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their disgustingly biased "editorial"!!


Editorials are supposed to express a point of view


Joseph fucking Goebbels is now the editor of the New Zealand Herald. Propaganda 101



Man you guys are sensationalists.


Sorry, but no-one here is being a "sensationalist" or "blowing things out of proportion", they made a fucking editorial FRONT PAGE NEWS in New Zealands MOST READ NEWSPAPER for fucks sake, A RIDICULOUSLY BIASED editorial at that. You're so unbelievably far off the mark with your comments it's not even funny. The real attack on democracy is journalism like this. Do you know how many people in this country have NO idea of the difference between an editorial (opinion) and actual news (fact)? DO you know how many of those people read the New Zealand Herald? Do you know how many of them will accept everything that article says without asking a single question? This is far from the first article I've seen recently coming out of the Herald offices that seems to have a very political agenda, it's just the most blatant. I mean it's not really that far of a stretch to go from this crap to reporting that Helen Clark is actually a flesh-eating zombie/vampire who eats small children in their sleep.

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Each to their own my friend!


I honestly do believe that I am happy and free... why?


This is a huge answer that would never end so lets not go there... guess you'll just have to put faith in me huh?




yea my position on destiny is a theorhetical one , when it come s to the crunch theres NO way my leftist leanings would stomach my vote fer brian (im a nazi) tamaki...

just a devils advocate jibe more than an actual political decision ,,, fuck destiny,,,

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I mean it's not really that far of a stretch to go from this crap to reporting that Helen Clark is actually a flesh-eating zombie/vampire who eats small children in their sleep.


She is a zombie! Have you ever met her? Trust me bro!



As for the masses getting influenced by The New Zealand Herald, meh I could care less. If you think that the Herald is equivalent to Nazi propaganda then thats fine mate you're entitled to your opinion. Personally I think thats a sensationalist thing to say.


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Do you know how many people in this country have NO idea of the difference between an editorial (opinion) and actual news (fact)?


Apparently this includes you, because you repeatedly refer to a "disgustingly biased" editorial. Editorials are inherently biased, you don't need to restate that fact.


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My playstation is broken


If I was with the reds I'd want to do all I could to try and limit the exclusive bretheran from fucking with my upcoming campaign too...


Bugger for them that they got caught! A lot of this stuff slips through largely unnoticed, here and abroad.


Anyone recommend me between the 360, PS3 and Wii?


I might just get a pink PSP...


Seriously though, (without going on about it too much as I'm busy being a drone) It worries me quite a bit this global trend of leaders retaining power through any means... They do meet up and chat now and then don't they.


Tea, tiny cakes, globalisation. Lovely.

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As for the masses getting influenced by The New Zealand Herald, meh I could care less.


^ The only thing you've said that matters. You "couldn't care less" that the "masses" (i.e the people that count when an election comes around) are being duped into a certain political point of view. It's just easier to be apathetic, huh?


If you think that the Herald is equivalent to Nazi propaganda then thats fine mate you're entitled to your opinion. Personally I think thats a sensationalist thing to say.


Yea... sensationalist


Not to harp on too much about the Nazis (I'm dreading being slapped with Godwins Law here) but you'd have been the sort of German who was sitting around going "Ahhh zeez Jewz iz just so sensationalist, zere iz no gas chambers"

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Have you seen how big Phill-O's dad is?


And did you realise that he's the loudest man in Dunedin,,, He made a dubstep mix that dislocated my ribs!


But you're right, he's an apathetic cunt at the best of times, sort it out Phill-O.



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Have you seen how big Phill-O's dad is?


And did you realise that he's the loudest man in Dunedin,,, He made a dubstep mix that dislocated my ribs!


But you're right, he's an apathetic cunt at the best of times, sort it out Phill-O.




pffft, my Dad's bigger than your Dad.

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As for the masses getting influenced by The New Zealand Herald, meh I could care less.


^ The only thing you've said that matters. You "couldn't care less" that the "masses" (i.e the people that count when an election comes around) are being duped into a certain political point of view. It's just easier to be apathetic, huh?


Ok, sorry to burst your bubble, but I was in no way intending to get into a political discussion on this thread, merely calling you and evoke out on your own sensationalism and bias, however for the record I will state that yes I am a lefty/liberal, yes Ive seen Zeitgeist, yes I believe that there is a worrying right wing trend in New Zealand politics and yes I intend to do something about it, namely vote.


When was your last political rally Dr Weazel, or do you prefer to just rant about it on the internet in your spare time?


Not to harp on too much about the Nazis (I'm dreading being slapped with Godwins Law here) but you'd have been the sort of German who was sitting around going "Ahhh zeez Jewz iz just so sensationalist, zere iz no gas chambers"


So you think that there is going to be gas chambers in New Zealand as a result of an editorial being printed on the front page of the New Zealand herald?


Spot on mate, spot on

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yeah, i agree. these cats seem a bit over hyped about this to be honest..


but you gotta remember.. freedom's something that is slowly eroded, not snatched from you. liberties are one by one removed so you dont see it happen.


And talking about the Jews/WWII:


Before world war 2 when the jews were made to wear the star of david on their chest to identify them as jewish, did they stand up and say, "HEY! YOU! NO! thats an invasion of my privacy and my human rights!" No.. When the Germans went around and broke all the windows of their shops and painted star of davids on their doors, did they rise? No.. What about when they were getting carted off to concerntration camps?! not really.. And what about when they got to the camps and realised that this shit sucked the fat one? yeah, sure.. but... bit late innit?!


At what point would you stand up and stick up your middle finger? where do you draw your line in the sand? You need to hit these things on the head when theyre small problems to stop them from escalating into something that you cant stop.

