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election 08


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heh yeah i admit Roddas is quite an endearing character..


yeah MikeE, that was a quality rant, albeit slightly unrealistic! - i can never imagine ACT, Labour and the Maori Party banding together


politics/politicians FTL imo... total smokescreen business; the decisions about our future aren't being made in parliament....


:tinfoil hat:

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i hope that winston gets back in, he is a character worth having around


hahaha i've always been a huge winston fan.. although it seems even more controversial to say it now after recent events


i've met rodney hide a couple of times, he's a good dude.. personally supports cannabis law reform among other things

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Rodney Hide,,, interesting......Roger Douglas.... that man needs a bullet


any parties on the right must be purged in tru catalonian context....

a jack boot state (far left and far right) freaks me the fuck out,,, its one step away from facism in my opinion..

Act ,Labour (with out the lefty union supporters?) and the moari party WTF?... thats almost like the most epic fail government ... not quite as Epically Failsome as a Christian heritage Destiny and Kiwi party/Family First one but still...



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ACT come from labour roots, and the Maori Party holds their proxy votes if they are ever out of parliament - quite often the work together, with Tariana Turia speaking at last years ACT national conference on the topic, and have consistantly voted against increasing the "Jackboot" state as you put it.


Voting against increased drug controls

Voting against the anti terror legislation

Voting for legalised prostitution




Greens however have been one of the most consistant voters for Jackboot state type policies.


I'd support greens if they were actually pro freedom and pro environment, unfortunately they are not, just commies in drag. Nandor and Mets I respect, as they aren't from the left (they come out of ALCP).


Grind you are right - if it came to a vote ACT would support legalising cannabis. Just like they voted against banning BZP.

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Christian heritage Destiny and Kiwi party/Family


If that happens I'm moving to Aus

if that happens im setting up barricades on queen street.. thats deffo wen I will go to war


And I'll be joining you ;-)


(Theres quite a few Anarchists in ACT too :-P)

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Christian heritage Destiny and Kiwi party/Family


If that happens I'm moving to Aus

if that happens im setting up barricades on queen street.. thats deffo wen I will go to war


And I'll be joining you ;-)


(Theres quite a few Anarchists in ACT too :-P)


yeah i know... they are more individualists when im more of a syndicalist... but we still fly the black flag (well mines black and red) but yes


Remember the Kronstadt comrades

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Christian heritage Destiny and Kiwi party/Family


If that happens I'm moving to Aus

if that happens im setting up barricades on queen street.. thats deffo wen I will go to war


And I'll be joining you ;-)


(Theres quite a few Anarchists in ACT too :-P)


yeah i know... they are more individualists when im more of a syndicalist... but we still fly the black flag (well mines black and red) but yes


Remember the Kronstadt comrades


Black and Gold mate, black and gold





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I quite liked this post from Blair:




Do you have no mind or will of your own? Do you need people telling you what to do all the time? Are you confused about who to vote for? Excellent! Let me tell you how to vote then:

Party Vote:

This is easy. Vote ACT. While these days I'm more attuned with the Libertarianz, that 5% threshold and lack of prospects in a seat makes a vote for them wasted. ACT is the least bad, most pro-small government of all the parties worth voting for. In fact, a vote for anyone else could be disastrous at such a delicate time in our history. Party Vote ACT. Let's get these guys into government.


Auckland Central

The loathesome Judith Tizard must go. To this end, it is vital that the only serious opponent,Nikki Kaye, be given a tick.


Bay of Plenty

Tony Ryall is one of the original bratpackers, a moderate wet Tory who occasionly likes to hyperventilate in Parliament about crime, but is otherwise a bit pink. VoteFrances Denz, the ACT candidate.



It is with no bias whatsoever that I endorse the only candidate for whom a vote in Botany will count -Kenneth Wang.


Christchurch Central

I am almost tempted to endorse Brendan Burns simply because Tim Barnett has been trying to undermine him, but no. This might be a close-run thing this time, but I can't bring myself to care enough about Nicky Wagner to recommend anything other than voting forToni Severinof ACT.


Christchurch East

A very safe Labour seat. Protest by votingPaula Lambertof the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party.



Bill English's very safe seat. But the Labour candidate is one of those rare people in the party these days - an actual working class person - and we should show our approval. Mulholland Drive endorsesDon Pryde.



Is there any point whatsoever to Sandra Goudie? Vote for ACT'sRay Bassett.


Dunedin North

Safe Labour. I don't know enough about National's Michael Woodhouse to recommend him, so give ACT's #6Hillary Calvertyour tick.


Dunedin South

Alas, no Benson-Pope! ACT'sColin Nichollsshould get your vote here just for having his car martyred, but if that's not your kettle of fish, vote for the guy with the funny name - Robert Wansink of Restore All Things in Christ.


East Coast

Anne Tolleydoesn't seem as horrible a Tory as some of them are. But vote for her, if only because a vote for goofy smiley weatherman Brendan Horan will keep Winston in Parliament!


East Coast Bays

This is one of the seats the Family Party is campaigning hard out for. It's almost enough to make me want to endorse Murray McCully. But I won't. Vote forElah Zamoraof the Libertarianz in protest.



