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election 08


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personally im into kiwisaver ae only starting to work now and i guess putting a bitta money away from each pay will add up heaps in the end, plus goverment stuff, not saying im gunna actually probly still be alive then but yeah im keen on it

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im unsure bout the taxes but im assuming by kiwisaver he means he is losing some of his income for the time being when he would rather it be straight to him instead of saving up?


cant comprehend how you losing $ with the tax cut policy but i dont been listening to that tax cut biz so dont no detayles

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Under the current govt with the tax breaks im making more than under the plan if National get in by about $10 a week... It was the front page article on last week's herald. Believe the article said you have to be making at least 44k or more to benefit from what National proposes

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im voting green for party labour for candidate



Labour should stay in power.Over the last three terms Helen Clark has absolutely put NZ and new zealanders first accross all areas.. she is a true visionary.

I admire her for being a driving force in nz creative ventures and helping artists establish our voice as a culture...

with out labours incentives and them being in power there would be no

State Of Mind

Concord Dawn


Lord Of The Rings

King Kong

FlighT oF the Concords

Funding For nz music videos

Funding fior Nz music releases ep's and albums




And why the Greens


Well, I admire their stance on the enviroment . their respect for New Zealand and New Zealanders. The way they Like labour want a universal student allowence (and hopefully will impliment it absolutely) Their backing of kiwisaver working for families,kiwibank and now kiwi rail...I admire that they want to cull junk food advertsing aimed at children, I belive in sustainable organic farming and see that it can and would be a great way to drive NZ's ecconomy forward I love that they are pro civil liberties in this age of state paranoia and terrorism and I love that they are catagorically against privitisation and for Re nationalisation of our assets. health, electricity, telcos social services..


so thats me


yupyup... think carefully vote wisely use your voice and think of the next 3 years....

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90% of people vote with self-interest in mind.




i'm a bludger, i like hand-outs, i'll vote labour.




i'm selfish, i don't like paying taxes, i'll vote national.


fair comment about labour helping fund creative endeavours but to say that without labour there'd be no concord dawn, no state of mind, no king kong etc, is a fucken joke bro.

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90% of people vote with self-interest in mind.




i'm a bludger, i like hand-outs, i'll vote labour.




i'm selfish, i don't like paying taxes, i'll vote national.


fair comment about labour helping fund creative endeavours but to say that without labour there'd be no concord dawn, no state of mind, no king kong etc, is a fucken joke bro.


ok their would be..... but it would have been waaaaaaaay harder.. would John key go and do media with Matt and Evan.... NOPE!... would john Key give tax breaks to Weta.....NOPE do u actually know any tangible examples on how National a conservative party would support the possible subversive elements in dance music and films (of course only if said media texts upheld the conservative moral postion national have)

I suggest you do research on margeret thatcher see what happens to dance music under a conservative tory government. Thank FUCK the ship was sunk... cos if she wasnt ...... well we would have been living under the iron clasp of conservatives and There would have def been not such an easy enviroment for the arts... maybe it would be a good thing for electronic music, cos wen The ship was in and bolger there were a shit load of illegal raves in warehouses and it seemed that wen labour got in , clubs started to cater for dance music....but in reality nope any conservative goverment is bad...


John Key is a conservative who will make it fucking hard for nz music especially electronic music..mark my words....


are you a bit conservative grind? down with church on sundays? and family values? and Queen and state? and clasping your heart when the national anthem comes on.. and sending your mates brothers children cousins to a far away wars??...


down with the religous right and stuff?


well thats what a vote for national says

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Believe the article said you have to be making at least 44k or more to benefit from what National proposes


If you're in Kiwisaver.


True, but even not in Kiwisaver I think im losing out... Kiwisaver is damn good considering I got $1000 just for joining up =)

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Man, what really annoys me is people who DON'T vote...I don't understand why you wouldn't.


Apathy does seem rife about the place at the mo, but you gotta use your opportunity to do something about what will definately be affecting you over the next 3 years right?


Oh, and the Bill and Ben party? That's ridiculous. I hope no one wastes their vote on them. Might as well vote for the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party.


Me, I'm going Green...

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Man, what really annoys me is people who DON'T vote...I don't understand why you wouldn't.


Apathy does seem rife about the place at the mo, but you gotta use your opportunity to do something about what will definately be affecting you over the next 3 years right?


Oh, and the Bill and Ben party? That's ridiculous. I hope no one wastes their vote on them. Might as well vote for the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party.


Me, I'm going Green...

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ok their would be..... but it would have been waaaaaaaay harder.. would John key go and do media with Matt and Evan.... NOPE!... would john Key give tax breaks to Weta.....NOPE do u actually know any tangible examples on how National a conservative party would support the possible subversive elements in dance music and films (of course only if said media texts upheld the conservative moral postion national have)

I suggest you do research on margeret thatcher see what happens to dance music under a conservative tory government. Thank FUCK the ship was sunk... cos if she wasnt ...... well we would have been living under the iron clasp of conservatives and There would have def been not such an easy enviroment for the arts... maybe it would be a good thing for electronic music, cos wen The ship was in and bolger there were a shit load of illegal raves in warehouses and it seemed that wen labour got in , clubs started to cater for dance music....but in reality nope any conservative goverment is bad...


