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WTF! Whats going on in NZ?


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planning to assasinate is warrented for the raids. I concide that... but I dont see that sitting on the fence in any issue is a good thing..

It symbolises the effect that capitalism and the mass media has on you. "here watch this eat this buy this, dont think its good not to have another thought implaned in your mind by us "


Ok if the issue is correct and tame iti and his cohorts were planning an assasination well thats fucked , especially since mam helen is a modertately left wing priminster a nd far better than some smug tory rightest fuck,

but then again tame iti does not represent my ideology (and yes I have raised this argument with him face to face and he is basically a racist , and that is also some thing that I can NEVER get next to)



I see in some of these posts a grandiose attachment to " apathy? why? what the fuck do u have to gain from not caring what the fuck do u have to gain by getting shafted by the masters , by low wages by the media by the state ,,,?


I hear calls about conspiracy theorist anarchists , Im sorry you couldnt be further from my subjective ideological truth and this is a contridiction in terms , traditionally conspiracy theorists are of teh right... alone paranoid and deminshed,

I am of the firm left I am NOT alone I am NOT paranoid and i am NOT deminished , In fact I would direct that title to your self with your apathy and and eyes wide shuit mentality.

I would strongly urge to not listen to me , yes thats right,, dont listen to me but instead think as a human a new zealander. and do some reserach create a dialoge with in your self with heavy applicatiosn of theory.. and take a step out side of your implied reality and look beyond your narrow minded position and realise

we live in a nation that is fucked low wages rising crime lack of nationally controlled entities and a future thats fucking grim...

now ask yiur self is this what you wantm for our your , your family your children aor their future children

now ask are you happy in slavery?


mark my words ,,, shits gonna get a lot worse , before it gets better? and when u retort "theres nothing we can do" welll thats a sad cop out as it takes a army of millions to hold a nation back


but as I sed ,,, earlier create your own subjective and question everything cos more than likely everthing you know up to this point is a lie...


there is a new future and we can attain it


I think that you're completely missing the point about "sitting on the fence". It's not "apathy" or being a puppet of the media or whatever, it's about waiting till you actually have some clear-cut facts before going off on some sort of anarchistic neo-socialist tangent, ranting about the evils of the overbearing "big brother" govt and the "evil" police. You're making some pretty wildly fantastical assumptions based on some pretty sketchy, super-early reports of what's happening.


I dont think anyone is saying that you should sit on the fence indefinitely.



EDIT: I'm not saying that you're not entitled to your opinions about the Govt or police (which, to a some extent I actually happen to think are very valid, and I may even agree with you on one or two points), but it seems they're not really related at all to the subject at hand, which is a bunch of nutters with guns running round in the Ureweras planning assasinations. I mean, I might as well hijack this thread to tell you about how much I hate rugby, it would be the same principle.



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Mass raid stuns veteran unionist


A 72-year-old socialist worker who has been protesting against the "anti-terror" raids had his own home searched by police yesterday over an alleged kidnapping.


Jimmy O'Dea, a veteran trade unionist who has prostate cancer, said he had no idea why eight carloads of police arrived in the afternoon at his Bastion Pt home armed with a search warrant.


"I was at home with my wife and kid and my dog started barking. I thought someone was there so I went out and I couldn't believe it - there were police everywhere.


"I said, 'Are you the anti-terrorist searchers?' and they ummed and ahhhed. They said, 'We have got to search your house' and they showed me the warrant and said, 'You better read it'."


The search warrant, which was granted by a district court judge on Tuesday, said police had reasonable grounds to believe that a number of items, including clothing, a chrome pistol and ammunition, hunting knife, pliers and a baseball bat, were at the house.


The items were believed to be evidence of kidnapping, threatening to cause grievous bodily harm, blackmail and commission of a crime with a firearm.


However, Mr O'Dea said he had no knowledge of any kidnapping or similar crime. "I don't commit crime like they are talking about. I was flabbergasted, to be honest."


Solidarity Union secretary Joe Carolan said Mr O'Dea was helping to distribute pamphlets for a coming protest against the "terror raids" so the timing of the search on his own home was a strange coincidence.


Story Continued Here




Seems like a bit more than a 'strange coincidence' to me

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get used to this kinda stuff


its gonna happen more and more and more....

time to choose if ur for this kinda stuff opr against it ,

I would suggest that iots time to rise up


mark my words sooner or later electronic music WILL be targeted,

it would be interesting if it is and I kinda hope that it does, then we will see whos a "head" and who isnt....

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get used to this kinda stuff


its gonna happen more and more and more....

time to choose if ur for this kinda stuff opr against it ,

I would suggest that iots time to rise up


mark my words sooner or later electronic music WILL be targeted,

it would be interesting if it is and I kinda hope that it does, then we will see whos a "head" and who isnt....


