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Are Emo Kids Fans Of Hitler?


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So here I sit listening to my newly aquired album , Calibre : Second Sun (which by the way is fucking genius!... and I gots to thinking.....

So look around you , you can find them at any mall or on any street corner or any where they would like to be seen.

The masses of boys with tight black jeans, some obligitory rock tee shirt on and chuck taylor high tops, and the greasey long fringe . Now look at hitler , (any picture) and then look at these Emo kids now look at hitler again, and then the Emo kid, Notice anything thats simular....

Ahh yes their fringe their greasy long fringe hanging over their emo "pained " eyes with their Woe is me faces..

Is the a coinky-dink? or is there a deeper thing going on?.

I would argue (but yes this is me that we are talking about) that these kids either conciously or subconciously are embodieing the very essence of the Third Reich? they bloody look like hitler so who sez that they aint bigging his fanatical facism up as well. I can jus see them now sitting there sipping their latte, engaged in quick and witty banter and illuminating the possiblities of a new white world order, mein kumph in back pocket Hitler youth knife sharpened and ready to go . All ready for the next pogrom....

So I ask my self?

Should these kids be bundled up and taken away to "redstar Re-education camps" Circa Pol Pot but not including the "year Zero" crap or the murder. well maybe Ideological murder, cause if infact they are buying into the insane verses in Mein Kumph they certainly need to be purged, Ideologically ...

AND are these kids aware of the blatent mockery at their expense in the programme we love to hate that is known as "South Park".. hands up who knows the charecters "the goth kids"

what a fantastically blatent mock that is... I am almost considering engaing in a wee sociological experiment and wandering hap hazardly towards the next group of emo kids and asking them " So do you watch south park?, so do you know the goth kids in south park. so how does it feel to be mocked on such a grand scale"..

and then no doubt they will say that im a conformist , and then I will laugh, and then maybe , just matbe if they are really lucky, I will tell them in a matter of fact kind of way, that "No im not a conformist in your definition, as your definition is wrong, cause infact wee emo kid, the total sum of your cultural affiliation relies and survives on conformity, you ARE NOT the underground, so get over your self and check out a rave where Drum and bass Eg Tech Itch OR Dylan OR End.user Or State Of Mind OR Limewax OR 0=0 are playing, AND THEN and only then will you know the mo fuckin underground!"




well end rant and shit



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Hehe, the South Park goth kids are great. Not entirely sure about the link between emo kids and Hitler but hey, all great ideas are initially ridiculed only to be made mainstream knowledge further down the line. Who knows, you might be on to something..

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you ARE NOT the underground, so get over your self and check out a rave where Drum and bass Eg Tech Itch OR Dylan OR End.user Or State Of Mind OR Limewax OR 0=0 are playing, AND THEN and only then will you know the mo fuckin underground!"


yes yes, underground mo fo urban soldiers right here..


Fuck your random 309z. all good bro! nice rant!

you should start up a thread "You know what really Grinds my Gears" and do like a weekly rant for us bro family guy steez!

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hmm just because hitler was an emo doesn't nessessarily mean that all emos are hitlers,

this is an indecisive argument...



maybe not nessessarily "hitlers" but maybe they share some of the core ideals that hitler had... I wouldnt say its an "indecisive argument" I would say its an open theorhetical possibility,




And yes mr Package I am random,, its kinda weird , ever since I stopped destroying my synapses I have found all this knowlage and intrige inside my self that I must get out, ... I may contemplate the weekly rant , but more than likely not...

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Nah, emo kids are all idealistic liberals about as far from Hitler as you can get.


btw i have a greasy fringe, emo piercings and an almost constant black band t-shirt wardrobe. You wanna take this outside so we can both cry about it?

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btw ben, chucks are cool bro.. no matter what you say!


my jungle camo high tops rock this world bro!


nothing wrong with metaller/goths, but the whole attitue like how they ripp off in south park is such a fucking joke to me.. its just like.. get the fuck over it eh. life sux, we all know.. but theres no need to mope about complaining about it all the time! Just make the best of what you got especially considering that most of the world has it far worse than you do.


you should check out some of the emo people's video blogs on www.youtube.com fuck some of them are a laugh and a half how lame they are..


like check this out


LOL.. omg a dead bird, it must be the end of civilisation as we know it......



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Nah, emo kids are all idealistic liberals about as far from Hitler as you can get.


btw i have a greasy fringe, emo piercings and an almost constant black band t-shirt wardrobe. You wanna take this outside so we can both cry about it?

I can gaurentee I can cry harder and louder with more angst than you,,,,


Sir I challange ye to an emo duel!....


