clock so it was decided a fire should be lit to keep us warm using the saturday paper, 3 empty crates and and the branch from a neighbours tree, needless to say this was taking to long to start so we got a can of petrol few hours passed and then so did a cop car. I got arrested and charged with arson my mate got off as he was comered....scam


second one was about a year later same mate and I decided to head up to omaha for the night go for a surf, sink some piss, and sleep in the cars, same story got cold at night so decided to light another fire this time we used surveying pegs as fuel, probably only used 50 of them but of course to replace them the land has to be surveyed again. total cost of damage $11,000

Result: Corrupt police said they'd take $2000 cash and the whole thing would go away, fucking scam but saved me alot of cash and going through the courts charged with ARSON for a second time

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I was all about fun with fire as a kid.

2 that spring to mind both involve alcohol and the police.

The first occured when i was about 16, me and my best mate used to spend every saturday verge drinking with a couple of maori crates, on this particular saturday it started to get cold at about three o clock so it was decided a fire should be lit to keep us warm using the saturday paper, 3 empty crates and and the branch from a neighbours tree, needless to say this was taking to long to start so we got a can of petrol few hours passed and then so did a cop car. I got arrested and charged with arson my mate got off as he was comered....scam


second one was about a year later same mate and I decided to head up to omaha for the night go for a surf, sink some piss, and sleep in the cars, same story got cold at night so decided to light another fire this time we used surveying pegs as fuel, probably only used 50 of them but of course to replace them the land has to be surveyed again. total cost of damage $11,000

Result: Corrupt police said they'd take $2000 cash and the whole thing would go away, fucking scam but saved me alot of cash and going through the courts charged with ARSON for a second time


Moral of the story: Stop burning shit.



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i dontn think you where a kid till u burnt shit and i dont think you are considered an adult till you have been and left a path of destruction.


a cupple years back was grillin at da beach house in ak with a the rat pack and cod squad (they know who they are) having a long island ice tea piss up, shit was rowdie as fuck when missions decided to go down heading in the direction of devo. nothing was left to stand after the true distruction. you name it it got fucked over evin poo ramer college got a beat down, very good times funny when you read it in the paper afterwards as well. not the first time for this to happen and i doupt it will be the last.



when i was in standard 4 i nearly burnt down the kindy play ground across from my old house in brakon ave, was fucking round wit h/m naypalm and shit got out of hand with the firebeasts being called and me geting a childhod convition for atempted arson all good through thanks to it being wiped clean when i hit 18 but still could have been way worse.

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Speaking of firebugs...


... In Ohakune a few winters back, had a friend of a friend who has a place on Railway Row. We used to have big bonfires in the back yard every night in a small circle of stones probably about 10-15 metres behind the house. So anyway, one night, whilst under the influence of a cocktail of substances (mostly alchoholic) we decided it would be a good idea to throw a can of Lynx in the fire, so in the fire it goes, and we all run a safe(ish) distance from the fire... sure enough, BOOM! the lynx can explodes to much laughter... pretty fucking loud, that's for sure. BUT, then some bright spark decided that wasn't enough and went and got a can of air-freshener from the bathroom (at least twice the size of a lynx can). So in the fire that goes, and we all run off and hide behind the house... well, a few seconds later and the ALMIGHTIEST BOOM goes off which we laughed about... until peices of burning wood the size of volleyballs started raining down on us from above, leaving burning embers in a 30-40metre radius around the fire. It took us a good 10 minutes to put them all out with the hose and then we realised that the whole roof of the house was also covered in burning embers... Luckily no damage was done to the house and we put all the embers out without starting a fire.


Worst thing? One of our mates was IN that club that got blown up in Bali (luckily in the back room) and he experienced the true horror of the explosion plus the aftermath of dead bodies and helping people with missing limbs etc... and of course none of us thought about that before blowing shit up in the back yard. Needless to say this brought back some pretty bad memories for him and his GF and they pretty much left the party straight away. Of course we all apologised the next day when we realised what insensitive pricks we had been, but they were (luckily) pretty understanding about it.

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You're all going to hell


oh well, if hell, satan heaven and god exists ,,, which they dont , "god is dead and hell and satan are bourgious contructs that keep us ideologically inline with the dominatnt paradigm "

I think I would much rather go chill with bealzabob and all the cool kids never minbd spending eternity with perpetual smiling and happy jeebus freaks and fluffy dogs


I wanna be wear decadence and stuff is the rule

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You're all going to hell


oh well, if hell, satan heaven and god exists ,,, which they dont , "god is dead and hell and satan are bourgious contructs that keep us ideologically inline with the dominatnt paradigm "

I think I would much rather go chill with bealzabob and all the cool kids never minbd spending eternity with perpetual smiling and happy jeebus freaks and fluffy dogs


I wanna be wear decadence and stuff is the rule




God, Devil, Heaven, Hell = all bullshit... but in the extremely unlikely event that it isn't, all the hot pornstar bitches are in hell, so let me in!

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