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Is God A Cunt Or Are Cunts Gods


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What a deep thread.. totally can't be assed reading every word of it tho..


we're all intelligent ladies and gents here (with the exception of cataylst) I'm sure we all know who is really god


thats right...




and yes I am a cunt..


suck my balls!

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Well you guys have certainly turned it on !


some bloody good points have been raised.

It is my personal position that god is a construct , a contruct perpetuated by the powers that b, to enslave our feeble minds into beliving unquestioning in the legitimacy of a higher power that just so happins to be in line with the dominant higher human power, (the tstate) there fore making us lowley maggots quiver in our hovels as the all power state coupled with the almighty "White Right God" passes us over whilst on his way to smite our natural enemies (any parties who arnt of our paticular ilk Ie : non christains, Communists, muslims etcetc. ).. Therefore From birth , I would argue that in our marvelous and "free" capitalist western pardigm we are forced to aggree that "God Is A Cunt" cause lets face it If God Wasnt a Cunt he would B more inclined to back (by proxy ) Other discourses that imply autonamy and freedom, Ie Collective Moral Anarchism and or Socalism, and other leftest modes instead of Holding on to the cuntyest thing in existence, (American Fundamentalist imperialist Capitalism.

But thats my position , dont let my Ultra leftest rant scare you, keep going , this is a good discussion.

shout outs go to Jim Cauty and Bill Drummond For inspireing me to post this (the original post) BTW

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Well you guys have certainly turned it on !


some bloody good points have been raised.

It is my personal position that god is a construct , a contruct perpetuated by the powers that b, to enslave our feeble minds into beliving unquestioning in the legitimacy of a higher power that just so happins to be in line with the dominant higher human power, (the tstate) there fore making us lowley maggots quiver in our hovels as the all power state coupled with the almighty "White Right God" passes us over whilst on his way to smite our natural enemies (any parties who arnt of our paticular ilk Ie : non christains, Communists, muslims etcetc. ).. Therefore From birth , I would argue that in our marvelous and "free" capitalist western pardigm we are forced to aggree that "God Is A Cunt" cause lets face it If God Wasnt a Cunt he would B more inclined to back (by proxy ) Other discourses that imply autonamy and freedom, Ie Collective Moral Anarchism and or Socalism, and other leftest modes instead of Holding on to the cuntyest thing in existence, (American Fundamentalist imperialist Capitalism.

But thats my position , dont let my Ultra leftest rant scare you, keep going , this is a good discussion.

shout outs go to Jim Cauty and Bill Drummond For inspireing me to post this (the original post) BTW


some good points there mate,


definately saw some of marx's critique of religion in there


i hope you read the Bad Boy Bubby quote

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It is my personal position that god is a construct , a contruct perpetuated by the powers that b, to enslave our feeble minds into beliving unquestioning in the legitimacy of a higher power that just so happins to be in line with the dominant higher human power


I'm feeling that... but I do honestly believe the concept of a creator to be a possibility... just not by any human description/comprehension

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I would prefer a world in which these unthinkable events and sadistically cruel things CAN occur to the most undeserving of people...


I dunno eh, if we're going to talk about how we'd design a world if we were god I'd probably design a world where people have the choice to do "evil" but then supergod comes along and hooks the guy in the head or zaps him in the balls with his piercing LASER eyes just before the guy does it. Note that because its god doing the hooking and zapping (as opposed to George dubbuya and his team of jocks) there would be no ambiguity about what is "right" and "wrong" because god said so and god is right by definition.


Going beyond that fairytale though, my religion (or 'stance on theism' if you don't like that) is best described by the term "Naturalistic Pantheist". I might explain what that means one day if it comes up. Basically I'm an Atheist and a big believer in perspectivism so talking about good and evil like I have been is a bit misleading because I don't believe much of it, I've just been trying to undermine the idea of the christian all loving, knowing, and powerful god by trying to show that it contradicts itself and that god is a cunt if it is the case that such a god exists.


I see your argument and would spend more time exchanging arguments and counter-arguments but I have big compsys project due tomorrow so I shouldn't be here!

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Hmm okay.. I'll stop be stupid and post my real view of things then...


God.. it's such a complex notion to be summed up in 3 letters. For all that science can explain there is just a lot that it can't. I believe it is possible for spirituality and science to co-exist with-out contradiction.


I'd just like to make it clear that there is massive difference between being spiritual and being religious. I consider myself to be extremely spiritual yet at the same time not very religious at all.


Through out my teenage years I spent a lot of time contemplating the meaning of it all whilst chinese-eyed to the days.. the closest I've ever come to spiritual enlightenment has been while high on nitrous oxide..




These are my current conclusions:


1: In life there is a clear distinction between good and bad. Similar to Karma.. doing good in life is rewarded and should be done as much as possible


2: God in essence just can't be explained in words.. if you peel back everything.. all the layers of existence that we know.. back to a level where all you're left with is pulsating energy... you're very close to god... it's everything, everywhere.. all that crap.. like I said.. it just can't be explained in words..


3. Religion in itself is flawed however that's not to say that it's a bad idea. The majority of religions do preach great idealogy.. being good to one and another.. helping those who are less fortunate... the flaw in religion however originates from chinese whispers and failure to evolve. Jesus was not the son of god unfortunately.. that's another story though.


4. A lot of people choose to waste a lot of time worrying about conspiracies and things beyond our control. Ignorance is bliss.. I've heard some crack-pot theories in my limited time here on earth.. choosing to believe that type of thing is when you are truely a prisoner to it.




Drum & Bass is my religion for now, we have an awesome congregation of whom the majority are excellent people.


The most important thing in life is to find a passion.. find something or someone that you love...


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It is my personal position that god is a construct , a contruct perpetuated by the powers that b, to enslave our feeble minds into beliving unquestioning in the legitimacy of a higher power that just so happins to be in line with the dominant higher human power


I'm feeling that... but I do honestly believe the concept of a creator to be a possibility... just not by any human description/comprehension


absolutely, I totally agree bad mang,,, BUT............... where they cunts

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