Werd werd mr kritical I hear you loud and clear,,, I too know the pian of being white middle class and a lover of the goth mettol and black mettol I was once there too. But Now I have noticed that they are crying cause they are privilaged, and they have the world at their feet, When I was an angst ridden gothy mettol kid we were crying cos the world is fucked and we wanted to smash shit (circa Se symbolised by the collective long frinnge and shitpultura and Deicide, and burzum and obituary, im talkin early nineties).. and your riight they are mostly liberal, but liberal in the most disgusting band wagon way,,,

They seem to care about off shore things more than shit in their own back yard,, and that makes me angry,,,

Its all soooo cool and so now and so "radical" thats the things I was primarily getting at...


But I had to be the devils advoate with this and attempt to connect emo kids with hitler, Im not actually saying (well sort of in a tounge and cheek kinda way) that they are, but im just attempting to uncover the elements of brain washing and conformity, that are clearly evident in their paticular cultural affiliations IE the long greasy fringe that they all have.. which invokes large helpings of conformity in a seemingly Neo proto rock mettol revolution that apparently is teh cutting edge...


yes well Iam a cultura;l sociologist so I could go on for weeks...


Disclaimer " All that is written by me in this post please take with a large dose of sarcasm and subversive undertones, I mean to insight discourse and by jeebus I will bloody try..."




by the way FUCKIN crack up links!

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The emo attitude is a recycling of grunge, which was a recycling of the early 80s Brit alternative scene (The Smiths, New Order etc), which was a recycling of the early 70's US folk scene (Bob Dylan et al)..... See a pattern yet?

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The emo attitude is a recycling of grunge, which was a recycling of the early 80s Brit alternative scene (The Smiths, New Order etc), which was a recycling of the early 70's US folk scene (Bob Dylan et al)..... See a pattern yet?

yea man absolutely I see the patterns...

and AI have been involved in the 90s side of things...i remember them (well parts of them) very hazy and disjointed... heheh (man there was some good acid around 93-97)... but any who... yea I do see the pattern, its just that its so revisionist this tyme around and so painfully stagnant..


I mean FFS its 2006 NOT 1986 1996 or 1976 ,, its all the fucking same, its like this endless looping record that never changes.. and yet they look at us, like we are the mainstream kids! im lok LOLZ! OMFG your favorate bands are number 1 on totp, if thats not main stream i dont know what is,,

Yea yea to a point in the late 90s grunge bacame very mainstream but no where near the way that EMO is mainstream now. its sickens me, ((gag))...

oh well maybe im jus old, and jaded and hopelessly out o touch with their version of culture BUT at the end of the day im glad , cos the neo emo is bollocks,, the sooner the flouncies fuck off the better, and lets hope, lets prey to jeebus allah budha and what ever other deity u wanna think of that they stumble in to the basements and warehouses where the reeses play and the crowds scream "REWIND"....

but we can only hope!

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I don't think emo is any more mainstream than grunge was. Remember how huge Nevermind and Ten got? Emo still isn't Britney or Eminem big, in fact if you stay the hell away from Myspace you'd only vaguely know of its existance.


And the underground kids are just as cynical as ever....

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There's no such thing as underground (or maybe I'm just too mainstream to know about it - oh noses!) The only people who have any real claim to the subterrainian title are truly dead, and even the fucking goths are digging them up and dragging them back through sunlit lands.

Speaking of goths, I never thought there would arise another sub-culture/alternative faction that was more mockable and ridiculous than The Goths. Short sighted I know but I'm not really old enough to have watched a full cycle of cultural cannibalism.

I dunno, I just get tired of people standing around in their non-conformist uniforms suffering, with their psuedo-existential bleating about how much everything sucks - "oh my life is an abyss..." Film students seem to have a particular aptitude for adopting these pretentions. Spare me.

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There's no such thing as underground (or maybe I'm just too mainstream to know about it - oh noses!) The only people who have any real claim to the subterrainian title are truly dead, and even the fucking goths are digging them up and dragging them back through sunlit lands.

Speaking of goths, I never thought there would arise another sub-culture/alternative faction that was more mockable and ridiculous than The Goths. Short sighted I know but I'm not really old enough to have watched a full cycle of cultural cannibalism.

I dunno, I just get tired of people standing around in their non-conformist uniforms suffering, with their psuedo-existential bleating about how much everything sucks - "oh my life is an abyss..." Film students seem to have a particular aptitude for adopting these pretentions. Spare me.



haha! well said! nice one! yup I agree ... excellent...hehehehehehehe

yeah whilst I was studying film I noticed a few peeps go to the goth side. its all that Niecheism and the push towards Existentialism ,, I mean dont get me wrong I agree that god is dead and that nothing is real as much as the next person,, but there aint no way that I get all "goth " up in it...

BUT I tells you what, when I was at uni discussing narritive and semiotics and eisenstienian theory there was this weird thing that happined, There was an INFLUX of urban hippues mostly girls, who would be there in their manky hippy cloathes and hippy bandanas, all talking about various existential bollocks, IE. "i can do what I want and do it when I want" OR saying shit like "beacause I can" and milling abpout being all loved up on tofu but all dark like the goths it was very very weird...

