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Still Bored?! - Corrupt a wish


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Still bored?! i am, so im gonna keep making funny threads till i am no longer bored.


Ok, in this game, you present the group with a wish of yours, and the next person has to corrupt it AND make a new wish.



Person 1- I wish that I could get straight A's.

Person 2- POOF! You have straight A's, but your teachers find you so smart that you are transferred to a new school where you know nobody!

I wish I could have a dog.

Person 3- SHAZAM! You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it.

I wish I could be a faster runner.


etc...I'll start this off:


I wish that i was the best DJ on the entire planet

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You get your wish, there is an international DJ performing in every club in town every weekend forever. This flood of international DJ's makes it harder and harder for promoters to find new acts to put on, and the quality of DJing declines as the promoters struggle to find DJ's to perform every weekend. On top of that, beause DnB has international DJ's all over the show every weekend, it becomes bigger than Rap, Pop and Country&Western combined. Every man woman and child is listening to DnB. This destroys the underground, untainted, rebellious aspect that you enjoyed soo much and turns DnB into a money making, commercial peice of crap that you hate!


I wish that my car had all the work and mods done to it that i want.

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Too easy.....


Xhibit does a Pimp my Ride New Zealand special and drops the Galant out! Unfortunately your weren't told that the show is a scam and as soon as the camera's stop rolling you notice you are being followed by a Ford Pickup and a banged out Cortina. Yep, it's X and his boys coming to unpimp your ride ghetto style. Armed with crowbars and baseball bats they take you and your car like a pack of wolves to a defenseless group of children. Leaving you with even less than you started with


I wish I had a custom built PA system and won a battle against the VALVE....

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Blazem gives u BIG WEDNESDAY ticket as a way to say thanks for the guest slots on teh radio, only to his upsetness its the big winner and u win the whole lot. After selling all the material prizes on Trademe, Nato starts to build his Custom PA, comprising of 200 bassbins and powered by a fat 500KW rack. After spendin 2 long hard years tailoring the system to Nato's pristine ways, the system is setup at the (now built) Telstra Stadium in downtown Auckland, for the Guiness Book Of Records crew to judge.


Shortly after the start of teh first soundtest the weather soon changes and the first of 5 massive earthquakes start and all the volcanoes in auckland start to rumble.


But the crew inside the stadium with the PA are cracking up thinking its the PA and think nothing of it, when suddenly the next lot of quakes start and a tsunami wipes out downtown Auckland, hitting the stadium and flooding the place out, followed by an internal explosion under Auckland as the volcanoes blow their load like Ron Jeremy on Viagra.


I wish I could fly.......

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Madz :: Invincibility


Everything is going fine until you realise that you grow old but will never die... you spend the next 9999999999999 years as an elderly person in a retirement home playing canasta.


Pakage :: Mods on Car


You total your car and the insurance company doesn't pay out because your car wasn't street legal.


Blazem :: Ability to fly


You can fly... but not very well.. on your first flying attempt you castrate yourself on a letter box... ouch.




I wish I got paid lots an lots of dollars to do what I love

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i wish smoking was good for you


Even tho they are healthy they are still addictive however even more so because there is no temptation to quit. You become a nicotine junky and have no money for anything else. You end up giving handjobs on the street corner to feed your habit.


My wish :: Refer to previous post

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You are walking down the street and a black limo pulls up to the curb. The window winds down and there are 5 gorgeous girls in bikini's splaid out around the back room of the limo. They invite you in proceed to convince you to be in their up coming porn DVD trillogy the Clitix, the Clitrix Revibrated, and the Clitrix Revolugazim. Whilst doing so, you land a lifetime membership to the playboy mansion, and you make millions and billions of dollars a year fucking gorgeous women all day. But... You end up making too much money, you turn into a scruge, all your friends hate you. You end up stuffing your face with caviar all day, drinking 200 year old bottles of wine and smoking nothing but the best cuban cigars re rolled into blunts. This lifestyle starts to take its toll on you. You Slowly become fat, bald, and hideously ugly. After blowing most of your money on crack and at the casino your 100 wives all leave you taking most of your possessions and money with them. You are now left with 1% of your possessions, no porn contract, you get kicked out of the play boy mansion for trying to fuck ron jeremy in a drugged haze, your fat, bald, ugly, no money, and you smell bad.


