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Life Changing Moments


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Came across a pretty bad car crash when I was around 18/19 or so... a whole bunch of us trying to rescue the Driver who was trapped and bleeding out... observing his distraught family who all walked out un-scratched (wife + 3 kids)... the moment that he basically came to life after his wife screamed out (upon hearing that he was dead) was pretty profound.


Being an identical twin... loosing an identical twin



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Came across a pretty bad car crash when I was around 18/19 or so... a whole bunch of us trying to rescue the Driver who was trapped and bleeding out... observing his distraught family who all walked out un-scratched (wife + 3 kids)... the moment that he basically came to life after his wife screamed out (upon hearing that he was dead) was pretty profound.


Being an identical twin... loosing an identical twin




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I've had a few life changing moments.. but two that really stick out in my my mind would be:


Deciding at the age of 24 (on a morning tea break) I'd like to go to Sydney so I bought a ticket, and left four weeks later... spent two years over there forging a life for myself and really learning to rely on myself. I learnt that I am a buttload stronger than I ever thought, I also learnt to trust myself and my judgement. It changed me for the better.


It also led to the greatest decision of my life... working up the courage to tell my best friend of 9 years that I was head over heels in love with him. I flew back to New Zealand a month after telling him this and have never looked back.


I also asked him to marry me last year (something I thought I'd NEVER do because marriage was always so gross and as if I'd ever want to be tied down).


Life is good and I am really lucky

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Meeting one of my best mates in the world Simon (misnoma) leaving my partner of about 2 years and ending up living on his couch for a few months... learnt a lot from being around that boy about what true friends are and how much of a farce of a relationship and who I really was.


Discovering dnb/breaks and the people it brings together I've met a lot of cool people and made a lot of really close friends who mean the world to me and are my family.


Discovering drifting there's nothing quite like the feel of linking a few corners all crossed up, tire smoke pumping out the back of the car it just makes me


Meeting my other best made Simon (Ataxic) leaving my gf of about a year (hmmm I see a trend starting here) rediscovering a few quality's about life I had forgotten about and having someone to help me put a lot of the bad things from my past behind me and I cant remember every being as happy and motivated as I am now


Buying my First set of decks its been a very very very frustrating 6 months so far but the feeling when you manage to get it and everything just comes together just makes me want to go out and share what I've just discoverer with everyone I know.

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Meeting one of my best mates in the world Simon (misnoma) leaving my partner of about 2 years and ending up living on his couch for a few months... learnt a lot from being around that boy about what true friends are and how much of a farce of a relationship and who I really was.


Discovering dnb/breaks and the people it brings together I've met a lot of cool people and made a lot of really close friends who mean the world to me and are my family.


Discovering drifting there's nothing quite like the feel of linking a few corners all crossed up, tire smoke pumping out the back of the car it just makes me


Meeting my other best made Simon (Ataxic) leaving my gf of about a year (hmmm I see a trend starting here) rediscovering a few quality's about life I had forgotten about and having someone to help me put a lot of the bad things from my past behind me and I cant remember every being as happy and motivated as I am now


Buying my First set of decks its been a very very very frustrating 6 months so far but the feeling when you manage to get it and everything just comes together just makes me want to go out and share what I've just discoverer with everyone I know.


Up's to you bro, of the big variety

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Way too many to list...


Highlights would be:


Deciding to stop going to church with my mum every sunday when I was 9/10ish. Learning how to play guitar and becoming a 'musician'. Playing around on fruity loops demo with Victor when we were kids. Getting stoned with my sister when I was 13. Getting my first job and realizing about responsibility. Dropping out of school when I was 16. Living with and breaking up with my gf when I was 17. Starting / finishing a physics degree. Reading my first Chomsky book. Moving from Fruity Loops 4 to Cubase SX1 ~5 years ago. Purchasing some studio monitors. Losing lots of unhappy friends. Starting Kung Fu training 5 years ago. Doing my first fast 4 years ago.

