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Stop Labour and the Law Commission from Killing the NZ Club


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The NZ Labour Party, and more specifically Lianne Dalziel have set their sights on youth drinking and alcohol as a way of picking up votes. Instead of pushing for responsible drinking, they wish to punish the many for the actions of a few idiots.


They have the support of the NZ Law Commission, and there are a few National Party MPs (and MPs in other parties) who support such law changes, Alcohol laws are a conscience vote, and are not voted on party lines - so there is a very good change that such ridiculous laws could come in to effect.


The two key issues likely to cause harm to the NZ Club Scene:

• They want to close all bars and clubs at 3am, with the doors closing at 1am. This will kill any event that has an international DJ, it literally won't be cost effective to bring internationals to NZ anymore. This also means that hospo staff won't be able to go out for a drink after work anymore.

• They want to ban discounting of Beer or Spirits at events, and look into increasing taxes. Charging you more for your drinks (or forcing bars to make even less money) because of a few idiots.

• They are looking at changing the drinking age again


Tell NZ Labour and the Law Commission to go fuck themselves. Tell them you don't want their stupid laws, you value your personal freedom and will not vote for any political party in New Zealand who supports draconian laws on alcohol.


Labour – the only way you’ll take my booze, in the words of Charlton Heston – is out of my cold dead hands.


The same goes for any filthy Tories thinking of supporting this.


For more information please refer to the Labour Party Press Release



Law Commission on Alcohol:


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Was it National or Labour who were in power when the law was changed to 18? If it came down to a conscience vote, Labour changing is 'again' seems irrelevent, regardless of which particular member drafted the legislation...

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Was it National or Labour who were in power when the law was changed to 18? If it came down to a conscience vote, Labour changing is 'again' seems irrelevent, regardless of which particular member drafted the legislation...

Believe that was National

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Hence my point, its labour pushing it now, but it does ahve some support from the nats.


Seems like a pointless talkback politico point that will never happen from a party in opposition. Every party does the same shit while in opposition, even if they support/drafted the legislation before hand


Councils might be able to change the laws ala Dunedin/whatever city has the 3am close (doubtful with Banksy round in AKL) but on a National level I can tell you it is one of those things that will never happen.


In saying that, if gigs can stop at 4am I'd be happy


$20 it will never make it to a final reading <-- anyone game?


disclaimer: $20 will be paid in drinks bought at 3.05am

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After watching the UK cop shows, I've deduced that all a '3am clearout' does is put a lot of drunk angry people onto the streets at a given time. Fights break out everywhere as a result. Don't see how that's very beneficial?

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After watching the UK cop shows, I've deduced that all a '3am clearout' does is put a lot of drunk angry people onto the streets at a given time. Fights break out everywhere as a result. Don't see how that's very beneficial?


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After watching the UK cop shows, I've deduced that all a '3am clearout' does is put a lot of drunk angry people onto the streets at a given time. Fights break out everywhere as a result. Don't see how that's very beneficial?

Not to mention this probably makes a number of people slam back a few drinks at 2:30 knowing they will be cut off from the bar soon, making them extra drunk come 3am.

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Return of the ?o'clock swill... *something about learning from the mistakes of the past...*


Also IMO: If you can be old enough to fight for your country (conscription in most countries) and vote then you should be old enough to drink (also gamble by that logic, but then again it is another argument)

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I think you are all missing the big picture


If this passes there's no more 18 year old sluzzas out and about

You can go back to meeting them hanging around outisde liquor stores waiting for sombody to buy them their wine coolers...

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I think you are all missing the big picture


If this passes there's no more 18 year old sluzzas out and about


Pension step massive gonna be all over the three am finishes

I have to admit, the thought did run through my head....."hmm, internatty from 12-2....not all bad"

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I think you are all missing the big picture


If this passes there's no more 18 year old sluzzas out and about


Pension step massive gonna be all over the three am finishes

I have to admit, the thought did run through my head....."hmm, internatty from 12-2....not all bad"


god what happened to me

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The Drinking age should be changed back to 20 IMO but the 3am closing stuff GTFO ...


So people should be allowed to star in hard core porn? but not have a drink after taking a shot to the mouth?


well if they are getting fisted for cash whilst being filmed i think they have ready access to all things as well as a shot after they have a shot in their mouth....

and thats their choice....


My choice is to see less little kids who cant handle their piss causing fights and being annoying......

not all of them mind you as there are exceptions to the rule.... but alot of them....


Im all for freedom and stuff.. but in some cases freedom is earnt... and I have seen on many occasions pissed as fuck hustler wanna bees causing shit and doing stupid violent things cos they cant handle their piss... it makes me sick....

change the age for drinking but leave the closing time alone....

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After watching the UK cop shows, I've deduced that all a '3am clearout' does is put a lot of drunk angry people onto the streets at a given time. Fights break out everywhere as a result. Don't see how that's very beneficial?


cops with camera's?



That plus any of the other insane cctv shit that they put on TV.

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drinking age at 20 is good.the difference between 18 and 20 is huge!

and when it was 20 you still had 18year olds in clubs they just behaved themselves as they weren't meant to be in there.

18 year olds have a far worse attitude than 20 year olds as they are fresh outta high school with no real experience.




i was working the night it changed to 18 and it was shocking!

i heard one guy at the bar telling this girl that the best drink to order was a steinlager but with a shot of baileys in it. lol.

so being the wanker I was I made it for him and made him drink it all in front of her.

he was in the toilet in no time

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I've been keen for the drinking age to head back to 20 for a while now (well, since i passed that age a couple years back anyway). My main put off for going out anywhere is generally younger drunk maggots who annoy me and my friends.

Agree with Bugsy, the maturity level between an 18 year old and a 20 year old is massive.

Leave the bars open, keep the young out.


I'll die for my country for that

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