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Life Changing Moments


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what an awesome question!


Mine would be leaving my ex a year ago of 2.5 years full-on relationship even though it felt like the most alien thing to do ever, then opening a construction magazine after we split up and finding a job advert for New Zealand.


Ending that relationship was the best thing i've ever done and has pretty much changed my life completely. In fact, i have never felt more alive over this last year of my life...and things remain wierdly fantastic


I learnt that you should just do what you feel like no matter what and its a philosophy i live by everyday. I also learnt you've always got a choice, its just the consequence you gotta deal with...something i never really realised before.

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Hooking up in January with a girl I used to have a crush on in 5th form at school (13 or so years ago!) ...




... We're now living together.





Deciding to go down to Mt Ruapehu circa 2000 with some friends to try snowboarding for the second time (the first time I was 13 and I gave up after about 1/2 an hour and went back to skis). Bought my first snowboard a week later and havent looked back since.

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aww, sounds like love is on the agends


Definitely without a doubt, Japan changed my life draztically. Spent a year there, could write a book about it but its changed me in the way that I have a whole new perspective on life and the people I surround myself with. Japan was like this hammer that smashed me out of the isloated environment of immaturity and insignificant worries and I could go on and on about what/how Japan accefted me...but it's given me determination to go back to uni, finish my degree in Japanese and get my asian wannabe ass back over there for good!


Love is awesome till you get backstabbed and trodd on...now I play it safe in that area

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First E


haha twas bout to say that, but all seriousness i really havnt had anything massively life defining atm, am still young so yeah lol lots of time left, only thing that comes to mind was doing outward bound last year, sweet fuckin deal

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big ups to all participents...


yeah.? for me I have been privilaged to have recently had some wikkid life changing moments..

the main one is becoming a parent , and every moment i spend wiith my boy.

The next is the rebuild I have gone through over the last year. mainly creative/ideologically

and the realisation that there is a life to be had outside of weekend hedonism.


chur to the chur

keep em coming..

celebrate to create? innit!

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the first time my brother played a dnb track to me about 8 years ago..


watching the Matrix for the first time


my dog dying about 2 years ago (was a fuckng cool dog)


falling down my slate front steps when i was 11, splitting my head open and chipping 5 of my front teeth.


getting hooked in the back of the head for the first time.


starting a 5 year long Architecture degree.


the day i realised my mum wrote santa's note.

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My first mescaline experience. Wont go to deep into this one.


Seeing Fierce play at old fu in 2003(maby 04) blew my mind. Until that point i had only really heard mainstream dnb. I was gurning up a storm and sweating like a beast. After that day my taste in music and my attitude towards it changed completly.


This year has been one of the strangest years of my life also and has changed me a lot. Not one particular event just the whole thing, crazy times in 2008.

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big ups to all participents...


yeah.? for me I have been privilaged to have recently had some wikkid life changing moments..

the main one is becoming a parent , and every moment i spend wiith my boy.


awesome, big ups, if I was financially secure I'd love to have a kid now (me being 22), they are living sponges that give u the opportunity to sculpt a really cool kid, still have a brother on the way sooo looking forward to that.

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well this year I have had a few bad life changing events,


but I have also had some good ones as well.


I went on a motivational course a few weekends ago, the course was really cheesy, but it was good at the same time,

the speaker has taught me how to put some stuff behind me that has been holding me back for a while, which I am very happy about


I have already been able to move so much more forward since going to the course and now I know I wont settle for sitting in the back row I want to move further in my life.

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then opening a construction magazine


what mag?


it was a copy of NCE (New Civil Engineer). i never usually read it and just happened to flick through the jobs page that day


lol for some reason when i read that i thought ud started your own mag lol

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then opening a construction magazine


what mag?


it was a copy of NCE (New Civil Engineer). i never usually read it and just happened to flick through the jobs page that day


lol for some reason when i read that i thought ud started your own mag lol


oh! i see! haha, no, far from it

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Of course dnb- phat06 and the night I decided to catch the bus into town to check out fu, alone, scared and underage. never looked back.

Living in the country (Takaka) fully opened my eyes to soo many things.

Going to Europe.

the year 2008- in good ways as well as bad.

Starting chef school- food is the business

And keeping with the theme- Mark hehe

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Getting stoned in 4th form and listening to Dark side of the Moon with my best mate certainly changed where my life was heading..


Then later on having my first ill in 6th form and crunking to Concord Dawn, Beatsie Boys, and Chemical Bros at the big day out which made my already existing path more defined..

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