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for a university design project (i do architecture) we need to look at changing/altering the motorway junction or the surrounding area to better auckland's urban landscape...


I have my own opinions on what is presently lacking, but would be interested to know your guys' opinions about th matter..

i.e. how can we improve it? more: art? greenery? trees? more lanes? fewer lanes? ...this may be boring as fuck for some of you, but if anyone would like to voice their opinions id be interested to hear em

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when u say more dedicated public transport, how do u reckon the motorway should facilitate this? more lanes allocated to public transport? monorail? trains running through or close to the junction?


Light/mono rail system is badly needed in the AK. Underground / subway projects ala Boston are shoddy as due to the past (geoloicaly present) volcanic activity in the area. If I recall 6th form geo correctly under auckland there is a large network of lavatubes that'd fill with burning hot death in the blink of an eye.


Someone needs to man up and build a decent (might have to be over water) ring road system too, and a motorway direct to the airport (serriously, why the fuck do you need to get off and drive through epsom as a shortcut). Sadly beacuse all the politicans live in the capital no money has been spent on serrious akl roading untill recently. What I don't want to see is a congestion charge. As for the motorway, bus lanes are a pain in the ass. Just have furthersubsidsed public transport. Also free wifi. Also fibre to the curb. Also nuclear power. And an airforce. Someone make me dictator.

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Um isn't the point of this assignment to "better auckland's urban landscape"?

If so why are you talking about public transport and shit?

Pro-tip for new players: always stay on brief


The answer for me is clearly less motorway lanes, more public areas, more trees, more green, less ridiculous pieces of "art" like that pohutukawa flower thing on the nelson st / junction thing. . .

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when u say more dedicated public transport, how do u reckon the motorway should facilitate this? more lanes allocated to public transport? monorail? trains running through or close to the junction?


Agree with Grind bout more greenery on the roads.. but as for dedicated public transport, Dr Awesome has covered it. Light rail is desperately needed, preferably an underground system. Just a quick network covering a few CBD areas, Newmarket... Oops, we have rail like that already and it doesn't really work that well =/... A little bit off topic there aye Grind?

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Um isn't the point of this assignment to "better auckland's urban landscape"?

If so why are you talking about public transport and shit?

Pro-tip for new players: always stay on brief


The answer for me is clearly less motorway lanes, more public areas, more trees, more green, less ridiculous pieces of "art" like that pohutukawa flower thing on the nelson st / junction thing. . .


when i say 'better auckland's urban landscape' i dont solely refer to aesthetic appeal, or pedestrians wellbeing, i need to consider the ways in which people can be better connected to various locations around auckland... so like... transport, however its nature, needs to be incorporated.


and besides, our site 'is' the motorway. so we need to decide how to approach it specifically

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Got a budget/any parameters?


On the cheap, there's a lot of unused, blank lookin concrete there... Get some of the country's best graf AND non graf artists to colab on that shit, then seal with some sorta epoxy sealant so that wannabe's efforts wash off easy.


Oh, and plant some uber trees - get tropical.


How about a suspended, see through shark tank suspended above the junction?


Or a novelty sized can of spaghetti?

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Light/mono rail system is badly needed in the AK. Underground / subway projects ala Boston are shoddy as due to the past (geoloicaly present) volcanic activity in the area. If I recall 6th form geo correctly under auckland there is a large network of lavatubes that'd fill with burning hot death in the blink of an eye.


Errr... I dont think it would matter a hell of a lot whether you were underground OR above ground if those lava-tubes rapidly filled with red-hot lava and shit, because that would be almost certain to set of AT LEAST one of the volcanos in Auckland, if not half a dozen of them.


Fuck, imagine if all of them went off at once (as has been suggested is possible), that's like 50-something volcanos.... scary shit.

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If they all went off at once I don't think everyone's first concern will be our public transport system


hahaha, it would be funny if it was though...


I think the main difference between AK's transport system and that of continental Europe (where the buses are reliable as) is that the bus routes go through the city, whereas the buses in AK seem to drive to Queen Street, do a loop then come back on themselves...


Merge, why don't you try comparing bus routes from other countries/cities to that of Aucklands and make suggestions on how things could be improved...I appreciate this probably ain't nothing to do with your brief but would be a good subject for a thesis...?

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well if they did all erupt at once i think i would grab my 1210's over everything else i own....maybe even the mrs...ha ha...ssshhh..


I would have to steal a small truck and load all my tunes into it - I can grab new decks any time, need the tunes though.

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well if they did all erupt at once i think i would grab my 1210's over everything else i own....maybe even the mrs...ha ha...ssshhh..


I would have to steal a small truck and load all my tunes into it - I can grab new decks any time, need the tunes though.


=done...you grab tunes and ill bring the decks.....party at the beach bro...

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well if they did all erupt at once i think i would grab my 1210's over everything else i own....maybe even the mrs...ha ha...ssshhh..


I would have to steal a small truck and load all my tunes into it - I can grab new decks any time, need the tunes though.


=done...you grab tunes and ill bring the decks.....party at the beach bro...


I'll grab your mrs..




just joking cuz haha..

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