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Hmm probably wouldnt go as far as to say that the Jews should have stopped it themselves, Anti-semitism has a long history in Europe and in the climate of fear that was created by that regime I don't think you can blame them for being afraid to stand up for themselves.


Whats with the Nazi references anyway, Jesus!


Lets be honest here: New Zealand is one of the safest, free-est countries in the world and comparing it to Nazi germany is 100% retarded.



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Ok, sorry to burst your bubble, but I was in no way intending to get into a political discussion on this thread, merely calling you and evoke out on your own sensationalism and bias, however for the record I will state that yes I am a lefty/liberal, yes Ive seen Zeitgeist, yes I believe that there is a worrying right wing trend in New Zealand politics and yes I intend to do something about it, namely vote.


ok mate, the point of my thread was to try and make people, who may be apathetic, and asleep to the wiley ways of the media, wake up and start to think and "question"...

so - thank you, for `beleiving(believing?) that there is a WORRYING rightwing trend in NewZealand politics... and as far as sensationalism, how far does that right politics have to encroach/evolve untill it's controlling our lives? and sensational government acts and state control becomes accepted, or even un-noticed by the masses because people don't actually care enough to discuss their "worry" or do something about it when the time comes to say "enough is enough".


Pakage made the point that as a society our freedoms and liberties are taken one at a time. thats what my biggest fear is, that mainstream NZ si being duped, by editorial reporting, and politically biased propaganda/"NEWS", and that OUR freedoms, won't be taken at all... we as a whole will decide we need them taken off us, through fear.


And yes, I do feel happy and free. I make all the choices in my life, and i'm grateful everyday to have been born in such an awesome and safe country as NewZealand. Which is why I dont think we need a law that says the police can arrest and detain a new zealand citizen for up to two years without trial for terrorism. when the fuck, have we ever been scared of terrorism in this country???


Next the middle classes will be putting RFID chips in their kids so they can be kept safe from the boogey-man...

Or maybe "society" will decide its a good idea to start with violent criminals/paedophiles first?

Or violent breeds of dogs? OH, HANG ON, haven't the government already started on this paticular campaign? And don't you think that with the chips in dogs, they'll need to set up the infrastructure, technology and systems, to monitor these chips?With that all in place, you could pretty much chip the whole world... just for the sake of safety and "control".

We could go out and get our own chips today if we liked. Your car in case it gets stolen(good idea right?), or your computer... yourself...


I "beleive" with the current state of the media, and our own apathy and a genral placidity of our populace, that it's only a matter of time, before these chips become an integrated part of our society...and not too far in the future, compulsory. when this happens, tell me how free are we?

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and as far as sensationalism, how far does that right politics have to encroach/evolve untill it's controlling our lives? and sensational government acts and state control becomes accepted, or even un-noticed by the masses because people don't actually care enough to discuss their "worry" or do something about it when the time comes to say "enough is enough".



If being a "sensationalist" means waking up even one or two people to this sort of shit, then go ahead and label me that, I dont give a fuck.

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just when you thought we were going to see some public debate and concern...


they've passed the new amendment in pariliment yesterday...


within the new anti terrorism act, are the following;


It creates a new offence of committing a terrorist act, which is punishable by life in prison.


It also removes a defence of funding a terrorist entity if the donor was motivated by human rights or democratic concerns.


*MOTIVATED BY* human rights or DEMOCRATIC concerns...

umm, so wait, if i've donated money to an organisation, who are actively trying to change new zealand policy, then later, the government decides they dont like the way this organisation is ammassing support, and deem them to be terrorists, or it turns out, that they actually ARE doing some terrorist type of shit, without my knowledge, then i can be charged with terrorism, and put in prison for life. because i made a casual donation?

surely not.

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Next the middle classes will be putting RFID chips in their kids so they can be kept safe from the boogey-man...

Or maybe "society" will decide its a good idea to start with violent criminals/paedophiles first?

Or violent breeds of dogs? OH, HANG ON, haven't the government already started on this paticular campaign? And don't you think that with the chips in dogs, they'll need to set up the infrastructure, technology and systems, to monitor these chips?With that all in place, you could pretty much chip the whole world... just for the sake of safety and "control".

We could go out and get our own chips today if we liked. Your car in case it gets stolen(good idea right?), or your computer... yourself...


I "beleive" with the current state of the media, and our own apathy and a genral placidity of our populace, that it's only a matter of time, before these chips become an integrated part of our society...and not too far in the future, compulsory. when this happens, tell me how free are we?





bometrics is here and the media and corprates are attempting to legitimise it ,,, fuck that , thats why i am NEVER getting a drivers licenece ,,, never ever ever,,,


and why would u not care about this ...

its a relative and real issue and we here in lil ol nz will be the first sheep to the slaughter...


first RFID then complience chips , then cashless society hello wide scale big bro incursions




take the red pill the issue is realer than mtv

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rfid is already in use in humans for tracking parolees and home detention peeps etc. Putting it in your kid is just plain wrong. Next you'll be able to give them a shock using the chip if they are bad (you can see where that's leading)


Compulsary ID cards, possibly (retarded idea since the state has 90% of your info on record anyway) but I can see people kicking up a stink if we are all told to put chips in ourselves (the beginnings of Ghost In A Shell?)

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I was just winding you up in case you didn't notice


Political internet ranters: All talk no action


When's your next rally, I'll attend?



I have been active in political actions for about ,,,,,,, 13 years



I am a committed activist , and have been on many a picket line and occupations and attending demos as well as producing street art and films of a political nature FYI

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