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Help! New Years time off advice please


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So, work told me today that there is a good chance I wont be able to get New Years off to attend Phat because they supposedly need all staff during that period,

I missed out on the last Phat for the same reason at the same job, I can not miss a third phat (need to stop working shitty retail jobs), I put in a letter practically begging for the time off around a month ago, any law heads know if there is reason they should let me off or do I need to take the risk and quit my job just for five days of phatty epic goodness.


TLDR; Chances of getting NY off for phat are looking slim, anyone know how I can get around this besides quitting my job.

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shitty retail???


quit hard.....why bother if you already dont like the job???


if anything you will have a dope new years and be forced to get a better job in the new year or at least another job....win win.

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I tried to find the legislation... but could only find this...




It's not the actual legislation, just a summary in plain english... so it's missing the actual law speak...


Try ringing the department of labour, or the citizens advice borough? I dunno....


If you get stuck and are thinking of quiting but don't really want to in fear of trouble finding another job... you could always tell them (In writing perhaps) that if they require you to work over that period, you will be forced to resign as you have personal commitments. Hopefully they would perfer not to have to train up a new employee and will let you take it etc.

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i figure you have two options;


try as hard as you can to find another job right now. telling them that you have planned a holiday and make allowances for that.


(2)save your pennies till from now till xmas, then do everything you can to get fired coming up to new years... turn up late/hung/still drunk regularly, "forget" your rostered days, tell the boss what you really think of him/her/them... at least if you get sacked rather than quitting you will get holiday pay AND be eligible for recession wages ie the dole.


then go to phat, spend some time on a journey of self discovery and re-awakening and venture into the new year with a new found sense of self.


EFT: after reading catalysta's version of options i'd be more inclined to take his reasonable approach. were where you in my years of dead end summer jobs bro?

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I was just about to say, remember we are in a recession, at work we had 300 people apply for one position (it was for a receptionists job). Good work can be hard to find (depending on industry).


Its not the ideal time to tell you boss to fuck off because you want to go to a gig, however tempting. The ideal situation wouldbe to bribe someone else to work your shifts etc.


Then again, it all depends on the type of job, industry, experience etc.

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I agree with above sentiments...


I tell my work that this is more important to me than my job so don't make me quit. Has worked 4 years running, but I also rarely take sick days or other holidays during the year.


Phat, if you have never been, WILL change your life, make it work, there is always other jobs, but you will only evre witness something as next level as MALA on a system like that...

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When you look back ten years down the line, with all those Phat10 memories, think how much nicer those memories are, as opposed to some random job you were working at the time which you have no recollection of anyway

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imo if you work one new year you should DEFINITELY be entitled to the next one off. I also see you're in Nelson in which case you could try work a compromise so you can catch 2 nights/1day, 3nights 2 days. I don't imagine there are many jobs going in Nelson so I'd think pretty carefully before quitting. If you do decide to quit, be smart about it. Tell them you've worked hard for them for x amount of time and you are extremely dissapointed at the lack of consideration they gave this when you asked for time off. good luck

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If they're being unfair to you and not to other people you have a clear cut case at an employment tribunal, not to mention they won't be able to fire you if you threaten them with it because its discrimination/harassment after that point. Maybe worth calling 0800 sacked anyway for (free) advice, I know someone who got 16K when he got unfairly dismissed.

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I tell my work that this is more important to me than my job so don't make me quit. Has worked 4 years running, but I also rarely take sick days or other holidays during the year.


yea i've done for the last two, works a charm.

but getting fired works just as well. especially when youre taking days off and being drunk at work etc, heaps of fun

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If you're young and its a job thats going no-where anyway, keep working, save hard, then quit before phat.


Lifes too short and until you have major responsibilities, you'll be right, so long as you have a good head on ya shoulders.

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good thread!


i'd say hit it (phat) and quit it (your job).


but yeah, start making monetary provisions now for a period of unemployment. and you can't go wrong with already checking out other options for work......


disclaimer: i don't live in your part of the world, and don't have any idea of the job situation in your town...

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just do not, after days of raving without sleep, go down to the river, get all "hippy" on it, and put quartz crystals into your bottle of drinking water, thinking it will get you all in-tune with the land...no doubt the DIDYMO in the water down there will give you a crook gut and on the last day of PHAT the port-a-loos are not something you want to deal with.

so, yeah, do not.

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just do not, after days of raving without sleep, go down to the river, get all "hippy" on it, and put quartz crystals into your bottle of drinking water, thinking it will get you all in-tune with the land...no doubt the DIDYMO in the water down there will give you a crook gut and on the last day of PHAT the port-a-loos are not something you want to deal with.

so, yeah, do not.


hahaha yea the drinking water has enough mud in it to 'get you all in-tune with the land' as it is

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