But I guess in the west any way existentialism and nihlism is always uesd as a counter point to left wing ideology like Pure marxism and situationism etc,, especially in film, bLODDY HAL HARTLEY... nah j/k.


and yes my space has alot to awnserr for in reguards to emos, but then again it doesnt. take a walk past edens tonight, you will see emos, all there going "OMG man have you heard the latest jangley rock band that sounds the same as all the others, I bet you look good on the dance floor jus like you did in 1984" truer words have necer been spoken, thank you arctic monkeys.....

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BUT I tells you what, when I was at uni discussing narritive and semiotics and eisenstienian theory there was this weird thing that happined, There was an INFLUX of urban hippues mostly girls, who would be there in their manky hippy cloathes and hippy bandanas, all talking about various existential bollocks, IE. "i can do what I want and do it when I want" OR saying shit like "beacause I can" and milling abpout being all loved up on tofu but all dark like the goths it was very very weird...


Maybe spoilt for choice. Too many sub/counter cultures to choose from and in their purest forms the ideologies of these cultural brandings sytems are mostly too fucked for anyone in a reasonable state of mental health to fully subscribe to. Thus people pick and choose, appropriating the parts they like from one faction and juxtaposing it with another. They will tell you they're post-punk-neo-goth-industrialists or retro-sca-electro-tart-revivalists. Who the fuck needs a title that's longer than their address? Eventually I reckon this incestuous subcultural rape and pillage routine will lead to a cultural holocaust, where no one is anything anymore and everyone's skin is just a mild grey/coffee colour.



Am I taking this too far?

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BUT I tells you what, when I was at uni discussing narritive and semiotics and eisenstienian theory there was this weird thing that happined, There was an INFLUX of urban hippues mostly girls, who would be there in their manky hippy cloathes and hippy bandanas, all talking about various existential bollocks, IE. "i can do what I want and do it when I want" OR saying shit like "beacause I can" and milling abpout being all loved up on tofu but all dark like the goths it was very very weird...


Maybe spoilt for choice. Too many sub/counter cultures to choose from and in their purest forms the ideologies of these cultural brandings sytems are mostly too fucked for anyone in a reasonable state of mental health to fully subscribe to. Thus people pick and choose, appropriating the parts they like from one faction and juxtaposing it with another. They will tell you they're post-punk-neo-goth-industrialists or retro-sca-electro-tart-revivalists. Who the fuck needs a title that's longer than their address? Eventually I reckon this incestuous subcultural rape and pillage routine will lead to a cultural holocaust, where no one is anything anymore and everyone's skin is just a mild grey/coffee colour.



Am I taking this too far?




I love it!

madz you are the shit! excellent!....


yea I think that what you are saying about the "cultural holocaust" is right on the button,,,

There is a japaense sociologist "fukyama" any way he wrote many articles that were in direct contast to Baudrillards "simulacra" and other cultural left leaning sociologist Ie Habbermass etc, basically he stated (just like the frankfert school and Baudrillard and Habbermass, but they were from a LEFT position) that Culture in the postmodern age is an arbitary thing and that the producers of consumer capital were in essence making more choices that would produce less out comes and essentally creat a stagnent pool where culture was so watered down that nothing would be anything any more , and we would all be athe peak and about to slip down the slopes of a cultural decline where the state and the powers that be would have us so caught up in the spectacle that we would be raving lunatics if anything else was to come our way IE a radical choice or any chance to actually think, Fukyama called this the end of history..

I think that we are very close to this cultural holocaust and or the end of history. and well it kinda scares me.

But oge well we will just have to wait and see.

I mean this is not a limited concept that only affects the "emo scene " or what ever, but it is right accross the board , You can look any where and ask the same questions and be greeted with the same reply,

"dont you know its not cool to think".

Just sit back and go for the ride BUT never think about it as you risk being marginalised by the masses that are beinfg duped...

its a hard one

but its an exciting one


madz you made my day!

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OMG like *Dies* Like woah like who like, fuckin cares? Like, totally? Like, why not stop thinking and feel? Like, y'know? Like, Why not totally stop analyzing so we can begin to let go of the pain that is real, rather than like, a bunch of big words that don't like, mean anything? Like, know how hard it is being a teenager much? Like why keep totally trying when we can still pretend that like, love might be real and like, we didn't totally like, waste it . . . while we're still so young and desperate for affection . . .


So fuckin into emo right now. Here are some of my favourite Emo bands/tunes at the moment:


Panic! At the disco - Time to dance

New Found Glory - Singled Out

Cartel - If I fail

The Used - Taste of Ink

Fall Out Boy - Of all the gin joints in the world

My Chemical Romance - Cemetary Gates

The Starting Line - This Ride

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