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If the nats win expect a fucking nightmare for all involved EXCEPT the rich....


can u remember the last time they befouled our country and what they did?


Haha.. NIGHTMARE!!! I dunno man I doubt things will change that much tbh.


Especially bearing in mind that National are very unliekly to cut down on the popular things to come out of Labours reign like 'Working For Families', and that Labour are very likley to switch further to the right this time round in order to save a few of their votes..


There is really no much between the two parties bro.. they're both pretty much centre.

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If the nats win expect a fucking nightmare for all involved EXCEPT the rich....


can u remember the last time they befouled our country and what they did?


I don't think it's a case of "if" this time to be honest. Helen has had 3 terms in government, that is a feat in itself. No matter who is in power, after three terms people want change.


One of my concerns is National's intention to reform our Nuclear Free policy. I don't care how much they sugar coat it with "we will hold a referendum on the issue" etc, the fact is they want this to change, and they will no doubt have major media influence prior to a referendum (if they do in fact hold one and not just base their decision on a Colmar Bruntan Poll lol) to make their message heard. I don't give a shit, economy and US ass-kissing aside, our Nuclear Free policy is part of what I consider to be our national identity, and a fucking important part of it at that. I don't think you have to be left wing to be feeling that at all, and it is only in the interest of business and "political hand-holding" to even want to consider changing.

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this morning on the b he said that it wasnt right for nz but he supported other countries having it etc.


I dunno - Im waiting for national to come up with those magical bits of information called 'policies' so they can be scrutinized. Enough bullshit National - lets see what you actually stand for.

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Again if u look at nz's politcal history the nats have done far more damage (except langes free hold crown jewls sell off spear headed by roger douglas) than any time that a labour gov has been in power, Now Im not a card carrying labour m,ember at all,, but in our stale old bwoys net work ruled political vaccume I would much prefer a leftist doctrine than any right doctrine,

The right hsitorically means


unemployment in large amounts

Crime goes up

health care suffers

education suffers

Police power increases,

unions are smashed

Privitisation escalates

Religous /conservative ideals are pushed forward

racism increases

econnomy slows down



but one good thing comes from the right being in power


People mobilise and get out on the streets


mark my words , the right rule nz , IT WILL turn to shit,, and right now we are barely hanging on...

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I've heard Key on radio and he does actually come off well... he's not prone to use the point of view that the country is falling apart and that Labour government is doing shit... more the "We can do it better" stand point.


On the flip side I've heard Helen on B a lot as well and for an Ugly guy he really comes off well too imo. I'd rather Helen than Key any day of the week... not only that but The labour Deputy...


you know, Micheal Cullen?



KiwiSaver is a freakin good idea imo... and he's the reason it's so successful. Thanks for the interest free student loans (of which National introduced the Interest accumulating version)




On the flip side who would we get as Deputy if National gets in?





What a freakin tosser man

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Too add to that all.... lately NZ has had a major IT Shakedown.... Telecom is being split up, LLU is coming into play... Naked DSL... all of which equates to Telecom not raping your wallet as much.



Thanks David





Would a National Led government have done all this? Fuck no, are you kidding? Virtually all the major decisions to come out of Parliament have loosened Telecoms grip on the Monopolistic grip in the Telecommunications sector.


Right led governments have historically preferred to allow privatization to go unbarred and opt out of regulation.

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I think the current system is full of shit. Its all different sides of the same coin. I propose the instigation of a strongman dictator (alas communism seems not to work), A man, who, could ware aviators, medals and a parade uniform at all times. A man who could be above the law.


Lets be honest, human rights might be violated, people sent to re-education camps and the judicial and political framework could be broken down.

I don't care. Shit would get done. We could have national pride and tanks. Also a propaganda ministry and fibre in the last mile. Did I mention tanks?



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Don't forget the environment.... National don't give a shit about climate change - they still think coal is the way of the future - i think they can fuck off...


especially John Keys. I read some questionnaire when he was running for helensville electorate last election and he seemed like a real tosser - and it wasn't just the fact that he is vehemently anti-ganja but pretty much anti everything i stand for.



There is really no much between the two parties bro.. they're both pretty much centre.


centre-right. national being more to the right than labour.


i agree that labour have sold themselves to the right to gain votes since the last election and i don't respect that at all but i'd still rather labor than national - lesser of two evils imo. although i didn't vote for either of them.


and for the record, i don't think the world is ready for a revolution

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Who needs policy... they'll just offer another Tax Cut.


