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NZ Terrorist

Richard M

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On August 16 this year, police intercepted a conversation between two suspects in a car. They discussed Mr Bush and speculation that he could visit New Zealand - and talked of using a sniper's rifle.


The police affidavit says: "I believe this relates to a hypothetical conversation about how they could kill the president of the United States of America, George Bush, and a conversation about the effectiveness of firearms."


bro, if bush came to our country and got assasinated, we'd be sooo fucked yo.

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On August 16 this year, police intercepted a conversation between two suspects in a car. They discussed Mr Bush and speculation that he could visit New Zealand - and talked of using a sniper's rifle.


The police affidavit says: "I believe this relates to a hypothetical conversation about how they could kill the president of the United States of America, George Bush, and a conversation about the effectiveness of firearms."


bro, if bush came to our country and got assasinated, we'd be sooo fucked yo.



If you ask me the person would be hero, First person to take that guy out gets a jumping hai fiave from me!


What are they gunna do? increase trade taxes on new zealand just cause they're war monger of a president got killed here?

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If you ask me the person would be hero, First person to take that guy out gets a jumping hai fiave from me!


What are they gunna do? increase trade taxes on new zealand just cause they're war monger of a president got killed here?


With his approval ratings the way they are now it could almost gain us favour in future years!


Tbh I reckon hes less safe in his own country than here right now.


Nz Terrorism = MYTH

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What the bugs revealed

The Dominion Post | Wednesday, 14 November 2007



Suspect tells another it would be good to kill Pakeha to get trainees used to killing. Also suggests making their own tracer ammunition and using tungsten projectiles to go through a "cop vest" and through "his f...... mate".

Bug in vehicle, recorded April 6, 2007.


"Get someone to assassinate the prime minister, the new one, next year's one. Just been in office five days, bang ... Yeah. John Key ... just drop a bomb ... Just wait till he visits somewhere and just blow them ... They won't even find you."

Two suspects in bugged vehicle, August 17, 2007.


"They want to start blowing shit up. You know, they want to blow up power plants, gas plants, Telecom, petrol f...... places and shit like that."

Two suspects in bugged vehicle, June 23, 2007.


"You know like the IRA in England ... it's gonna happen here ... I'm ready to die, mate. I'm gonna hurt this country, I've had a gutsful ... I wanna leave this planet making sure that I've done a f...... huge amount of harm to this country."

Suspect recorded on bugged phone, May 26, 2006.


"It'd have to be a, some sort of f......, sudden f......, because what it'll do, it'll come down on the thinking of the people, they'll think it's al Qaeda ... It's gotta be sudden and it's gotta be brutal."

Other suspect says: "Don't piss around with cities or doing the bush thing ... just go to Parliament."

Two suspects in bugged vehicle, August 17, 2007.


"I heard you talking about the napalm shit."

Response from unknown man: "I'll make some and bring some next time round, show everyone how to make it."

Conversation in bugged vehicle, September 16, 2007.


"No, I'm teaming up with the Maoris, we have to ... I'll come and see ya, I can't f...... take the white man on without the c...s ... I'm declaring war on this country."

Bugged cellphone, May 22, 2007.


"Tuhoe wouldn't have popular support for a bombing campaign in New Zealand."

Reply: "It would in Tuhoe though ... What about if we did a bombing campaign that blew up Waihopai spy base, power dams, gas facilities, TV stations and radios ... It's a strategy that's gonna be f...... urban warfare. We are training in the wrong place."

First speaker: "What's going to be the strategy?"

Reply: "Strategy will divide, will divide Aotearoa ... extreme violence and extreme f...... actions too."

Two suspects in bugged vehicle, June 23, 2007.


"I cut down all of my work, right down. Ah, I'm only focusing to go to war."

Bugged suspect, April 26, 2007.


"There's nothing in this country can stop you once you got it, you can kill anybody you want. They'll never be able to find you."

Suspect talking in bugged vehicle about asking for sniper's rifle, August 16, 2007.


"Wait till bullets start going through people, that's f...... horrible ... Wait till your mate's head gets blown off because someone dobbed us in and we get f...... shot at."

Suspect in bugged sleeping room, June 23, 2007.


"There's about 10 manuals ... There's the al Qaeda manual and that's f...... good. That's right up to date."