John Key is a conservative who will make it fucking hard for nz music especially electronic music..mark my words....


are you a bit conservative grind? down with church on sundays? and family values? and Queen and state? and clasping your heart when the national anthem comes on.. and sending your mates brothers children cousins to a far away wars??...


down with the religous right and stuff?


well thats what a vote for national says


um.. i never saw any politicians doing media with drum and bass artists but to me that sounds wack-as-fuck. yeah helen, you're so down with the youth demographic.


weta would receive tax breaks under national because they are a business, no?


i highly doubt john key is gonna start shutting down clubs and raves when he gets elected. that's hysterical talk.


nice generalisation of national-voters there as well mate.. but in the modern world you'll find they're not all christian, conservative, war-supporters. many of them are just sick of what they believe to be a hypocritical, failing labour government who are partly responsible for all the problems this country currently faces


who am i voting for? i dunno yet mate. i'm not actually a full-on national supporter or anything - i just think your point of view is a little extremist.


i might actually vote greens.. mainly to piss tomkid off though.

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ok their would be..... but it would have been waaaaaaaay harder.. would John key go and do media with Matt and Evan.... NOPE!... would john Key give tax breaks to Weta.....NOPE do u actually know any tangible examples on how National a conservative party would support the possible subversive elements in dance music and films (of course only if said media texts upheld the conservative moral postion national have)

I suggest you do research on margeret thatcher see what happens to dance music under a conservative tory government. Thank FUCK the ship was sunk... cos if she wasnt ...... well we would have been living under the iron clasp of conservatives and There would have def been not such an easy enviroment for the arts... maybe it would be a good thing for electronic music, cos wen The ship was in and bolger there were a shit load of illegal raves in warehouses and it seemed that wen labour got in , clubs started to cater for dance music....but in reality nope any conservative goverment is bad...


John Key is a conservative who will make it fucking hard for nz music especially electronic music..mark my words....


are you a bit conservative grind? down with church on sundays? and family values? and Queen and state? and clasping your heart when the national anthem comes on.. and sending your mates brothers children cousins to a far away wars??...


down with the religous right and stuff?


well thats what a vote for national says


um.. i never saw any politicians doing media with drum and bass artists but to me that sounds wack-as-fuck. yeah helen, you're so down with the youth demographic.


weta would receive tax breaks under national because they are a business, no?


i highly doubt john key is gonna start shutting down clubs and raves when he gets elected. that's hysterical talk.


nice generalisation of national-voters there as well mate.. but in the modern world you'll find they're not all christian, conservative, war-supporters. many of them are just sick of what they believe to be a hypocritical, failing labour government who are partly responsible for all the problems this country currently faces


who am i voting for? i dunno yet mate. i'm not actually a full-on national supporter or anything - i just think your point of view is a little extremist.


i might actually vote greens.. mainly to piss tomkid off though.


love discourse it makes the world go round....


labour failed how.....

Look at history and tell me how national havent

The problems this country face, well its roots are firmly based in free market capitalist greed and the privitisation that Roger Douglas (when he was in labour) started and successive national goverments finished in the rediculous attempt to "open our borders to the free market reforms of the 80's and 90's " and what the fuck has that got us? mcdonalds ? Kfc? nike. shit wages. no union representation...bad schools ... high inflation. new zealand infrastructure being sold to the highest bidder ? a user pays society that fucks over everyone EXCEPT for the very rich?


Yup I do have "extremist views" tell u the truth im proud I do...

Im a 3rd generation marxist (with a little bit of anarchism thrown in for good measure) I dont absolutly belive in the fallacy of Institutionalised democracy and see the pit falls for what they are...

I do however care massivly about NZ's future my future my sons future .. and there aint no way a right wing government will EVER EVER EVER! look after the people that need to be looked after...

Its all there on the pages of history

from Muldoon to enoch powell.to mussolini franco and hitler..to bush and nixon... the right hate us.. they only want what they want and not what you want...

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Our country is in a lot of debt. I think people don't really see this as much of an issue, but IMO it is. Micheal Cullen seems to understand this. Not only by promoting investment amongst the civilian population (Kiwisaver is worth billions in investments) and reducing New Zealand's overseas debt... but also by creating large investment by Goverment (Superfund etc). Nationals policy is the opposite... which I think is a bit risky. I compare it to a family who has a lot of credit card debt... National want to keep spending, Labour want to pay off the debt and save.


I would have to say Greens or Labour. I would go into the other reasons why, but I got so bored reading the rest of the thread so thought better of it.

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voting for national or labour is a



eventually taxs will rise so what ever tax cuts they give you they just add them on to the taxation of cigarettes and petrol

they give from one hand and take from the other


im going green like i always have

i hope that winston gets back in, he is a character worth having around

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I'm in Eden Albert (Helen Clarks electorate) and quite frankly all the candidates are shit.


For party vote I'll be voting ACT.


I believe in personal freedom, individual responsibility and government thats small enough I can grab it by the neck and drown it in the toilet. I'm economically literate and deal with various aspects of the public sector on a daily basis, and see every day the massive amounts of waste and poor quality spending that is going on, not the mention the politicisation of the public sector.


Basically I'm a libertarian ACT voter (I was one of the 3 people who made a dick of thenats when Jacqui Dean was dumb enough to try and ban water last year!) I have no time for the Nats, in fact I despise the tories, but they are the lesser of two evils at the moment when it comes to coalition partners.


What I'd like to see is post election labour having a massive purge that even stalin would be proud of, with Phil Goff as leader and the union/left wing faction out of the way. Then a Labour, ACT, Maori Party coalition in 2011 (ACT came from Labour roots remember)....


To put it frankly - Rodney Hide is the only politician I trust.



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