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some good ones here guys.....


my positive ones would be;


going to ed rush and optical @ fu in 2002


buying a pair of technics and a shitty mixer from a dude on Biggie almost 4 years ago.


studying the media at university, working in TV, and realising that most of what we hear and see is bullshit


Backpacking in Asia with my bro for 3 months a couple of years back. The most life-changing experience that trip was climbing a holy mountain called Hua Shan in central China. We climbed it at night time with torches to watch the sunrise, and it definitely put a few things in perspective


living in Vietnam for 9 months (edit: i could write a book on the the life-changing experiences this country gave me)


being dirt-poor in Japan and learning how to cook

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Starting Kung Fu training 5 years ago.


hey man, i was just curious where you did your Kung Fu?

I've done a year of JKD back in the UK and keen to get back into it here.


It's called 'Chi Kune Jow Do'- Tiger mantis Kung Fu. We have a relatively small club but it's a really cool style. Training is Monday and Wednesday 7-9pm in Newton school hall which is relatively central. Hit me up via pm if you want more details.

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Starting Kung Fu training 5 years ago.


hey man, i was just curious where you did your Kung Fu?

I've done a year of JKD back in the UK and keen to get back into it here.


It's called 'Chi Kune Jow Do'- Tiger mantis Kung Fu. We have a relatively small club but it's a really cool style. Training is Monday and Wednesday 7-9pm in Newton school hall which is relatively central. Hit me up via pm if you want more details.


this is just up the road a bit from where your moving to tom.....

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Starting Kung Fu training 5 years ago.


hey man, i was just curious where you did your Kung Fu?

I've done a year of JKD back in the UK and keen to get back into it here.


It's called 'Chi Kune Jow Do'- Tiger mantis Kung Fu. We have a relatively small club but it's a really cool style. Training is Monday and Wednesday 7-9pm in Newton school hall which is relatively central. Hit me up via pm if you want more details.


this is just up the road a bit from where your moving to tom.....


cheers mate, that's ideal

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1. Being dumped (first time for everything!)

2. Giving up all drugs full stop completely forever... best move I've ever made!

3. Starting intensive psycho-dynamic counseling and cutting through all the bullshit.

4. Losing my best friend to suicide


All of these have been extremely hard to deal with, but in the long run they've made me a better person. That's not to say that if I could turn back time...


excellent thread, good for reflections...

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First E



Haha! Yeah I've had many an epiphany on acid but now I forget?


Life changing moment for me was being homeless and living in a storage container in Aus a few years ago, was pretty rough to say the least. Got picked up by this lovely lady at an ATM machine who could see I was stressed, she took me to the supermarket and bought me food, took me into her home and offered me a room and a job! I ended up living with her for a few months.


Ever since then I've had mad faith in human nature, and can live on a pittance no worries

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Life changing moment for me was being homeless and living in a storage container in Aus a few years ago, was pretty rough to say the least. Got picked up by this lovely lady at an ATM machine who could see I was stressed, she took me to the supermarket and bought me food, took me into her home and offered me a room and a job! I ended up living with her for a few months.


Ever since then I've had mad faith in human nature, and can live on a pittance no worries


Wow thats an amazing story, good to hear that there is still some humanity left in humans and good to hear your all sorted now.

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some awesome stories on here! biggups everyone!

for me changing moments so far in my short life were...

music: finding the beauty of tenor saxophone and guitar and learning there was much better things on radio other than zm and the rock, finding the absolute beauty of drum and bass, going to my first gig and feeling the bass travelling through ya body and taking control!! then taking my first e at a dnb gig :badteef: no explanation needed!! big day out 05 was my first one and never missing one again!


going to boarding school in christchurch start of fifth form due to various reasons was fuckin sweet love that city and the peeps there.


and now figuring what im doing with my life, going to flying school at CTC in hamilton in feb should be epic but living in hamilton will be a bit interesting i guess

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  • 5 weeks later...

To Shape The Future - Optical




Playing the drums from age 11, possibly the best move i could have ever made. You have so many conceptual ideas open to you at this age, though you cant understand them fully you can see them, grasp them for a moment and as you mature they feel that little bit more natural.


Being victim of a violent assault and then having the opportunity to seek revenge and not taking it.

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