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Predictions for 2009


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... They could probably go in here...


AK gets a new jump-up night with mainstream cross-over appeal, queues round the block and ZM airplay/sponsorship



Dubstep replaces electro-house as the new 'in' genre amongst those who (dont') know


(actually these last two sound just like the predictions I made for 2008, ah well )


More people predict the end of vinyl


More people say drum and bass is dead (I think that call is older than the vinyl one... almost)


Some emo kids that hear pendulum at the BDO end up listening to some of Fresh's latest output They start making swing=beat tunes with soppy lyrics and autotune - The new emo-step sub-genre takes over


A NZ branch of the Pirate Party starts up and is quickly arrested by authorities on unrelated charges


The new minister for the arts slashes funding to independent media... (not a political dig, but the guy who is in charge now doesn't sound like the type that would let Bulletproof do a music video... Please prove me wrong)


Any more?

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redstar has another rant about the end being nigh and claims that the neo-con's fascist regime is on the verge of turning NZ into a totalitarian state and will soon be knocking down my door to ship me off to guantanamo for listening to dance music



im just playin ben, you know i love you

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redstar has another rant about the end being nigh and claims that the neo-con's fascist regime is on the verge of turning NZ into a totalitarian state and will soon be knocking down my door to ship me off to guantanamo for listening to dance music



im just playin ben, you know i love you




nah the year of the 9 is all about movement and change.. embrace it... the real shit will shit the fan in a couple more years

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The new minister for the arts slashes funding to independent media... (not a political dig, but the guy who is in charge now doesn't sound like the type that would let Bulletproof do a music video... Please prove me wrong)



Don't get me wrong, I love bullet proof... but why exactly should struggling taxpayers, trying to make ends meet be forced to fund their music videos?


Does not compute...


Isn't the whole point of independent media.. I don't know... to be independent.

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The new minister for the arts slashes funding to independent media... (not a political dig, but the guy who is in charge now doesn't sound like the type that would let Bulletproof do a music video... Please prove me wrong)



Don't get me wrong, I love bullet proof... but why exactly should struggling taxpayers, trying to make ends meet be forced to fund their music videos?


Does not compute...


Isn't the whole point of independent media.. I don't know... to be independent.


Well from what I know/have been told there is a budget there for local artists to make music videos, do albums etc from NZ On Air (I'm sure someone here can correct/clarify this). IMO its better to have some niche content than a few more Coldplay clones.


Weather the money should be there at all is another argument, but since it is, we may as well let it be for what we like no?

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Isn't the whole point of independent media.. I don't know... to be independent.


creatively independent and financially independent are two different things... in this case the independence is not intended in the financial sense and indeed, the people that try and do something different on their own are generally in most need of the funding.


taxpayers should fund art because otherwise we'll live in a world with only shitty mainstream art and everyones lives will suck more

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Whether or not you have funding for Coldplay clones or dnb artists or whatever has nothing to do with which govt is in control. They control the amount of funding, not where it ends up.


Wouldn't central government be accountable for where this funding is directed (in general) or is that the job of NZ On Air or another similar body?

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Isn't the whole point of

taxpayers should fund art because otherwise we'll live in a world with only shitty mainstream art and everyones lives will suck more


All art? or just art that you and I like?


Who defines what is art?


Who should allocate said funds?


Who sets limits on funds?


What governance should exist?


Sorry... but throwaway comments like that without thinking it through grind my gears... typical "govt should do something" type reaction.


I don't see how someone can call themselves independent when they are sucking on the teet of creativeNZ grants... (and this is no dig at the trulely awesome artists that we have that recieve them, NZ has some great talent, I just think that they should be funded by those who enjoy/value their art, rather than spread across the tax base)

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I don't see how someone can call themselves independent when they are sucking on the teet of creativeNZ grants... (and this is no dig at the trulely awesome artists that we have that recieve them, NZ has some great talent, I just think that they should be funded by those who enjoy/value their art, rather than spread across the tax base)


lol... user-pays art funding... it's throwaway comments like that which make me think you're having regular anal sex with John Key.



just kidding about the anal sex but really that sounds so ridiculous. How do you propose something like this would work? realistically.


In answer to your questions - I think all creative projects which are well planned and in need of funding should get some amount of financial support whether you or I like the said artists or not. This is already what happens and we already have bodies which regulate all this so your other questions answer themselves. The government doesn't have to do anything - except maybe not cut spending to the creative sector.


If anything I think you are the one which is crying "government should do something"... "I'm a struggling tax payer and I don't want to pay for art that I don't like"

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I don't see how someone can call themselves independent when they are sucking on the teet of creativeNZ grants... (and this is no dig at the trulely awesome artists that we have that recieve them, NZ has some great talent, I just think that they should be funded by those who enjoy/value their art, rather than spread across the tax base)


lol... user-pays art funding... it's throwaway comments like that which make me think you're having regular anal sex with John Key.



just kidding about the anal sex but really that sounds so ridiculous. How do you propose something like this would work? realistically.