I wish that i had 2 more wishes.

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Ok, quickly now...


1) I wish paul could remain in his life of luxury at the playboy mansion, getting paid millions and billions of dollars a year to fuck gorgeous girls and not have any of that bad stuff i said happen to him.


2) I wish that i had the same fate as paul, but at the penthouse mansion!!

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Paul finally invents a time distortion reactor that can fast forward and slow down time. Paul uses this to speed up work to make it not so lame and so that he can go home and get a feed. Paul accidently hits the next track button on this remote like device instead of the fast forward button. The universe races towards its destruction in an instant and is obliterated. The new universe begins with an almighty bang and the fusion of the first atoms.


Nice one paul.. destroying our enitre universe


refer to my 2 wishes above ^^

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In response to

1) I wish paul could remain in his life of luxury at the playboy mansion, getting paid millions and billions of dollars a year to fuck gorgeous girls and not have any of that bad stuff i said happen to him.


The beautiful girls all have aids and other unmentionable infections that make you infertile and force the removal of your penis... and your left leg.


As for the money, it seems you havent paid your taxes.. ever. The government takes your mansion as payment. You then fight to take it back and get screwed by a lawyer who takes everything else you have.


Enjoy being poor, and minus a limb =p


I wish I could travel all over the world for free as a diplomat.

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By a stroke of luck you were inducted as New Zealands ambassador for the fact that your such an outgoing and upstanding citizen. You however were infact appointed the position of ambassador to America. This went well for a while, you lived in luxury reporting back to the NZ government about the happenings in the States. But eventually the world got pissed off enough with the states to wage war on them. Because you have been in the USA for soo long, you are now considered a US citizen and therefore part of their sepratist movement. You are killed Slowly and very painfully by nuclear fall out from crappily made russian nukes. the blisters grow and grow all over your body and slowly even pop together till your just one big blister and you explode.


I wish that i had a whole stack of coke to bury my nose in.

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you score some coke cheap off some random down a side alley in town, after doing so many lines your face is peeled back like its been sanded with 80 grit you realise that what he gave you wasnt coke at all but actually some form of dried up powdered jizm.


I wish i could bang the hot chick at work that I'm sure gives me the gladeye

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At a work function you manage to drunkenly pull the woman you've secretly been stalking for the last year whilst chatting with her about all the things you have in common (unknown to her, you learnt all this gold from her trash).


Your 2nd brain does all the thinking as you drool over her and you quickly get married, only to find years later from your mother on her death-bed that your perfect partner is infact your sister separated at birth. :shock:





I wish I could reverse the damage caused to my body over the years from drug abuse/bad diet/lack of excercise while not missing out on any of the fun times the resulted from the forementioned

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All of the damage to your liver, kidneys, central nervous sytem and the rest of your body is reversed/repaired in a miraculous, groundbreaking new treatment but you still remember all the fun that was had incurring the aforementioned damage.


But! Your brain can't handle the schematic disequilibrium of doing all those things and NOT having any aches, pains, a fucked up nasal septum and passage, etc and this combined with your increased mental function (yet another bonus of the damage reversal) means you totally freak and your brain checks out, leaving your perfectly healthy body in a vegetative state. Rats.


I wish noisia lived next door

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I wish I could reverse the damage caused to my body over the years from drug abuse/bad diet/lack of excercise while not missing out on any of the fun times the resulted from the forementioned




you discover god and become a devout christian, by having a proper meal every sunday and taking your daily intake on Centrum pills god decides to give your body back to its healthy non-abused prior state. Because most of your time becomes occupied with family focused church events the only underground you get to experience from then on is the carpark you end up working in getting paid $6.45 an hour, but because you feel this is gods "path" for you, you dont aspire to do anything else.



