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Guest Aphra

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guh, not really into salvia. the few times ive had it its always given me a semi-bad buzz eh.



salvia or diviners sage is somthing that MUST be respected,, it was used by the ancients to see and experienece wisdom so that the village or what ever the fuck could prosper.

in my experience salvia is best in a dark room with good peoples after you have had a few drinks,

I also think its best to activly communicate with it before you do it,

IE think to your seldf and ask your self where you wanna go and what you wanna see its best to be honest and go into it with out hesitation or preconception other wise it will turn,,'

In my experieence I have only experieneced deep magical revalations that shift my paradigm and make me a better person


like wen I did it and thought I was one of the colours in the tip top logo and we were all together but then I realised that I didnt wanna be a logo and I wanted to be my own colour and paint my own future,

I have also been on the precipice of a once stationary idea and felt it shit and known intuitivly that the idea was shifting in the right direction to bring the new...

yea I love it,,, not all the time but every now and then its good to go deep and clense those nightmares and purge those implanted ideas...

I guess you should just be honest and know your self and love who u are and be open to the universe when you do it...


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I'm saving DMT for when I'm old. Older and wiser.

Back on track though...

Sleep paralysis is something pretty fucked... waking up and can't move or speak.. that shit is scary!

1. You are paralyzed while you sleep

Believe it or not, your body is virtually paralyzed during your sleep - most likely to prevent your body from acting out aspects of your dreams. According to the Wikipedia article on dreaming, “Glands begin to secrete a hormone that helps induce sleep and neurons send signals to the spinal cord which cause the body to relax and later become essentially paralyzed.â€

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I'm saving DMT for when I'm old. Older and wiser.

Back on track though...

Sleep paralysis is something pretty fucked... waking up and can't move or speak.. that shit is scary!


Yep, sleep paralysis freaks me out. Waking up and not being able to move, speak or do anything except wait it out. I'm pretty sure if somebody was to witness this from a 3rd person perspective the person who thinks they have woken up would look completely asleep until the point they snap out of it. When it happens to me it will usually happen multiple times in the night, and the more used to it I get the more I can relax and just let it happen but its not like riding a bike, you never really get used to it.

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Some fascinating stuff!


When I think about it I don't even need drugs to be blown away weak I know.


How evolution (no god banter pls~ just using "evolution" to make things easy to type out~) and simple cell migration can produce a 'conscious' state which is so complex that we have 'conscious' feelings and behaviour when, technically speaking, we are 'unconscious' - as we are unable to control what is happening in our dreams (most of the time~), let alone even control out bodies!


Magnificent how all this came to be!

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Got me some 5X salvia on the weekend. wtf that is some weird shit. Pretty damn funny too! Gotta try the 50X shit tho.


If you think it was funny you either weren't doing it right or are a grade A hardhead when it comes to substance abuse


For best results get a blue flame butane lighter and hold each hit for about 30 seconds. After 3 or so you should be incapable of holding pipe/lighter and incapable of knowing what they were in the first place.

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Got me some 5X salvia on the weekend. wtf that is some weird shit. Pretty damn funny too! Gotta try the 50X shit tho.


If you think it was funny you either weren't doing it right or are a grade A hardhead when it comes to substance abuse


For best results get a blue flame butane lighter and hold each hit for about 30 seconds. After 3 or so you should be incapable of holding pipe/lighter and incapable of knowing what they were in the first place.


Yea, that's pretty much where I was at. Was trying to pick up my drink, but could barely pick up my arm. hahaha.

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this is similar to what happened to me when i did salvia.


I didnt see/hear lady salvia, but i definately had some forces pulling me down/backwards.


I almost fell over from it and yes it felt evil.


I ended up making my way forwards trying to get away from this evil force pulling me down and backwards.


As i slowly clawed away from the evil force its grip got weaker and weaker and the feeling of terror began to lift.


I ended up running down the road away from the evil force as fast as i could pretty much screaming.


made it tho, didnt get sucked into the pit of evil

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this is similar to what happened to me when i did salvia.


I didnt see/hear lady salvia, but i definately had some forces pulling me down/backwards.


I almost fell over from it and yes it felt evil.


I ended up making my way forwards trying to get away from this evil force pulling me down and backwards.


As i slowly clawed away from the evil force its grip got weaker and weaker and the feeling of terror began to lift.


I ended up running down the road away from the evil force as fast as i could pretty much screaming.


made it tho, didnt get sucked into the pit of evil


Yea, was similar for me, but I didn't find it evil. Just reminded me of what I like to call "playstation vision" that I have gotten on acid before. (like you're watching/controlling yourself from outside your body).

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interesting report on salvia there.

i think it says aloot about the person actually.

salvia takes you to what you need to see, and when abused shows you the darkside and thats w hat certainly happened in that report. I think that guy is looking in all the wrong places and being that his thoughts are so duplicitous , salvia decided to show him "the unknown" hopefully he learnt,, dont think he will but well who am I to criticise

thus far I have only had amazing positive and psychadelic experieneces on salvia , and hopefully that will continue,

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DMT is a research drug that mimics the chemical (which some believe to be DMT) that is released in your brain while you dream. it used to be called 'the businessman's special' because it comes on extremely fast (if smoked, prolly the same with other methods, introvene would be the way to go, hate needles tho) and lasts up 2 an hour, hense the nickname ( maybe something to do with businessmen having an hour for lunch).


Its a very very very very very veeeeeeeeerrrry strong hallucinogen and can put you into a 'deep space' state with no sense at all of reality. this is pure psychodelic and definitely not for the faint hearted. wouldnt be a good idea if you were pregnant either


check this for more info: http://erowid.org/chemicals/dmt/dmt.shtml



so its basically daytura but you come down after an hour instead of a week....?

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