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should ROAR be standard or abolished?  

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  1. 1. should ROAR be standard or abolished?

    • standard
    • abolished
    • who cares

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I often see the word ROAR on flyers or website posts about events and had absolutely no idea what it meant until today.


finally got my A into G and hit it up on google.


For anyone else that doesnt know, ROAR is an acronym that stands for:


Right Of Admission Reserved.


This means, that the event organizer has the final say on who is admitted to the event, regardless of whether or not you have a ticket and ID.


I can see the positive side of the ROAR. It sounds like a good legal technicality allowing promoters to stop people who are causing trouble or who are known to cause trouble from entering their event without getting taken to court over it.


I could also see it having the a downside. If the promoter doesnt like you then he can pretty much deny you entry to the gig for no good reason, making it a pretty elitist thing to put on a flyer really..


I do aunderstand that over use of this Right in a bad way, like ive mentioned above would be economic suicide as a promoter which does make it unlikely.


Has anyone ever actually seen this Right being put to use? was it justified or not?


what are your thoughts?


let the controversy begin

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If the promoter is a cu*t then you probably don't want to be there anyway, or go back.


The bouncers have the final say in most cases before the promoter even looks at them. So ROAR is in effect regardless


If you get kicked out for no good reason you and your friends won't go back so its bad for business.

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Which gigs have you seen this written on?


I don't think it's right for someone who paid for a ticket to any event to not be allowed in. If they do something stupid inside then by all means they should be kicked out but if they've paid then they should be allowed the right to prove whether or not they are a muppet.


If they haven't paid for a ticket in advance then it's a different matter really... The venue automatically has the right to disallow entry anyway innit? Usually if the bouncer doesn't like the look of someone they say there's a private function on. heh.

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Which gigs have you seen this written on?


The place i noticed it popping up a lot was on any of the gigs UN are promoting in Christchurch on bassdrop.


But with a quick search on bassdrops events section for the word "ROAR" it seem's its not restricted to UN, but their gigs were simply the ones that brought it to my attention.


It seems that Wise, UN, Sickcycle and (surprise suprise) Kill Club have all used it amongst others.


Im sure ive seen it on more gigs than came up in that search too.


on a search of DBNZ the word ROAR has only been used 3 times in the events section of the forum.. Once by Dose, another time by me posting up something i copied and pasted from another forum about a dose gig and the third time was actually someone saying roar, like a how a lion ROAAAAARs.


maybe its CHCH thing?



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Which gigs have you seen this written on?


The place i noticed it popping up a lot was on any of the gigs UN are promoting in Christchurch on bassdrop.


But with a quick search on bassdrops events section for the word "ROAR" it seem's its not restricted to UN, but their gigs were simply the ones that brought it to my attention.


It seems that Wise, UN, Sickcycle and (surprise suprise) Kill Club have all used it amongst others.


Im sure ive seen it on more gigs than came up in that search too.


on a search of DBNZ the word ROAR has only been used 3 times in the events section of the forum.. Once by Dose, another time by me posting up something i copied and pasted from another forum about a dose gig and the third time was actually someone saying roar, like a how a lion ROAAAAARs.


maybe its CHCH thing?



So many mongrels down there so they need to be able to keep them out if necessary.

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R.O.A.R is also useful when artists dont play or dont turn up. It kinda legally covers your arse if u wanna be a bastard meaning your covered in a situation like this



JANE the door girl is sitting on the door we see BOB the promoter on cell phone pacing feindishly and telling.>out side there is a long line of punters waiting to get in. On the wall behind JANE is a poster obviously for the nights event with text saying "RANDOM INTERNATIONAL DRUM AND BASS ARTIST. BOB gets off phone all colour drained out of face and starts talking to jane



Shit! Im fucked we are fucked .....


Chillax innit> whats the dilly?


Random International Drum and bass artist has missed hios plane cos he had a spliff in his bag he has been arrested and is in the cells.. What the fuck am I gonna do?


Let them in we dont have to do shit


nah blud we will lose cash monies


HA! no we wont Under the law and cause you stated R.O.A R on the tickets and media you dont have to give refunds


But thats a wankey thing to do


all good blud I gots me gatt and I will shoot dem niggahs if they start frontin




MONTAGE of people getting clipped gig going off losta angry faces



BOB sits in the gutter he is homeless he has a grubby hand stretched out in front of him hustlin for change,


Im glad of the R.O.A.R law but now im on the out shoulda taking each request for refund on a case by case situation rather than a blanket no,, But its good the law is there if i need it but the massive are way more savage than the law innit...


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ROAR does not give blanket right to refuse people entry just cause you dont like em.


Well, it sorta does, but if theres any hint you are discriminating you are in order to be dumped on by the human rights commission.


Also, Im pretty sure you dont even need to put ROAR on the flyers, as its implied that a venue has the right to bar anyone they dont want.

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HA! no we wont Under the law and cause you stated R.O.A R on the tickets and media you dont have to give refunds


i dont think that ROAR's intended use to be honest Ben.


because you'd still be admitting the people into the gig, but the headline act isnt there, you're not using your right to refuse admission.


if you used ROAR on a whole gig, that would be pretty eats too.


"the gigs not going ahead, no refunds, all 500 of you fuck off now. ROAR bitches!"

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ROAR does not give blanket right to refuse people entry just cause you dont like em.


Well, it sorta does, but if theres any hint you are discriminating you are in order to be dumped on by the human rights commission.


IRL this never happens though... *cough*Margi'sNotLettingInIslanders*cough*

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I've seen it on loads of tickets, and always wondered what it was too!


Hmmm, its tricky, I'd agree with perceptual chaos, if you buy a ticket to an event you ought be allowed in. In the case that you might be too smashed or argumentative or whatever, then wouldn't it become the venues issue with removing you, rather than the promoters? In which case ROAR wouldn't apply?


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If the promoter doesnt like you then he can pretty much deny you entry to the gig for no good reason, making it a pretty elitist thing to put on a flyer really..


Jeez imagine if this started being prolific! That'd be raw.

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HA! no we wont Under the law and cause you stated R.O.A R on the tickets and media you dont have to give refunds


i dont think that ROAR's intended use to be honest Ben.


because you'd still be admitting the people into the gig, but the headline act isnt there, you're not using your right to refuse admission.


if you used ROAR on a whole gig, that would be pretty eats too.


"the gigs not going ahead, no refunds, all 500 of you fuck off now. ROAR bitches!"



its not its intended use but it certainly fits with in it .. if i understand my legalise correctly....

but fuck that I wouldnt do it... I have been in a position where I have been able too... on the most part i gave a refund but there was a drunken bitch that was in my face so I invoked it... its a case by case basis imo and if a person steps to me and is all tense and shit I just tell them to get fucked and cue the bouncer for some actual R.O.A.R

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Fundamentally you might want to avoid promoting in a way that requires you to invoke said right of refusal on the regular.


It's there to protect the general club populous and promoters from unsavouries.


Trick is not to be an unsavoury.

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