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Skono's Intrepid Oriental Exploratory Extravaganza


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They couldn't decide whether the pizza was weed, or weed + shrooms.


From what i've heard, it sounds like they had an absurdly high dose of teh green fever..


I'll probably eat one tomorrow; trip report coming soon!

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okay gals and guys,


pat, i took ferg and kim's advise and got happy garlic bread rather than pizza. as we found an hour after consuming, this was a wise decision.


we got fucking st-owned for about five hours. good times were had, and i'm pretty sure it was just weed. might try happy pizza soon however!


i'm in this a called vang vieng, which is amazingly dero. at the back of every restaurant's menu is the "happy, funny and special for you" section, which includes weed (joints, pizza, shakes), mushrooms (shakes, pizza. tea) opium (tea, joints) etc...


good god.


you can even hire a massive tyre tube and float down the local river, stopping off at happy special funny bars as you go. we did this today.


i've got to stay here for a few more days, as we are waiting for our visa entries into the 'nam. should be fun

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  • 4 weeks later...

kay team,


had my first gurny one in saigon last night, and it made me think of you guys


so it's update time. hooray! i've had a bit of a rollercoaster two weeks here; job hunting turned out to be a little harder than i thought.


but now i have found work with a lax eng school for 9 hours a week. it pays cash-in-hand, and if i wanna be a lazy shit, i could live off it alone! hehe tempting...


saigon is a crazy city that throbs with such life that i have never seen before.


last night i stopped by a restaurant where a marching band was playing to a bunch of celebrating viets. a short hairy man stepped out, lifted up a large table and began spinning it around on his head.


then this man stacked up a bunch of chairs, a small girl climbed on top, and he proceeded to balance the chairs - and the girl - in the air with his bottom jaw.


as i watched in awe, a young english-speaking dude approached and enlightened me: what i was watching was a vietnamese funeral. no shit.


in this part of the world, someone's death is marked with a full-on celebration (i think the micheal jackson-esque child endangerment is optional).


later last night, i got talking to an english-teacher who is into teh beats. he reckons i can get decks easy here, and encouraged me to get me crate sent over.


i think this city (like most parts of asia) really needs good dance music. viet/thai/mandarin cheesecore pop/dance is destroying my soul.


sooo, it looks like i might be here for 6 months. sounds like the scene is vibing in AK! i'm really missing it (and, of course, you bastards).


Peace Out



PS Vietnam has the hottest girls of all the places i've been to in asia. there. i said it.

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  • 7 months later...



after a year's sabbatical from drum and bass, i've decided this music is lame.


i now derive my listening pleasure from the sounds of motorbike traffic and Vietnamese pop played at 7 in the morning...


soooo, when i when return to NZ (on Friday the 4th May), I hope that there are no massive gigs going down at fu, and i hope that beat merchants isn't stocked to the brim with sweet swe... er, shitty vinyl...


i also hope to see none of you bastards, cos now i'll be spending most of my time at margherita's chatting up Asian girls.








































see you cunts soon. fuck i'm fiending for it!!

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