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Is God A Cunt Or Are Cunts Gods


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well Is he? and or are they?


One would imagine so due to the various fucked up shiz that be happining in the world . and then one would tink Are Cunts Gods? I think that they would like to think they are



so tell me what you rood boys think?

Is God A Cunt? Or Are Cunts Gods

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If a god(s) exists then he/she/they is mos def a cunt. If you're talking about a christian god which is supposedly all knowing, loving and powerful then its a bit of a contradiction and thats part of the reason I don't believe.


Cunts generally think that they are 'above' everyone else so you'd be justified in saying that most cunts are gods from their own perspective... from my perspective, cunts are just cunts though, innit?

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well u would b ryte there mr pchaos. I absolutely agree with all ur assertations.

Im sure there are cunts who are gods and gods that are cunts all over the show that wouldnt but yes i agree..

is george bush a cunt or a god?

is allah a god or a cunt

Is saddam a cunt or a cunt or a godly cunt??

is (add what ever u want here) a cunt and a god..


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could god be a good cunt?

hey! yes thats right could god b a good cunt...


hmmmm nicely positiond spanner in the kogs of my lay theologan brain...


im sure he is

maybe its mans evil that makes him a cunt?

Sheeeit "him " "he" i dunno? after years o being a non beliver,

the "is god a cunt" question has really made me rexamine my position on all that jebus stuff

intriging how 4 words can shift ur perspective

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I say big up's to God if there is one... the world would be a much less interesting place were it not for the trials and tribulations which we're all faced with on a day to day basis...


I mean, sure it would be nice if everything was perfect and God (I use the term loosely) made a giant playground for us... but you know, I'm pretty attached to this sadistic reality


Were it not for the rocks in it's bed, the river would make no music.


No point dwelling over it too much, I say just go with it

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Thats harsh tim...


Yeah maybe, but the world is a fucking dark place though man - no point in covering it with cherries and cream, You need to remember that we live in an incredibly affluent part of an affluent society and affluent socities are very much a minority in this world.


I know what you're saying - that good can only be good relative to bad and I agree with that and I agree that people generally get down over things that they should really get over but I don't think a conversation on good/evil is the right context to bring that argument into discussion - imo it is inconceivable that someone who has read about what its like to live in Bolivia or Nicaragua (esp during the time of the Contra's) or places in Thailand where it is customary for a father to rape his daughter before selling her to a brothel or Palestine or Indonesia, or too many others to list to talk about how the world's really not that bad a place. Check out the documentary Born into Brothels for instance.


\gets down from soapbox

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yeah.. its pretty fucked up that there are starving people and rape and murder happening all over the world..




those issues are most definately man made. If there is a god, they facilitated us with choice, and it is man who abuses this choice not god.



"You cant count on god for jack.. he pretty much told me so himself.. Now lets go let those monks outta the storage room"


Moral of the story.. we as people need to stop bitching, and step up and take the responsibility for our actions and not just lay back and rely on "god" to make sure everything ends happily..


easier said than done i know.. but thats the harsh reality..


Can you feel the weight of the future bearing down on you?


I can.. and so should you.

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Thats harsh tim...


Yeah maybe, but the world is a fucking dark place though man - no point in covering it with cherries and cream, You need to remember that we live in an incredibly affluent part of an affluent society and affluent socities are very much a minority in this world.


I know what you're saying - that good can only be good relative to bad and I agree with that and I agree that people generally get down over things that they should really get over but I don't think a conversation on good/evil is the right context to bring that argument into discussion - imo it is inconceivable that someone who has read about what its like to live in Bolivia or Nicaragua (esp during the time of the Contra's) or places in Thailand where it is customary for a father to rape his daughter before selling her to a brothel or Palestine or Indonesia, or too many others to list to talk about how the world's really not that bad a place. Check out the documentary Born into Brothels for instance.


\gets down from soapbox


hmmmm... that said, the people who experience these terrible things tend to have more faith in their gods...




if god = cunt




people = suckers

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Yeah they are definitely man made, what I'm saying is that the fact that such evil exists is either a reflection that god is a cunt or that god does not exist because god is all knowing loving and powerful.


The all knowing loving and powerful part should be emphasized.


I got to finish my assignment now, really

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perhaps people should consider the possibility that there is no god, that jesus was a crazy matyr. religion is merely there for something for us to follow, to have something to believe in, to assure we follow the rules (ie, dont steal or you will go to hell) , and for comfort.

?? i duno??


myself, i believe, there is no god or right religion, but that there is a force bigger than you and me. wel just have to see,

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perhaps people should consider the possibility that there is no god


the way i interpreted this thread is:


if god = "cunt",


then there is no god...


and at this stage in life i believe this to be the case

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You see, no one's going to help you Bubby, because there isn't anybody out there to do it. No one.


We're all just complicated arrangements of atoms and subatomic particles - we don't live. But our atoms do move about in such a way as to give us identity and consciousness.


We don't die; our atoms just rearrange themselves. There is no God. There can be no God; it's ridiculous to think in terms of a superior being. An inferior being, maybe, because we, we who don't even exist, we arrange our lives with more order and harmony than God ever arranged the earth.


We measure; we plot; we create wonderful new things. We are the architects of our own existence. What a lunatic concept to bow down before a God who slaughters millions of innocent children, slowly and agonizingly starves them to death, beats them, tortures them, rejects them. What folly to even think that we should not insult such a God, damn him, think him out of existence.


It is our duty to think God out of existence. It is our duty to insult him. Fuck you, God! Strike me down if you dare, you tyrant, you non-existent fraud! It is the duty of all human beings to think God out of existence. Then we have a future. Because then - and only then - do we take full responsibility for who we are. And that's what you must do, Bubby: think God out of existence; take responsibility for who you are.


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imo it is inconceivable that someone who has read about what its like to live in Bolivia or Nicaragua (esp during the time of the Contra's) or places in Thailand where it is customary for a father to rape his daughter before selling her to a brothel or Palestine or Indonesia, or too many others to list to talk about how the world's really not that bad a place.


I would prefer a world in which these unthinkable events and sadistically cruel things CAN occur to the most undeserving of people...


I hold no disilusions about how terrible life can be for some and how much comparativley better it is for others, myself included. Doe's that make the world a bad place? Would you want to change it?


My point is not that good and bad need to co-exist to compliment eachother... it's that they exist because the posibility for them exists. The reality which we exist in doesn't restrict a persons demeaner nor the extent to which they can make choices


I like to believe that I am the one in control of my actions, this fundamental belief... as simple as it sounds leads me to many other conclusions including my argument above.


To conclude, assuming that you believe in some form of creator... to ask if God is a Cunt for allowing people free-will? I say not if you concider the alternative.

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