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Mike escapes NZ for Jungle's Birthplace - England


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I fly out for Europe tonight, so ive been issued one or two challenges.


Kritical asked me to get a photo of myself with Tony Coleman (A&R for Hospital)


any other dnb related missions you lot want me to go on? Ones that dont involve me being extradited, kicked out, arrested, deported or are plain stupid


I have no idea if im only going to be there for 2 months, or stay for the full 2 years of my visa, but I do plan to hit a few raves, and take lotsa fucked up pics.


Anyway, just like to thank in no particular order nato, kritical pakage, terra and the extended commercial rd crew, rolf and everyone else here on the site, or that ive met at gigs around auckland, shop owners who have tricked me into buying today's whats hot and informed me about absoulte stormers as well. Promoters for putting on some wicked little gigs around auckland and bringing in internationals/unknown locals to our scene. Also anyone I forgot.


If you think ive forgotten to thank you and want to be included, please include your name below here:


ALSO, THANKS TO:..........................................................................



Ill be trying to post somewhat illregular reports of the UK scene when I can be bothered, and maybe some stupid pics if kritical's ftp doesnt decide to die on me.


Chur guys, I fly out near midnight so watch out for my dubplate steez when i fly back.


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thanks guys, gonna see if i can go on a mish to blackmarket today (sunday) and see if they are open.


the flight was hell, 30 hours in total with transits and waiting. Didnt get any sleep either =/


singapore duty free is the shit, makes our malls look small.


anyway, when i come back from my tour of europe i should hopefully have some decent pics



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  • 2 weeks later...

quick update while im in florence guys


havent seen any djs or heard much decent jungle lately that im starting to go through withdrawl symptoms (my ipod is my salvation)


anyway, when I get back, from my trip Ill be hitting up stores, getting pics and HOSPITALITY BABY. Thats right, ill be there people. That and broke.


laters guys



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  • 3 weeks later...

ok guys - finally I have something decent to report.


Went to Austria and got a photo with Matty Concord (yeah i know i went overseas to get a photo with a kiwi / go figure) and the host of www.play.fm DJ Lighta.


In Amsterdam curtrently, and we all know that the dutchs´greatest export is not heinekin, tulips, windmills, drugs or copious amounts of really kinky sex... no its NOISIA!!!


So tonight, on Queensday, the biggest excuse for a whole COUNTRY to party it up (every street you go on has a small band or dj playing) im going to see NOISIA, Skitty and Terminal State. These heavy tech gigs are probably wasted on me, but hell im going! Pictures will follow when I get back to London and find a PC that will allow me to upload pics (last few havent let me damnit)


Anyway, today Ive met some random guy who was at the decks of a ´coffee shop`. Guys name is DJ Uturn (aka Hugo Van Oontersen ~ got an email ill post later), been spinning for about 4 years. Nice set as well. Anyway, the guys got some skills so ill try push his production steez on you f00s later.


gotta rock, so ill have photos and a report of what i can remember from the gig tonight otherwise im outtahere



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might hit them ''ahem'"coffeeshops today.


as for the gig, terminal static knows how to get things started. And omfg Skitty deserves the metalheadz label status cause he tore it up out there.


Only 1/3rd of Noisia turned up at the gig (a bit like when a gig is advertised as Concord Dawn and only 1 of them show up). Looks like he might have written down all his tunes in a dreaded 'setlist' but the bar was raised in Studio 80.


What I can say is that ive never had so many problems trying to get clear photos in fu, half the pics were distorted to **** by the smoke.


anyways ill post the photos once im back in the uk



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ok - back in the uk and ive just wasted 4 hours of my life uploading photos for you whores =p


i want he 2pound and hour and for kritical to get a 10mb pipe cause 100k a second is too slow


anyway, the pics from the noisia gig will be up when kritical wakes up and transfers them to the site.


Ill have to come back next week and give descriptions of whos in what pic.


The other 3 ive uploaded are of matty concord, nuff said


anyway, ill upload all my random and funny pics another time cause this is costing me far too much cash (a trip to barcelona seems cheaper currently)


also, im off to fabric on friday by the looks


james lavell, stanton warriors and others i cant remember in the main room, fabio, peshay (hell yeah) and others i cant remember in room 2.

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the speakers are just kinda everywhere - i think i got a decent one of the setup they have - 2 decks 2 cdjs a&h mixer offhand and just a bunch of speakers all over the place.


Ended up going with a few friends and may have converted one of them =P


problem is the dnb room was playing 90% jump-up clownstep. I mean it was fun, but fabio and peshay could have rinsed some proper liquid.


Adam Freeland was wicked, as was evil nine. Big up the breaks crew.


Im currently in Barcelona for a week to check out the sites here. I think innvovation is next week so i miss it, but i should hopefully go over to ibiza for a day or 2 and see whats pumping there.


hope you guys enjoyed the pics I sent, I have all the funny ones that I might upload this week, we will see.





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ok - only one or 2 things that need explaining there.


first pic is myself, Skitty from Metalheadz and MC Lennox


the one with Matty Concord is DJ Lighta, she hosts the dnb show on play.fm in Austria.


Rest of the shots are from Studio 80 where Skitty, Terminal Static and Noisia played.

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hell, put the rest up bruv =p


ive got more random shit, thats not dnb related (some are, but most are just weird shit) i just gotta upload it once im back in the UK.


Everything from sperm on a street sign to weird shit with the huffer label in barcelona... i swear once its posted they will make a t-shirt with it.

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ok - seems ive possibly lost a cd, anyway, there are a few interesting pics on the ftp now *whips the kritical into action to upload them*


ill have more interesting shit, and even better some photos from Fabric.


Back in the UK for a bit, will see if I can catch a gig etc



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