Later another suspect says: "That last exercise was a bit freaky for me, having a gun in my back."

Response: "High level of secrecy, we needed, you know, we need to test people."

Bugged training camp room, June 23, 2007.


Suspect X tells Suspect Y he is tired of playing games. Suspect Y says they need good planning so they don't die on the first day. Both worry about the enemy within their ranks and talk about needing 20 small squads, such as in Iraq, carrying out their own missions.

Bugged vehicle, April 4, 2007.



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Anti-terror police raid Iraena Asher's family home


The family of Auckland woman Iraena Asher, whose disappearance prompted a review of the 111 call system, feel they have become victims of the police again after their home was searched during the anti-terror raids.


Mother Betty Asher says three police searched the family's West Auckland house, even rifling through her daughter's room, which had been kept the way she left it.


Iraena Asher's disappearance at Piha on October 10, 2004, spurred a review of the 111 call system after a taxi a police communication centre dispatcher sent to pick her up after she phoned for help went to Paihia Rd, Onehunga, rather than Piha.


Mrs Asher described the investigation into her daughter's disappearance as a "whitewash".


She said the family now felt wronged a second time after being caught up in the raids.


Sixteen people, including Tuhoe activist Tame Iti, are facing weapons-related charges arising from them.


Mrs Asher said the family's Massey home was searched on October 15. Iraena's father, Michael Asher, was home alone.


"They went through all of our daughters' personal things.


"It's very distressing to realise that people are going through any of her [iraena's] stuff or touching any of her stuff. I mean, strangers like that in that circumstance, it's very distressing."


An 11-page search warrant contained a list of Trade Me auction website items including weapons and clothing.


Story Continued Here


wtf?! if you can now get raided for buying a knife and some army pants off trademe im really fucking worried..



(ps.. i have no idea what she actually bought from trademe)

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Theres a few nutcases out there, but I would hardly call them an organised terror network. Terrorism is a convenient label to demonise anyone who's ideas are considered dangerous, and it automatically makes the person who is accused of it seem 10x more evil. Intelligent people should be suspicious whenever the word "terrorism" is used.


Bottom line: none of the suspects were charged under the terrorism laws.

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Anti-terror police raid Iraena Asher's family home


The family of Auckland woman Iraena Asher, whose disappearance prompted a review of the 111 call system, feel they have become victims of the police again after their home was searched during the anti-terror raids.


Mother Betty Asher says three police searched the family's West Auckland house, even rifling through her daughter's room, which had been kept the way she left it.


Iraena Asher's disappearance at Piha on October 10, 2004, spurred a review of the 111 call system after a taxi a police communication centre dispatcher sent to pick her up after she phoned for help went to Paihia Rd, Onehunga, rather than Piha.


Mrs Asher described the investigation into her daughter's disappearance as a "whitewash".


She said the family now felt wronged a second time after being caught up in the raids.


Sixteen people, including Tuhoe activist Tame Iti, are facing weapons-related charges arising from them.


Mrs Asher said the family's Massey home was searched on October 15. Iraena's father, Michael Asher, was home alone.


"They went through all of our daughters' personal things.


"It's very distressing to realise that people are going through any of her [iraena's] stuff or touching any of her stuff. I mean, strangers like that in that circumstance, it's very distressing."


An 11-page search warrant contained a list of Trade Me auction website items including weapons and clothing.


Story Continued Here


wtf?! if you can now get raided for buying a knife and some army pants off trademe im really fucking worried..



(ps.. i have no idea what she actually bought from trademe)


Yea, that article also said that the Asher family have Tuhoe links and have spent a lot of time recently in the Ureweras and Ruatoki, and one of their other daughters had been down there recently visiting whanau... including Tame Iti... So maybe it's not quite as "strange" for the cops to be raiding them as it may at first seem.

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Id just like to point out that I think its highly ironic that you are taking this article at face value Dr Weazel.


The real attack on democracy is journalism like this.


This is far from the first article I've seen recently coming out of the Herald offices that seems to have a very political agenda, it's just the most blatant.