In answer to your questions - I think all creative projects which are well planned and in need of funding should get some amount of financial support whether you or I like the said artists or not. This is already what happens and we already have bodies which regulate all this so your other questions answer themselves. The government doesn't have to do anything - except maybe not cut spending to the creative sector.


If anything I think you are the one which is crying "government should do something"... "I'm a struggling tax payer and I don't want to pay for art that I don't like"



hehe... yeah sadly mikeE is a supporter pof the act party so his rediculously right wing banter doesnt surprise me.


The arts are a way for us new zealanders to have a voice and create our own subtext that is uniquely new zealand. fuck im all for arts of whatever shape to be funded by tax payers. I would much rather see The arts funded by taxes than sports.. sports all though a celebration of the physical excellence of our gene pool are all good and fine , but really they dont say shit about our society and place in the world.

As a film maker who is currently putting together a proposal to creativeNZ for a short film that if chosen will open the door for a future feature that will also be funded im all for it. .

more funding more creative projects more voice....

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I don't see how someone can call themselves independent when they are sucking on the teet of creativeNZ grants... (and this is no dig at the trulely awesome artists that we have that recieve them, NZ has some great talent, I just think that they should be funded by those who enjoy/value their art, rather than spread across the tax base)


lol... user-pays art funding... it's throwaway comments like that which make me think you're having regular anal sex with John Key.



just kidding about the anal sex but really that sounds so ridiculous. How do you propose something like this would work? realistically.


In answer to your questions - I think all creative projects which are well planned and in need of funding should get some amount of financial support whether you or I like the said artists or not. This is already what happens and we already have bodies which regulate all this so your other questions answer themselves. The government doesn't have to do anything - except maybe not cut spending to the creative sector.


If anything I think you are the one which is crying "government should do something"... "I'm a struggling tax payer and I don't want to pay for art that I don't like"



hehe... yeah sadly mikeE is a supporter pof the act party so his rediculously right wing banter doesnt surprise me.


The arts are a way for us new zealanders to have a voice and create our own subtext that is uniquely new zealand. fuck im all for arts of whatever shape to be funded by tax payers. I would much rather see The arts funded by taxes than sports.. sports all though a celebration of the physical excellence of our gene pool are all good and fine , but really they dont say shit about our society and place in the world.

As a film maker who is currently putting together a proposal to creativeNZ for a short film that if chosen will open the door for a future feature that will also be funded im all for it. .

more funding more creative projects more voice....


Technically I'm nore of an anarchist...


Thats not very anarchist of your redstar :-P

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I don't see how someone can call themselves independent when they are sucking on the teet of creativeNZ grants... (and this is no dig at the trulely awesome artists that we have that recieve them, NZ has some great talent, I just think that they should be funded by those who enjoy/value their art, rather than spread across the tax base)


lol... user-pays art funding... it's throwaway comments like that which make me think you're having regular anal sex with John Key.



just kidding about the anal sex but really that sounds so ridiculous. How do you propose something like this would work? realistically.


In answer to your questions - I think all creative projects which are well planned and in need of funding should get some amount of financial support whether you or I like the said artists or not. This is already what happens and we already have bodies which regulate all this so your other questions answer themselves. The government doesn't have to do anything - except maybe not cut spending to the creative sector.


If anything I think you are the one which is crying "government should do something"... "I'm a struggling tax payer and I don't want to pay for art that I don't like"



hehe... yeah sadly mikeE is a supporter pof the act party so his rediculously right wing banter doesnt surprise me.


The arts are a way for us new zealanders to have a voice and create our own subtext that is uniquely new zealand. fuck im all for arts of whatever shape to be funded by tax payers. I would much rather see The arts funded by taxes than sports.. sports all though a celebration of the physical excellence of our gene pool are all good and fine , but really they dont say shit about our society and place in the world.

As a film maker who is currently putting together a proposal to creativeNZ for a short film that if chosen will open the door for a future feature that will also be funded im all for it. .

more funding more creative projects more voice....


Technically I'm nore of an anarchist...


Thats not very anarchist of your redstar :-P



yah well.......im an anarcho socialist actually... but when theres 5k-10k for a digital short and later up to 2million for a feature im not gonna complain.......


lol love ur werk mr mikeE

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Thats not very anarchist of your redstar :-P


how so?


It sounds a hell of a lot more 'anarchist' to me than user pays... the only necessary difference would be that in an anarchistic society Creative NZ would exist at a community level instead of a government level. People would probably still fund art in a very similar, collective way - the structure of the regulating bodies would just be a lot different.


For example in Peter Kropotkins Britannica entry on Anarchism (one of the most widely cited summaries of anarchism) he says:


In a society developed on these (anarchistic) lines, the voluntary associations which already now begin to cover all the fields of human activity would take a still greater extension so as to substitute themselves for the state in all its functions. They would represent an interwoven network, composed of an infinite variety of groups and federations of all sizes and degrees, local, regional, national and international temporary or more or less permanent - for all possible purposes: production, consumption and exchange, communications, sanitary arrangements, education, mutual protection, defence of the territory, and so on; and, on the other side, for the satisfaction of an ever-increasing number of scientific, artistic, literary and sociable needs.
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