Vote forthe smiley man in the silly yellow jacket. It's important.


Hamilton East

Have you ever thought about moving to somewhere respectable? No? Okay, I guess you are stuck with voting then. It's a marginal seat, but I don't care. Vote for everybody's favourite gym owner and party president, the loveableGarry Mallettof ACT.


Hamilton West

Seriously, have you thought about moving? Why not go to the Mount? I hear it's nice. Again, marginal seat, who cares, vote forTim Wikiriwhiof the Libertarianz.



I can't say I am overly impressed by the National candidate here, and he does not get my endorsement. But I hopeDavid Garrettgets elected. He is an intelligent fellow, a good speaker, and not the hang-em-high idealogue some critics paint him as. You should tick ACT twice in this seat.



How wet do you have to be to be a Nat and vote in favour of banning smoking in bars? No no no, how many times do you get the opportunity to vote for one of New Zealand's greatest-ever politicians on the ballot? Take it, and giveSir Roger Douglasyour support.


Hutt South

It's possible Paul Quinn could take this seat. But Trevor Mallard is such an "asset" to the Labour Party you'd be mad to try too hard to get rid of him. VoteLindsay Mitchell, and maybe she'll find a worthy place on ACT's list next time.



Safe National seat. That tubby Wet Brownlee has got to go. A protest vote for ACT'sBrian Davidsonwould be a good start.



It's grim down South. The incumbent is hardly a heavyweight. Protest by voting forShane Pleasanceof the Libertarianz. Get them selling absinthe in their shops again.



Dave Tattersfieldof ACT is the only one that shines amongst these nobodies in this very safe Tory seat.



When faced with a choice between the charming, but pointless Winnie Laban, and the odious brown aristocrat Hekia Parata, it's enough to make you voteRichard Goodeof the Libertarianz!



It's a crowded field out there. It should be fun to watch the results. I'm hoping the three way split will allowMichael Tabachnikto ride the wave of ACT's massive support in Mangere straight into parliament :-P


Manukau East

Ross Robertson is hard to dislike, and he's actually a fairly competent Assistant Speaker. But I'd like to see a Sikh MP to stick up for the region's besieged shopkeepers. National has won this seat once before (1990-93, when it was called Otara) so anything is possible. VoteKanwaljit Singh Bakshi.



George Hawkinsis one of the good guys in Labour. Give him another term so that he can help bring the party back in line with their more mainstream counterparts overseas.



Vote Matt Robson! Nah, just kidding. It's the very ablePeseta Sam Lotu-Iigaall the way. The seat is marginal and the last thing it needs is another trade unionist.


Mt Albert

Helengrad, my own electorate, and a safe Labour seat. I will be givingtwo ticks to ACT.


Mt Roskill

Goff is safe on the party list, or else I would endorse him. Despite holding hands with Yasser Arafat, he's a very good MP and again, someone who will bring Labour back towards the centre (and maybe drag National with it). ButShawn Tan's your man.



Russell Fairbrother should never darken the door of Parliament again. He is a limp-wristed liberal in the worst possible way. VoteChris Tremainto keep him out.



Vote forthe lesbian carpetbagger. It's important.


New Lynn

The westie seats often swing with the change of government. Tim Groserhas already proven his worth to parliament, and should be chosen as New Lynn's MP.


New Plymouth

It's another one of those provincial towns that might go National's way this time. But do I care? No. Vote Libertarianz -Mike Webber


North Shore

Stephen Cooper is a former flatmate, but in the wrong party. Wayne Mapp makes the prospect of watching paint dry seem entertaining. So go for scaryJohn Boscaweninstead. We want to freak out the lefties a bit.



I've metJonathan Colemanand was impressed by him. He's a good bloke who likes his cigars ;-) As much as I like Nick Kearney, this seat is still marginal enough for me not to wish a Labour MP on my poor parents, which makes Jonathan my choice.



It has to beShane Jones. Sure, he's a Labour MP, but he's still a moderate, and he'd be better than Hone.



Vote for the Stop Peter Dunne At All Costs Party. That would beKatrina Shanksof National.



Ugh. Nathan Guy looks like one of those horrible smug Tories that was born wearing a suit and tie. Protest by votingPeter McCaffreyof ACT.



It's quite important that we have some National MPs who believe in their own party's principles. Maurice Williamsonis such a man.


Palmerston North

This seat may well be a National gain, but I don't trust provincial Tories. Kevin Dittmerof ACT is the best choice here.



An easy endorsement to make -Judith Collinsis National's spine. Vote for her lean and hungry glances in John Key's direction.


Port Hills

Tough call. Marginal seat. But who is worse? Drunk driving Ruth Dyson, or seven time loser and former Social Creditor Terry Heffernan? It's a tie. Vote for ACT candidate and ZAPatistaGeoff Russellinstead.



This is one of those rural seats that send grumpy Tories to Wellington every three years to rail against the dangers of drugs practically non-existent in their own area. It will have to be ACT'sPeter McCaw. Whatever he thinks of BZP, it will still be better than returning Jo Goodhew again.



