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Funniest fucking waste of time ever!!






Talk to strangers!

857 users online

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: sup

Stranger: hello

You: i discovered a new sexual position the other day

Stranger: tell me

You: you need to have like, a warrant of fitness place though

You: like, with holes in the ground

You: essentially, you get two guys and a girl

You: and each guy sticks their penis into one of the girls ears

You: and you spin her really fast

Stranger: oh yeah

Stranger: sounds like a lot of fun

You: (this is where the hole in the ground comes in, otherwise her legs would hit shit)

You: so yeah

Stranger: I see i see

You: and if you spin her fast enough, it creates a vacuum

Stranger: oh that would be fun!

You: which makes you feel like you're falling inwards

Stranger: yes, i suppose it would

You: and so you pull outwards to prevent that

You: and it's like fucking a sheep up against a fence but opposite because you'll pulling away and not pushing in

You: yeah

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Funniest fucking waste of time ever!!






Talk to strangers!

857 users online

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: sup

Stranger: hello

You: i discovered a new sexual position the other day

Stranger: tell me

You: you need to have like, a warrant of fitness place though

You: like, with holes in the ground

You: essentially, you get two guys and a girl

You: and each guy sticks their penis into one of the girls ears

You: and you spin her really fast

Stranger: oh yeah

Stranger: sounds like a lot of fun

You: (this is where the hole in the ground comes in, otherwise her legs would hit shit)

You: so yeah

Stranger: I see i see

You: and if you spin her fast enough, it creates a vacuum

Stranger: oh that would be fun!

You: which makes you feel like you're falling inwards

Stranger: yes, i suppose it would

You: and so you pull outwards to prevent that

You: and it's like fucking a sheep up against a fence but opposite because you'll pulling away and not pushing in

You: yeah


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Man that site is weird. Good chance to be a total freak though. I jsut adivsed a school kid that crack would help them with their study....

In hindsight, probably not the best advice for an impressionable youngster but hey, was probably a 45 year old alcoholic anyway

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Stranger: This is Oscar from Omegle customer support, we have had recent complaint of abuse of this website by your IP address. Your address is currently logged and we will be reporting you to the police. We have reason to believe you are grooming minors in an attempt to solicit indecent pictures of them. The FBI have been alerted and should contact you within 24 hours. If you fail to receive this call then a warrant for your arrest will be immediately posted nationwide. Thank you.

If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.


oh yeah......

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Stranger: This is Oscar from Omegle customer support, we have had recent complaint of abuse of this website by your IP address. Your address is currently logged and we will be reporting you to the police. We have reason to believe you are grooming minors in an attempt to solicit indecent pictures of them. The FBI have been alerted and should contact you within 24 hours. If you fail to receive this call then a warrant for your arrest will be immediately posted nationwide. Thank you.

If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.


oh yeah......



LOL. It only took 3 days before that "To Catch a Predator Program" started spamming their bullshit on there! Hahah, extra points to anyone that finds someone trying to entrap them! Post transcripts!!!

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Stranger: Hello?

You: hey

Stranger: Hello!

Stranger: I'm the doctor!

You: hi

You: oh

You: i'm not sick

Stranger: Oh, don't worry

Stranger: I'm just looking for a friend

Stranger: Her name's Donna

You: hahaha

You: i think i saw her

Stranger: You did?!

You: yeah

Stranger: Did she say anything?

You: was on my lunchbreak, is she about 5'8, long brown hair.....

You: kinda

You: big

Stranger: That sounds like her!

You: i'll tell her you said hi

Stranger: Thank you!

You: see ya

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: pickles!

Stranger: were we just talking about art school?

You: negatory

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



fucking lol..

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this is the best one so far that I have been a part of


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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: im a good dog

You: woof

Stranger: Grüße

You: can u scratch me belly

Stranger: Sind Sie Tremolo?

You: I like made up languages

You: hehe

You: funny

Stranger: Ich mag Sex mit jüdischen Sklaven

You: I like german sex

Stranger: Sind Sie der Vergewaltigung Juden?

You: mmmmm k=noodles

You: actung

You: rouse

You: shizen

You: varmact

You: volkswagen

Stranger: Ich verlange zu wissen, wer Tremolo?

You: I heart licking toadstools

You: mmmmm

You: tastes like happy

You: veinerschniztzel

Stranger: Sie sind meine Zeit, ich brauche zu finden Tremolo

You: I like to fist sheep and with new added fish

Stranger: Wer ist Tremolo?

You: i dont know where the tremelo is

Stranger: _/_____\_____________\____________/____\









_______\___.__C____)_.you just_(_(____>__|__/













You: lol

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hi there

You: how are you?

Stranger: im good thanks, you?

You: grat

You: *great

You: are you into cars?

Stranger: asl?

Stranger: um kinda

You: check this out it's awesome

You: http://pics.stileproject.com/gap3.jpg

Stranger: um ew, im horny but thats gross

You: hahaha

You: you're horny after seeing that?

Stranger: no i was horny before that

You: http://www.freshstation.org/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=252&g2_serialNumber=1

You: if that made you horny....

You: ^^^

Stranger: omg ew

Your conversational partner has disconnected.




NSFW ^^^

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hi

You: hello

Stranger: ASL?

You: asl?

Stranger: No i asked you!

You: ditto mother fathjer

You: dirty ruski

Stranger: NO YOU!

You: filthy fritzel

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: sup bitch

You: hey slut.

You: my name rhymes.

You: does yours?

Stranger: no

You: oh

Stranger: but i saw a dude playing dancing queen on the digirydoo and then i thought to myself thats aborigional

You: or ABBAriginal

You: see what i did there?

Stranger: i see what you did there

Your conversational partner has disconnected.





You: so how many beers would that be equal to

Stranger: 4 or 6

You: per week?

Stranger: yeah

You: fuck.

Stranger: why

You: you would be shocked if you came to NZ

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