WOW. I really really cant believe this. Joseph fucking Goebbels is now the editor of the New Zealand Herald. Propaganda 101
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When we start up our Terror Network I'll make us some Encryption software for our phones and email communication... and we'll only talk pig-latin... eal day?


bro, dont even say that shit aye, the pigs will probably think your serious, compile your trademe shopping list and raid your house

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Theres a few nutcases out there, but I would hardly call them an organised terror network. Terrorism is a convenient label to demonise anyone who's ideas are considered dangerous, and it automatically makes the person who is accused of it seem 10x more evil. Intelligent people should be suspicious whenever the word "terrorism" is used.


Bottom line: none of the suspects were charged under the terrorism laws.


Have you actually read the articles and seen what they were saying? Or are you so determined to tell everyone how wrong they are that you're going to ignore any and all evidence to the contrary? I mean, if people conducting "training camps" involving the use of guns, napalm and molotov cocktails, interrogation-resistance techniques, and talking about firebombing power plants, assasinating people and shit isn't, at the very least, the BEGINNINGS of a "terrorist network" then I just dont know what the fuck is.


If you had actually read what the Solicitor General had said when he published his decision not to charge anyone under the "Anti-Terror" laws you would have noticed that he said the only reason he didn't was because the law was "too complex", NOT because these people weren't terrorists, in fact he practically said they WERE terrorists when he said that they were involved in some "very disturbing" activities.




Yes, we would all like to think we live in a perfect little isolated bubble down here in NZ where it's all sunshine and lollipops, but sadly, that's just not reality, yes, this was probably quite a small number of "nutters" but so are most of the "terrorist" groups over in the middle east or wherever, a SHITLOAD of them AREN'T part of some gigantic terrorist network, they're just small groups of radical extremists operating completely independently of each other. It really does only take a small group of crazies to do some pretty major damage with the right tools/weapons, training and motivation.


Intelligent people dont stick their head in the sand when the word "terrorism" is used, they sit up and take notice and at least look at the evidence before dismissing it out of hand.


Go ahead though, I know you're going to make some ridiculous assumption that myself and others are just "sensationalists" who want to jump up and down and make a big deal out of anything and everything, but you couldn't possibly be more wrong, I'm usually the same as you in this sort of situation: I am usually the LAST person to agree with "conspiracy theories" and usually tell everyone they're over-reacting, but not this time, because the evidence actually shows that there was some pretty dodgy shit going on. But hey, you can just argue semantics a bit more about the word "terrorist" and completely ignore the actual facts, it seems to be what you're good at.


Bottom line: These people are still up on some pretty major firearms charges and the Solicitor General hasn't ruled out charging them under the anti-terrorism law if more evidence becomes available.

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Id just like to point out that I think its highly ironic that you are taking this article at face value Dr Weazel.


The real attack on democracy is journalism like this.


This is far from the first article I've seen recently coming out of the Herald offices that seems to have a very political agenda, it's just the most blatant.


WOW. I really really cant believe this. Joseph fucking Goebbels is now the editor of the New Zealand Herald. Propaganda 101


I see you're having trouble distinguishing between a newspaper editorial and a summary of facts taken from a police report.



edit: I'm done anyway, this subject has gotten ridiculously out of hand, and you're just arguing semantics, not the actual facts, so go ahead, knock yourself out.

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This is far from the first ARTICLE I've seen recently coming out of the Herald offices that seems to have a very political agenda, it's just the most blatant.


Would you like to elaborate on some of the other ones?


Perhaps one of their recent articles has used politically charged words such as "Terrorism" or "Anti-Terror Raids" based on a few unproven allegations?


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I'm done anyway, this subject has gotten ridiculously out of hand, and you're just arguing semantics, not the actual facts, so go ahead, knock yourself out.


Herald Article = The actual facts


Sigh... I'm so over this, but I gotta straighten this one out at least...




AND it's from the POLICE SUMMARY OF FACTS, not just some made up editorial bullshit.


For fucks sake man, give it up.

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Anti-terror police raid Iraena Asher's family home

Story Continued Here


Yea, that article also said that the Asher family have Tuhoe links and have spent a lot of time recently in the Ureweras and Ruatoki, and one of their other daughters had been down there recently visiting whanau... including Tame Iti... So maybe it's not quite as "strange" for the cops to be raiding them as it may at first seem.


Dominion Post or Nz Herald? Follow the link and make up your own mind


AND it's from the POLICE SUMMARY OF FACTS, not just some made up editorial bullshit.


And we all know their record for integrity and honesty.


For fucks sake man, give it up.
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