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Support Iran Thread

Known One

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I'm going to start this thread in my personal support for Iran.


Anyone who feels the same or differently, I hope you speak up.. anyone who doesn't care and posts non-sense, I hope the mods are on to it and delete your posts.



My Reasoning


It's pretty plain to see that the American Bush Administration is walking a path to war with Iran... the public reasoning appears to be three main reasons.


1. Iran is attempting to produce Nuclear Weapons (Enriched Uranium)

2. Iran is supplying arms to Militia in Iraq to fight the US

3. Iran is an oppressive state led by a dictator



Iran has the right to use Nuclear Power in my opinion, just as we do. We as a people choose not to. Nuclear weapons and Nuclear Power are separate things. Iran has been forthcoming and transparent in it's effort to achieve Nuclear power and shun Nuclear weapons.


The mis-conception that Iran is a dangerous society is in my opinion, not the truth.


Iraq shares 1000 Kilometers or border with Iran. Iraqis and Iranian citizens are so geographically close that one cannot expect Iran to stay out of this. Not to mention the CIA supplied Saddam Hussein with arms to fight Iran in the past.


As for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad being an oppressive dictator... all I can say to that claim is that he was elected and the Parliament passes the laws in Iran.





Trying not to go on and on here so I've kept this short.... exclusive of any conspiracy theories (Such as the other reasons why the Bush Administration may want another war).


The real conclusion I'm trying to draw here is that Iran is a Free country of good people. Perhaps some things are not as free as they could be... but at the end of the day... another War is on the table and this time the situation is much more terrible than Iraq.


Saddam deserved to be stripped of power... Mahmoud Ahmadinejad doesn't.


Knowledge is power, arm yourself.

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I agree with you mostly. I dont think the US should go to war with Iran over them trying to obtain nuclear power. Everyone has the right to try harness that.


but Iran is still kinda wack imo:


Earlier, in a video conference with reporters in Washington, Ahmadinejad accused Israel of occupation and racism.


"We do not recognise that regime (Israel) because it is based on occupation and racism. It constantly attacks its neighbours," Ahmadinejad said.


Its a real tricky one because its obvious that Iran has beef with Israel. If Iran does achieve nuclear capabilities then of course, theyre not going to go and bomb Israel them selves, that would be ridiculous, the world would come down on them like a tonne of bricks.. But whats stopping them giving a nuke to some crazy palastinian to use against israel and then claiming that they had nothing to do with it?


i think the US has a right to be paranoid about it, but i dont think it justifies a war.

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Earlier, in a video conference with reporters in Washington, Ahmadinejad accused Israel of occupation and racism.


"We do not recognise that regime (Israel) because it is based on occupation and racism. It constantly attacks its neighbours," Ahmadinejad said.


whats incorrect about this? all true afaik...

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Anyone who feels the same or differently, I hope you speak up.. anyone who doesn't care and posts non-sense, I hope the mods are on to it and delete your posts.



It's cool that you don't want to tell us your opinion... but do you need to tell us that your opinion is that you don't want an opinion?... In my opinion, no opinion is not something you need to share?

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Earlier, in a video conference with reporters in Washington, Ahmadinejad accused Israel of occupation and racism.


"We do not recognise that regime (Israel) because it is based on occupation and racism. It constantly attacks its neighbours," Ahmadinejad said.


whats incorrect about this? all true afaik...


I was more just using that quote to justify my point that Iran has beef with Israel. Which backs up my following point about them being likely to supply nukes to the enemies of Israel if they become a nuclear power..


Im not saying what israel is doing is right, im just saying they dont deserve to be nuked.

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Iran has the right to use Nuclear Power in my opinion, just as we do. We as a people choose not to. Nuclear weapons and Nuclear Power are separate things. Iran has been forthcoming and transparent in it's effort to achieve Nuclear power and shun Nuclear weapons.


The mis-conception that Iran is a dangerous society is in my opinion, not the truth.


pols 101


back to yr essay

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I was more just using that quote to justify my point that Iran has beef with Israel. Which backs up my following point about them being likely to supply nukes to the enemies of Israel if they become a nuclear power..


Im not saying what israel is doing is right, im just saying they dont deserve to be nuked.


No one wants Nukes flying around Pakage, but I think you are going a bit far on that one.... firstly... the IAEA charged with overseeing and sharing technology surrounding the development of Nuclear Technology has full access to review Iran's Nuclear capabilities. The presence of Nuclear Power Technology is not indicative to the presence of Nuclear Bombs. It's not far from it, but the two can be separate.


Iran has shown a great deal of co-operation with the IAEA in this area.


Secondly, you presume that Iran is some sort of rouge nation capable of supplying Nukes to another faction on a whim.... I just think that there's not much evidence to support that claim.

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Hey it's a pretty controversial topic so what do you expect?


In my opinion they're a terrorist state run by an extremist regime. The people in control have lost their souls due to their insatiable lust for power.


Iran is just as bad.


(See what I did there? Tricky!)


I do feel sympathy for Iran, they're surrounded by American military bases (Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan) and they've got a shit load of crude Oil...


I disagree with their claims of only wanting Nuclear Technology for energy, that's just not realistic, they would use them at a bargaining table.


The US is not in a position to be throwing stones at Iran, seriously... step back mother fuckers, sort your own shit out, practice what you preach.


Unfortunately this world isn't fair, it's a simple fact... there just aren't enough resources for everyone... it has some interesting consequences...

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werd I agree with kritical


I am not only (partly ) in support of iran (unless they start nuking peeps but ya'know I just cant gets next to that for obvious reasons)

but I am also 100 percent in support of chavez in venuzuala VIVA LA REVOLUCION!

he is the fucking man IMO


and I am 100 percent against american imperialism..

fuck teh usa




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You know I just realised it's possible that the mass media may not be telling the complete truth on this particular issue ... it's almost as if they're biased!


But if they'd lie about this then who knows what they could have lied abou. .. OMG!!!



Just read up on Vladamir Putin's last speech a month or two, and what you heard the media say about it (or the lack of coverage)


Most of the time the media just refuses and ignores what needs to be reported and skews the easy stuff - mainstream 'feed the masses' Journalism 101

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Most of the time the media just refuses and ignores what needs to be reported and skews the easy stuff - mainstream 'feed the masses' Journalism 101


No shit, can you imagine an American News Network reporting on anti-america stories there ratings would fall through the floor, media is just another way to make a buck


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Don't have too much to add here because all i know i what the media feeds me so 99%of that is bull shit and i don't hardly ever watch the news. But i did see 1 news conference where Ahmadinejad said that there were no gay people in there country and they do not have any problems such as these. In my opinion anyone with this level of ignorance should not be running a country MUPPET

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I think that reflects the culture more than the person, if he had any other view he probably wouldn't get elected at all... Remembering that Iran is an Islamic State


But really the thread wasn't intended to be about their President, more support for them as a country and people... as unlike Iraq... ordinary opinion matters in this war... and enough positive information spread regarding Iran could hopefully stop a war.

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Yeah i know man i knew i was off topic


The last thing i want to see happen is a war but with all the smoke and mirrors that the media creates its impossible to make a truly well informed decision about anything going on in that entire region. There are far too many vested interests and bush is a muptard puppet so he will do whatever the fuck the large corporations that he bank rolls tell him

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