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Theyre gonna build a Moon Base Bitches!!


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Nasa tests new spacesuits ready for return to moon



LOS ANGELES - Nasa is experimenting with a new, more flexible generation of space suits in anticipation of a new mission to the Moon by the year 2020 - and it is doing it in the same dusty crater in the Arizona desert where the original Apollo astronauts prepared themselves for their first experience of solid ground in outer space.


Anyone who has seen Neil Armstrong make his first moonwalk - or indeed, anyone familiar with Buzz Lightyear from the Toy Story movies - knows that the first generation of spacesuits were unwieldy affairs, unable to allow the astronauts to make much more than "one small step".


In the space shuttle era, the suits have in fact hardened, making them better insulated but also uncomfortably rigid for anything other than floating in space.


The new generation being prepared for the new Moon mission - codename Constellation - has much better articulation in the hips, knees and elbows.


Nasa, taking the lead from President Bush, is making plans not only to return to the Moon for the first time since 1972 but to set up a self-sustaining colony there and use it as a launchpad for further exploration of the solar system, including the first manned mission to Mars.


The year 2020 may sound like a long way off - and, given the vagaries of American politics, far from a done deal now that President Bush is about to leave office and Nasa fights off one piece of bad publicity after another.


But Nasa's engineers are already busy planning and developing a new generation of suits, lunar vehicles and robots.


Story Continued Here




Freakin sweet! MOOOON BAAAAASE!!!1

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interesting... can't help but suspect some hidden agenda there though wrt exploitation of minerals on the moon and 'homeland security'


with regards to the faked moon landing.... that documentary which i assume you're going from was sensationalist bullshit. all of their points are based on a lack of understanding of physics. one example: if the landing was faked then how can you explain the fact that the dust from the buggy in the video travels in an almost perfect parabola?

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with regards to the faked moon landing.... that documentary which i assume you're going from was sensationalist bullshit. all of their points are based on a lack of understanding of physics. one example: if the landing was faked then how can you explain the fact that the dust from the buggy in the video travels in an almost perfect parabola?


Amen. Also that whole "THERE WERE NO STARS IN DA SKY!!!111!!!ONEOENE" Crap was disproved due to the suns location. I doubt it has anything to do with homeland security, although if I recall the moon is suspected to have large amounts of various useful stuff (Silicone & titanium iirc), weather it would be economically feasible to pull a profit from mining the moon is another question though (or even enough to offset your operational costs). You wouldn't need resource consent however

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dude, you cant mine the moon! we need its gravitational pull to make the tides and keep us on our axis propperly.. fuck that shit!


There is an awful lot of shit up there (most of it clay and stuff), I don't think anybody would be removing enough of it for that to happen anytime soon.

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The moon doesnt belong to anyone at all right ? Or is it part of the global community chest ?


Whats to stop the yanks from staking a claim ??


Im sure there is something just not sure what


pretty sure that they went and stuck an american flag in it back in 1969..


maybe they think that makes it theirs and theirs alone?

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The moon doesnt belong to anyone at all right ? Or is it part of the global community chest ?


Whats to stop the yanks from staking a claim ??


Im sure there is something just not sure what


pretty sure that they went and stuck an american flag in it back in 1969..


maybe they do think that makes it theirs?


WARNING WARNING!!!!!! I feel a left wing spiel coming on


disembowel all things american , american cloathes culture music thought negate their filthy system , ok ok they are huge we are tiny but we can say get fucked in many ways ,,,

the more people who do this the better

this means , NO mcdeath

No starbucks

NO kfc

No subway

No Nikes

No crap american tv ,,,,and the list goes on.....




turn your back on any thing they preach remember that we are there and they are WAYYYY over there.

name 10 things that we "actually" need from them?



not many if any...

Fuck them

revolt resist rethink.........

:simplified and edited cos I cant be fucked pulling out my well used soap box...