*EDIT* double post, answer madz one

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Noisia moves in next door to you. The second he arrives he begins to blare DnB as loud as his miniature version of the valve sound system can go. For the time being it was good! Hearing dubplates, tunes in progress and all sorts of mishmashed sounds that hes working on. But then Noisia gets sick of dnb and begins to produce some of his house tracks under his other producer's name. He falls inlove with house and hard house and never produces another DnB track ever, and all you can hear from next door is


*OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst OONst*


7 days a week, 24 hours a day, non stop. The never changing bassline and the staticness of the music slowly but surely drives you insane. You cant sleep, you become an insomniac and the lack of sleep slowly corrupts your brain. Your now skitzofrenik and hear house music where ever you go, its ingrained into your twisted brain goop. Eventually your murder noisia and wear his skin as a mask, try to cover it up by feeding him to your dog, but the cops are onto you. You try to make a break for the mexican border but get taken down by drug runners who think your trying to five finger their stash... (wow, that was pretty weird)


I wish that i had my girlfriend back...

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I wish that i had my girlfriend back...




you get your girlfriend back and everything seems to be going perfectly, even better than before, you guys start making plans for the future, and eventually you guys get married then she busts it out, her thoughts and reasons for her breaking your heart in the first place, she secretly wants to become the man in the relationship, she confirms shes been popping testosterone pills and has her operation date booked and because of your guys 'unconditional' love she doesnt want to break up, that night in bed she says she wants to get kinky and ties you up, she says she wants to slip into something more comfortable, 5 minutes later she comes out with her new strap-on, she forcibly takes you as "her bitch" and the only relief you get is a reverse fantail reach-around, you are helpless to defend yourself and have to take her punishment. after rocking in the shower trying to cleanse the filth from your body you go to the hand basin and notice shaving stubble in the sink, no this isnt yours its from her chin...


I wish I won the Big Wednesday...

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you win big wednsday and finally have the cash for the penis enlargement youve always dreamed of. unfortunetly the operation goes horribly wrong, wot u had was savaged and youve gone into a coma, your family have to make the difficult decision of whethewr to choose a scar tissued stub or to give you sex change. fuk i dont care what they chose either way your a freak



i wish i owned a house

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I wish I won the Big Wednesday...


*OONst OONst*


You're watching the Simpsons one evening when something wierd happens to the Television... You put it down to Déjà vu and continue to watch as the Simpsons comes to an end.


You get up and make a snack as the ad's continue, only to look at the time to see it's 8:15... you make a double take and check your bedroom alarm clock...


...It's happened to you before... this 'time loss' problem, infact several times a week you get it, but not often for this sort of length.... Five minutes here or there...


...You walk to your tv in a daze, trying to think about what you did for the last hour, when your attention is drawn to the Television and the Wednesday Night big one starting almost on queue as you make your way to the couch and sit down. "I must have changed the channel during the blackout" you tell yourself, half mouthing the words as you internally monologue.... "It will feel better than ev..." You start to recall something else from your subconcious and aren't quite able to make yourself finish as your attention is dragged away to the TV....


You stumble for your ticket in disbelief as you hold it a little to hard in your hands... sweat starts to form, your heart starts to race... sounds come out of the back of your throat in little puffs but not quite forming any particular noise as you quicky do a double take of the winning numbers and your ticket. Normally you would have expected to be extatic, but something keeps nagging at you, an awareness that something isn't right. You expected this to happen, in fact, you knew this would happen...


Something beyond your control, perhaps even beyond your comprehension is happening, thoughts of the Matrix, the Truman show and various other seemingly more and more valid explainations come to mind for what you can only hope is merely paranoia.


Not wanting to stay put a minute longer, you move to the phone and pick it up... the Déjà vu sensation occurs again as the phone handset rings the recipient you don't remember dialing... you know who it is as they pickup and tell him that you're coming over, but decide not to explain anything over the phone... a sensation of nothing being as it appears has washed over you...


In the car as you drive you keep going over the evening in your head, going over the past and the events which have followed you through life... the things that have happened which brought you the same feelings of unease, the same feeling that something beyond your reach is happening that you don't know about. You pull up to the house as your brother opens the door to greet you... you pull him away from his flat to avoid contact with anyone and drag him towards your car.

Edited by Guest
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