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Alt TV ordered off-air for breaching good taste and decency


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The Broadcasting Standards Authority has broken new ground by ordering a television channel off-air for serious breaches of broadcasting standards.


The authority has banned Alt TV from broadcasting for five hours next Monday after it ruled that Groove in the Park, the channel's broadcast of a music event, breached standards of good taste and decency and children's interests, and encouraged denigration and discrimination on the basis of race.


As punishment, Alt TV has been ordered off-air between 12 noon and 5pm on Labour Day and been told to instead display a statement which summarises the authority's decision and apologises to viewers.


The channel has also been ordered to pay costs of $5000.


The authority said it considered the breaches to be "extremely serious".


Groove in the Park was a G-rated programme broadcast live on Waitangi Day.


A viewer complained that during the broadcast text messages of a racist and sexual nature, including explicit language, were run across the screen.


The statements supporting death of and violence towards people of particular races could, the authority said, aptly be described as hate speech.


It concluded that the broadcast encouraged denigration of, and discrimination against, sections of the New Zealand community on the basis of race.


The authority said it had never before ordered a station to stop broadcasting.






i wanna see that broadcast

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Sounds like a good PR campaign to me =p


But since when is a station responsible for the opinions of it's viewship? Isn't it the same as a website not being responsible for the posts and comments its members make?


dude.. they really should have had someone screening the txt's for shit like that before they went on air i guess.

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Sounds like a good PR campaign to me =p


But since when is a station responsible for the opinions of it's viewship? Isn't it the same as a website not being responsible for the posts and comments its members make?


dude.. they really should have had someone screening the txt's for shit like that before they went on air i guess.


werd to that....


(censored rant about my exp with alt)

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yeah, I did actually watch this as I didn't go, the texts were horrendous to say the least and I can handle my racist jokes no problem, there was just plain hate being slung back and forth. I wholeheartedly agree and laugh in the face of alt tv after they backed out on the people that got them where they are- the UHF viewers


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This is what ALT TV had to say on the matter


Auckland, NZ, Mon 15 Oct, 2007 - The Broadcasting Standards Authority has ruled that Alt TV breached broadcasting standards during its live-to-air broadcast of Groove in the Park on Waitangi Day, February 6, 2007.


An interactive text messaging system was set up for the event, enabling ALT TV’s viewers to send text messages to the station which then appeared across the bottom of the screen. Before the live broadcast ALT employed the services of an independent moderator to ensure reasonable standards were maintained.


Unfortunately the moderating service failed in the early part of the afternoon and some viewers text messages considered to be offensive made it to air. Immediately after the mistake had been discovered by ALT management the text message element of the broadcast was pulled.


ALT TV unreservedly apologises for the error and for any offence that may have occurred to our viewers during the broadcast.


ALT TV is reviewing the recent decision by the BSA with respect to this matter.

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its a shame losers ruin things for the more responsible humans but yeah they should have someone screening the texts they get just to cover their asses.....

groove in the park was wicked though......i was the highest on drugs ive ever been that day.....some of you may have noticed.

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I wholeheartedly agree and laugh in the face of alt tv after they backed out on the people that got them where they are- the UHF viewers




ALT sucks the fat one.


edit - except for that drum'n'bass show


minus the bad teeth, Roll is the only thing I watch on alt and it is a great show.


The irony of this is that they are being prosicuted under the laws for free to air tv as this must have been towards the end of their days as a uhf station.

Where as I'm still sure they would have been in trouble regardless I'm not sure if it would have been as bad.

(I'm not sticking up, imo it's a fair punishment. Just making an observation)



As an afterthought, what happened to the biggie thread about this topic? Is biggie so in bed with Alt TV that they squash freedom of speach on their boards? or am I being a minger and just not finding the thread again?


Remember: it doesn't matter what they are saying as long as they are talking about you (I feel a Slander Serious Business TV thread coming on )

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As an afterthought, what happened to the biggie thread about this topic? Is biggie so in bed with Alt TV that they squash freedom of speach on their boards?




Ok I'm actually starting a count:


Reasons that biggie sucks:

1) rank as censorship,

First being scared of the words my and space next to each other and now this.

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Yea I'm finding it to be really rank that they pulled that thread tbh.

I'm guessing what happened was the guy who was leaping to Alt's defense in the most amaturish of fashion was a volunteer who was in no way qualified to make statements on the stations behalf.


I'm then guessing Alt management did when they could in terms of damage control.


if I am to be seen as having a dig let the record state that it is purely at Biggie admin and no other person/ organisation.


Edit: thought i'd ask where it went on Biggie itself:


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groove in the park was wicked though......i was the highest on drugs ive ever been that day.....some of you may have noticed.

seen the photo's on myspace? /themountainduck if you's wanna looky...that celebrity dj stalking one of you zeb, is gold...was a total papparazo snap on the unsuspecting cluedo as he turned round too.


man, i miss Ged... smoked the last little nugget of his last night. you gotta love him for having his own little laugh at stashing buds inside/under/behind things in our flat on the day of groove in the park where he had turned up at breakfast time and proceeded to induced hedonistic pleasures upon all of us, willing or not.

what a way to leave a legacy when you fuck off overseas ay.


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groove in the park was wicked though......i was the highest on drugs ive ever been that day.....some of you may have noticed.

seen the photo's on myspace? /themountainduck if you's wanna looky...that celebrity dj stalking one of you zeb, is gold...was a total papparazo snap on the unsuspecting cluedo as he turned round too.


man, i miss Ged... smoked the last little nugget of his last night. you gotta love him for having his own little laugh at stashing buds inside/under/behind things in our flat on the day of groove in the park where he had turned up at breakfast time and proceeded to induced hedonistic pleasures upon all of us, willing or not.

what a way to leave a legacy when you fuck off overseas ay.



ha ha ha the treasure hunt....i was finding stashes for days....

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