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yeah i love nikes too - it gives me a real sense of empowerment knowing that i'm wearing shoes made by workers getting paid so far below subsistence wages that they might as well not be getting paid at all... in fact it kind of turns me on thinking about their abject poverty - a family of 8 living in the same room.... thats hot



i know very well that nike aren't the only corporation that outsources their manufacturing to sweatshops and that i'm being somewhat hypocritical in my sarcastic slandering but they are definitely one of the worst in terms of the degree to which they outsource everything in the corporation, and the degree to which they bully the sweatshops to work for less by threatening moving their contract to somewhere else that will work for less.


fuck nike....


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Heaps of good shit has come out of America in the past!


USA was the birthplace of pretty much all the good musical genres.. hip-hop, metal, hardcore, blues, funk, jazz, soul.. fuck - if it wasn't for America (well.. detroit techno and chicago house) we probably wouldn't even be here on a drum'n'bass forum... they've produced some of the most amazing sports teams and athletes.. Michael Jordan.. Mohummad Ali.. Tiger Woods.. so many legendary films and and directors are from the US.. our whole sense of pop culture, fashion is based on US trends.. if you say goodbye to US you can say goodbye to jeans, hoodies, saying shit like "radical!" "bodacious!" etc..


skateboarding was invented there and everyone knows that skateboarding is cool


they are also responsible for the legendary M1 Abrams tank


guess what else was invented there.. TEH INTERNET :idea:


we also rely quite heavily on them in terms of trade


but yeah, their foreign policy is and has always been fucked, they're removing their own citizens freedom and rights to privacy, they rape and pillage the environment, they produce a lot of shit processed food, use sweatshop labour etc etc etc etc wahhh wahhhhh..

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Talking of the moon... theres lots of testimony floating around from Buzz Aldrin about his UFO experiences when flying to the moon... makes for interesting stuff...



As for the argument about moon landings happening for real or in the desert... if you think they're fake, you need educating., not trying to be a dick but go read about it... it's not hard to prove... I recommend reading about the Lunar Retroreflectors still on the moon today from Moon Missions... if you really don't believe it, go buy a laser and test it out for yourself.

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yeah i love nikes too - it gives me a real sense of empowerment knowing that i'm wearing shoes made by workers getting paid so far below subsistence wages that they might as well not be getting paid at all... in fact it kind of turns me on thinking about their abject poverty - a family of 8 living in the same room.... thats hot



I didnt say that i like how theyre made...


i just meant that theyre quite comfortable kicks is all

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Ground control to major tom

Ground control to major tom

Take your protein pills and put your helmet on


Ground control to major tom

Commencing countdown, engines on

Check ignition and may god's love be with you


Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five,

Four, three, two, one, liftoff


This is ground control to major tom

You've really made the grade

And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear

Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare


"this is major tom to ground control

I'm stepping through the door

And i'm floating in a most peculiar way

And the stars look very different today


For here

Am i sitting in a tin can

Far above the world

Planet earth is blue

And there's nothing i can do


Though i'm past one hundred thousand miles

I'm feeling very still

And i think my spaceship knows which way to go

Tell me wife i love her very much she knows"


Ground control to major tom

Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong

Can you hear me, major tom?

Can you hear me, major tom?

Can you hear me, major tom?

Can you....


"here am i floating round my tin can

Far above the moon

Planet earth is blue

And there's nothing i can do."



i dont care who owns it or how we get there or when,lets just make it soon......im keen to get the fuck off this planet for real.......zeb

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I'll read the thread now but for now I just wanted to add: "focus on space nigga, the united states of space! because that's where we are going, oh and I ain't stoping at the moon, you want an exclusive? Well get out your pens and write this one down M, A, R, S, that's where we are going, Mars bitches! Red Rocks!

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I'll read the thread now but for now I just wanted to add: "focus on space nigga, the united states of space! because that's where we are going, oh and I ain't stoping at the moon, you want an exclusive? Well get out your pens and write this one down M, A, R, S, that's where we are going, Mars bitches! Red Rocks!


tyea man fer shiz

dont get me wrong Im all fer space ... well keen just not keen on the USA"

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