I don't know whoJills Angus Burneyis, but she's not Simon Power and that's all I care about right now.



VoteChris Hipkinsto keep Ron Mark out and bury Winston forever.



The whitest seat in the country, and one of National's safest. Lockwood will win. ButBeryl Goodis a wonder to behold - she is one of ACT's hardest working candidates, and should be rewarded with your vote.



Chris Finlaysonis another excellent National MP to counterbalance some of the horrors in their caucus. He won't win, but you should vote for him anyway.



It's horrid to visit the sins of the father on the son, but Todd McLay doesn't come from good breeding. He should win though. But you should vote for the Libertarianz candidateFred Stevens.



Ruth Richardson's old seat. Amy Adams will never go hungry again. It's safe enough to register your support forIvor Watsonof ACT.



Allan Peachy has spent most of the last three years invisibly fighting illness I believe. I hate to be harsh, but if you can't do your job properly, you shouldn't be standing. He'll be re-elected of course, but with all due sympathy, it's not right. Chris Simmonsof ACT is a good guy and should get both your ticks.


Taranaki-King Country

If only Owen Jennings had seen off Shane Ardern! Maybe he wouldn't be wasting the Wellington oxygen? His tractor stunt is the only memorable thing about him. Vote forWilliam Izardof ACT instead.



There's no good candidates here, so the only thing to do is voteLouise Upstonto get rid of the hideously incompetent Mark Burton.



Vote against Winston Peters. National'sSimon Bridgeswill do nicely.


Te Atatu

Everybody lovesTau Henare. He's getting more right wing in his old age. He'll be in ACT soon enough ;-)



None of these people light my fire, so when in doubt go for the ACT candidate,Duncan Lennox.



Lindsay Tisch is a complete waste of space, so go forMark Davies. Two ticks ACT.



Clayton Cosgroveis on the right side of the Labour Party, and should be allowed to keep his seat before the Great Leftie Cleanout.



I've heard good things about John Hayes, but you can't go pastRichard McGrathof the Libertarianz in this safe National seat.



Craig McNair. No, I'm joking. Paula Bennettseems allright, so give her a chance to take the seat off that horrible unionist woman.



As much as I really do not want to do this, I am going to endorseDavid Parker. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to stop Jacqui Dean at all cost. You will need: 1) One Bottle of Vodka, and 2) A polling booth. To make the vote, scull the whole bottle of vodka, stagger towards the booth with the orange marker pen provided, and tick Parker's name. That's D-A-V-I-D P-A-R-K-E-R. Come on. You can do this.


Wellington Central

Stephen Frankswas worth about ten regular National MPs when he was last in parliament, so if you put him in their caucus he will kick some arse. My wholehearted endorsement for the National candidate here.


West Coast Tasman

Oddly enough, I thinkDamien O'Connorshould keep his job - as with many of these seats, we need a more moderate Labour Party and having O'Connor there will help. I suspect the seat will be a National gain however.



Mastermind versus the mustached man who wants to ban gangs? A determined endorsement of ACT'sAlan Davidsonthen.



Safe National - will continue to return the incredibly useless Phil Heatly for the rest of his life. VoteHelen Hughesof the Libertarianz instead.



This is quite a marginal seat, despite the media practically ignoring the fact. Labour nearly took it last time. This time the swing may be back to National. I reluctantly endorse the very competentMarc Alexander, despite suspecting Erin Ebborn-Gillespie has a better chance of beating Chairman Jim.



Angelina Greensill sings a very good waiata, but she is also very much of the left, as opposed toNanaia Mahuta, who is very much of the buffet table. Vote for Princess Tub-o-Lard - if you can't move fast, you can't move far as far as I'm concerned.



Parekura the Hut needs to go, and the only people who will miss him will be the staff at Bellamys. Vote forDerek the Fox.


Tamaki Makaurau

I haven't found a good enough reason to dislikePita Sharples, or a good enough reason to think Louisa Wall would be a better choice. Effectively conceding the seat was poor politics on her part, and her punishment will be the end of her brief stay in parliament.


Te Tai Hauauru

VoteTariana Turiaand abolish the dole!


Te Tai Tokerau

Very safe for Hone Pani Tamati Waka Nene Let's Ban Cigarettes Harawira. But onlyPeter Tashkoffof ACT has the right policies for Maori, and for all New Zealanders.


Te Tai Tonga

Mahara Okeroa recently proved he is an opportunist by asking for an apology fromthe Police Commissioner over the terror raids. Vote for the other guy -Rahui Katene.



If the Maori caucus were the Beatles,Te Ururoa Flavelwould be George. But George is my favourite Beatle, so I guess he's okay.



So let's count up: I have officially endorsed 17 National Party candidates, 10 Labour Party candidates, 5 Maori Party candidates, 1 Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party candidate, 8 Libertarianz Party candidates and 29 ACT Party candidates. That would make a pretty good parliament I reckon P


Its a little toungue in cheek, but I liked the stuff re getting rid of Jacqui Dean and getting someone from ALCP in :-)


Paula from the ALCP is a good person, so if you live in Christchurch - give the Aoteoroa Legalise Cannabis Party your electorate vote :-P

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