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Yeh, but "reduced speed" plans, who knows to what extreme thatll go. We getting 800kb downloads in albany hills on telescum, its lightening fast all the time, although uploads are only @ .8 megabit.


0.8Mbit uploads is good man that's nothing to complain about... ADSL is designed to be that way.


I know what you mean about the reduced speed thing, it's not really clear how much they will throttle the speeds back during peak times and whether it only applies to torrents etc or also to video streaming.


You guys should try it out once your free internet stops and post a report... I reckon it could potentially be really good if they only limit torrents during peak times.

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Yeh, but "reduced speed" plans, who knows to what extreme thatll go. We getting 800kb downloads in albany hills on telescum, its lightening fast all the time, although uploads are only @ .8 megabit.


0.8Mbit uploads is good man that's nothing to complain about... ADSL is designed to be that way.



800kbps is the max upload you can get with ADSL 1.


ADSL stands for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. Asymmetric meaning unbalanced or unequal. Tim is right, its designed that way.

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I've been with Orcon for about 4-5months now, with the home line as well with them. Heavy on online gaming and downloads and Orcon was doing the job until about a week ago...


Now downloads take twice the time, constant disconnections, actual internet browsing doesnt seem to get affected, but streaming has been dodgy at peak times since last week. Almost as if there was a meltdown or restriction on incoming data bwcause Orcon (after 2 failed telephone calls and an email) checked my settings etc, router, and found nothing wrong with connection, not capped, no blocks.


So I'm now currently looking for a new ISP,


Oh btw its always around 120$ / month, thats including a hand full of mobile calls, 35gb, and home phone.


When it's working, its great but it's nearly been 2 weeks since I've had decent internet.


Thinking of switching to Telecom :S just because I don't think the other ISPs can handle online gaming (during peak times), I know Xnet doesnt

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I guess all the heavy users fucked off from Xnet to Orcon cause Xnet has been tolerable in the evenings for the last week or so. Will continue to monitor though before making a decision on whether to switch or not.


Feeling the same IMO. At nights x-net is a bit sluggish for my liking

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I'm with Xnet at home.


Fullspeed UBA Fusion plan, which will help me compared to some.


Kwrk, you're limited to 128k up... you're on the river plan. Probably not the best comparison. Upgrade to Flood ($15 extra per month). I dunno how you manage to stream a radio show on 128k up

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I'm with Xnet at home.


Fullspeed UBA Fusion plan, which will help me compared to some.


Kwrk, you're limited to 128k up... you're on the river plan. Probably not the best comparison. Upgrade to Flood ($15 extra per month). I dunno how you manage to stream a radio show on 128k up


Well I can't get a solid 96k up currently


Plus burning bout 10gb a month - I wanted to keep my net costs under $50 a month

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im with slingshot, fullspeed/128kbps plan.


however i regularly get 200kbps upload speed which is heaps for the radio. I think booshfm only streams at 96kbps.


i just did a speedtest now @ 5:30pm and i got 4.5mbps down / 0.2mbps up / 25ms ping.


free data between 1am & 7am.


nuff said.



*disclaimer, your experience may vary depending on your location.

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just signed up for a telecom broadband account... 40GB pro plan, and they have a 'double your data' promotion atm (finishes in a few days) which gives me an extra 40GB free till the end of the year... woot! will prob look into switching to the adventure plan after my 80GB/month runs out unless they reduce their over usage fees by then.


Will post a review when it eventually gets connected

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Just got my telecom connection working today...


It's 9pm peak time, I've got torrents cranking faster than I've had for the last 6 months AND streaming 720p HD video from the US in realtime, and my connection isn't even breaking a sweat. Streaming from youtube in high quality is sweet as (could rarely do this before), and most of my downloads and browsing are just simply going faster.


I called technical support a few times (which is available 24/7) and went straight through without waiting on hold at all. With the "double your data" promotion which I'm on (finished now sorry), I'm getting 80GB/month data cap till the end of the year for $80/month (i.e. $120/month total including landline fee) which is pretty much the best deal you can get atm. Only downside is that there's a 12month contract, and if you leave early there's quite a large fee (like $100-$200 iirc).


It's definitely designed for complete noobs - they send out a self connection pack with a modem and installation disc which goes and changes your TCP/IP settings to DHCP and configures stuff without asking, and also sets up an account for you over the net - all of which I found a bit annoying. Since I want to use my own modem I had to call the helpdesk and get them to create a username and password manually and then get their DNS addresses info and stuff. It would have been nice if they'd just sent this to me in the first place, but I guess it would confuse the masses. I didn't have to wait on hold at all to get this info, so it's not such a biggie.


Overall I'm very impressed, and will continue to observe the quality of connection over the next few weeks. I'm giving it a tentative 9/10 atm.

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