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No offense Ben, but how can you equate someone handing out pamplets regarding the terror raids to someone who listens to/plays electronic music?


I say if the guy wants to do that more power to him, and it does seem 'convenient' that he was raided before then. But I honestly can't see the same thing happening to people who listen to/play a certain type of music regardless of how 'different' it is?


If it was a war on drugs thing then sure i could see some some connection (regardless of how retarded it generally is) but I don't see electronic music having much to do with politics thus far.


Sure if everyone in dnb started publicly critising the government etc then maybe... either way if it did happen Im sure a few of us would stand up.

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No offense Ben, but how can you equate someone handing out pamplets regarding the terror raids to someone who listens to/plays electronic music?


I say if the guy wants to do that more power to him, and it does seem 'convenient' that he was raided before then. But I honestly can't see the same thing happening to people who listen to/play a certain type of music regardless of how 'different' it is?


If it was a war on drugs thing then sure i could see some some connection (regardless of how retarded it generally is) but I don't see electronic music having much to do with politics thus far.


Sure if everyone in dnb started publicly critising the government etc then maybe... either way if it did happen Im sure a few of us would stand up.


Yeah I totally agree. I don't think we are going to see the terror raids affecting our few nights a month out at the club listening to drum and bass. I don't even think we'll see the terror raids affecting the 5000 nationwide muntsacks who end up in the middle of the South Island high country for Phat every year. I just don't see it.

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No offense Ben, but how can you equate someone handing out pamplets regarding the terror raids to someone who listens to/plays electronic music?


I say if the guy wants to do that more power to him, and it does seem 'convenient' that he was raided before then. But I honestly can't see the same thing happening to people who listen to/play a certain type of music regardless of how 'different' it is?


If it was a war on drugs thing then sure i could see some some connection (regardless of how retarded it generally is) but I don't see electronic music having much to do with politics thus far.


Sure if everyone in dnb started publicly critising the government etc then maybe... either way if it did happen Im sure a few of us would stand up.


Yeah I totally agree. I don't think we are going to see the terror raids affecting our few nights a month out at the club listening to drum and bass. I don't even think we'll see the terror raids affecting the 5000 nationwide muntsacks who end up in the middle of the South Island high country for Phat every year. I just don't see it.




still, just because it doesnt effect us right now doesnt mean it wont in some shape or form in the future..


plus its pretty gay what they did to this dude regardless of what social circles he resides in.


false charges for the fail..


bro.. if they did raid phat.. it would be officially ON BITCHES!

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No offense Ben, but how can you equate someone handing out pamplets regarding the terror raids to someone who listens to/plays electronic music?


I say if the guy wants to do that more power to him, and it does seem 'convenient' that he was raided before then. But I honestly can't see the same thing happening to people who listen to/play a certain type of music regardless of how 'different' it is?


If it was a war on drugs thing then sure i could see some some connection (regardless of how retarded it generally is) but I don't see electronic music having much to do with politics thus far.


Sure if everyone in dnb started publicly critising the government etc then maybe... either way if it did happen Im sure a few of us would stand up.



dance music is related to drugs is related to the counter culture... is it not?

look what happened in the uk in the late 80's look what happened last year at that rave in utah when evol intent were playing...


the state has a nasty habit of cracking down on anything that remotely resembles a free speech/free thought enviroment.



there will be a time when dance music rock music what ever the fuck will be targeted


next you will be saying that biometrics isnt real or happening ?


maybe resercah historically into counter culture and what the state has done in the past , its not a far off right wing conspiricy theory its a possible reality

I know that there are many here who refuse to resist , I know that its much much easier to not think than think ,

but well I am ...

and see u on the barricades,,,


I have seen how the jack boot of the state can and does crush,


its a matter of time,, and its better to be ready rather than living in denial ..

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take note when you get to the part about the protesters "not seeking proper permission from the council..."

The good old boys(and girls) in blue, still "let them form up very close to the building, utilising *council* footpaths and roads!!!" they are after all "there to facilitate free speech...


imagine that phone call or letter writing process....

Hi there Mister council worker beauracrat, it's Mr.Evoke here of Number squizillion Azsif Road, Neverville.

I'm just contacting you to inform you of my intention to Organise protest action, and request permission to disrupt society, create a public disorder and to utilise council *public* space.

It's all for a good cause obviously.

So, whaddyareckon?


ummmm...yeah, na.

i think i'd stick to the impromptu method if i was ever going to be involved in something of this magnitude in the future, let alone put my name down as being responsible for the organising of it...

just the fact that the council/government even has a law saying you must apply for consent to gather in public space attests to the controls already place on our supposed freedoms and civil liberties.

megaphones and placards aside, try setting some decks in aotea square one day just for fun and see how long that rave lasts... you'll be lucky to get thru the lunch hour.


ben, my hats off to you moral standings. get in touch bro, we gotta catch up.

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