Half of New Zealand jumps at those two words... who cares what sectors are going to lose funding (Like health care and public transport)... more money in my pocket right!


Although in a few years time when I start making lots of coin I really wouldn't mind a tax cut...


I don't think that it's a safe assumption that Labour will be out of power this time around, it's far too early to try and judge this one.


Anyways back on Topic... other people who grind my gears...



George W Bush and John Howard...


Get a room you two![/i]

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the problem I face, after reading all of the posts, now I dont want to vote Labour or National. the issue is that the only other parties to vote for are small and not "as powerfull" so where does that leave me and my 2c vote?? I dont want to vote for something I dont like/ believe in, just because its my only option, sucks cause your damned if you do and your damned if you don't. I agree strongly on a couple of issues touched on, ie. nuclear free - to be kept that way, climate change - more needs to be done etc., and the whole iraq war - get or fucking boys out of there. we are only there for one reason, to get in the US's good books? I mean seriously?, if national were to come into power what would the do in these regards? me thinks that although this election is rumored to be very close I still dont want either of those parties running the country, worst thing is I cant realy find a party that I can fully identify with. so I guess its going to be a case of eney meany miney mo?

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we don't have a military presence in Iraq - Helen apparently sent some people from the SAS at the start but its all pretty secret. I doubt they are still there but you never know I guess. I believe Don Brash was quoted as saying that he would have sent troops there. National were having all sorts of meetings with US defence spokespeople involved actually - there was a bit of a scandal about that.


National are all about opening our borders to multi-national corporations (aka 'liberalization' [of trade] // aka 'globalization') and want a "free trade" [1] deal with the US which is why they are always trying to get in bed with them. They'll do anything, and i mean ANYTHING to get that little baby step closer to a free-trade deal.


Anyway - I agree that both the parties are shit. That's the nature of the beast, welcome to reality. You get to chose between a douche and a turd (if you haven't seen this south-park episode you must).


The way I see it is that


(the rest is just my opinion that i'm not trying to force down anyones throat)


One of those parties is going to be in power - BUT!!! we have MMP now which means there is (in general) no longer an absolute majority by any party. SO what I see as the best option for NZ is a labour / greens alliance. The greens keeping labor more to the left and more inline with focusing on climate change, not privatizing things, not involving us in a war for oil, etc.


The greens WOULD NOT form a coalition with National and they're not going to be getting a majority anytime soon so if you vote for them then you are effectively voting for labour/green alliance. The only problem with that is that if Greens don't get over the threshold then your vote doesn't count I don't think that's going to happen though.


In anycase, I think you should read up on the policies of the potential parties / party members (go to their websites and have a geeze) and make your own mind up


[1] do some research on any of the "free trade" deals other countries have made with the US and you will quickly see the pattern that "free trade" means free for them, not so free for us. particularly in South America, the free-trade deals have been devastating

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we don't have a military presence in Iraq - Helen apparently sent some people from the SAS at the start but its all pretty secret. I doubt they are still there but you never know I guess. I believe Don Brash was quoted as saying that he would have sent troops there. National were having all sorts of meetings with US defence spokespeople involved actually - there was a bit of a scandal about that.


LOL, funny story bout that. My cousin is there now serving with sas as a demolitions expert. he said its mainly b.s. job's defusing land mines and destroying arm's handed in by civilians. that was about 4 months ago when I last spoke to him, so things could have changed? :|

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and for the record, i don't think the world is ready for a revolution


maybe not the world , how ever nz certainly is


I see a time of freedom , and collective moral responcibility, a time of happiness and prosperity, a nu age,,,,


not yet but soon,,, two generations at the most

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i dont even know who the prime minister is.....

i barely ever read the paper and i change the channel every time a politician comes on the tv screen.....i just dont know what their talking about or care for that matter....and if i may quote david brents boss from the office ..."that just sounds like management talk to me david...."

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i dont even know who the prime minister is.....


Bro that's a big call, I know you don't live in a cave and you seem to be able to grasp what's going on in the world around you most of the time..


I guess it's not the end of the world to ignore the political arena but damn... you must have seriously blocked that shit out!

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