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My current rant is this.....

As some of you maybe be aware Im going on tour doing visuals with tahuna breaks... thats all good and fine and Im well looking forward to some "what goes on tour stays on tour " action...

you see I am currently in the process of shooting and editing a 2.5 hour set for them for their shows... now my issue isnt with the filming or any lack of creativity. My issue is with the neolithic fucking edit programme I have to cut on...

At present I go out and shoot on HD and get some dope tings. then I come home and ingest it to my puter , thats all fine and good. I then dump the footage into WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER and do a breif cut and sequence it and loop it out. this lasts for around 35-50 edits and then it shits its self I then get down on my hands and knees and prey to (insert mythical deity here) and export the half or quater finished clip and then have to import it to POWER DIRECTOR which has the edit capability of a decompsoing snail. Althogh this programme is a little better than windows fucking movie maker it still sux balls more feindishly than a south street crack whore.

Now if you thought this was an archaic way to edit repeat steps 1 and 2 5-8 times and add many expletives and me wanting to punch the next parnizzle suit and tie wearing person who walks passed my house .

I then , after around, and on average 10-12 times of exporting and importing need to do a recolour so this process although seemingly simple takes around 10 mins per cut.. its enough to make u sell all ur assets and join up with brother brian and denounce all that is corrupt and evil....Namely WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER and POWER DIRECTOR


So ..FOR THE LOVE OF JEEBUS WHO CAN HOOK ME UP WITH A COPY OF FCP or has access to a sweet avid pleeeease..... Im likely to commit serial hare-kare otherwise




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So ..FOR THE LOVE OF JEEBUS WHO CAN HOOK ME UP WITH A COPY OF FCP por has access to a sweet avid pleeeease..... Im likely to commit serial hare-kare otherwise

Not that in any way endorse torrenting and my following statement is intended to be used for informational purposes only, but have you tried looking on piratebay.org? im sure you could probably find a copy of whatever you want on there. not that i would know about that sort of thing, but thats what ive heard and am legally allowed to pass on without the intent of breaching or advising to breach any sort of copyright.

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HD editing is all but pointless unless you have either avid media composer or one of the latest versions of Final cut pro.


I have a couple of editing suites available dude but it will cost a little let me know if your interested.

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bit of a weak rant, but something that grinds my gears on a regular basis is advertisements that incorporate unsuitable imagery, wording or innuendo for the item/s they are selling.


For example, a hearing aid company is presently advertising on billboards around town, with male models posing in underwear with the captions "we all know males dont listen, but its good to know they can"



hearing aids? half naked men on billboards?.... really guys?


I know no publicity is bad publicity (i mean i do remember the ad) but if i ever need a hearing aid, i'll go out of my way to avoid a company with such rediculous advertising campaigns.

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i fucking hate parking wardens. every time i see one i just want to beat them to a pulp of bloody parking ticket paper.


got a 200 dollar "no wof" fine slapped on my car at 11pm on thursday after our boosh show just off krd. what kind of asshole would do that at 11pm. parking hours are over buddy, give us good tax paying citizens a break.


anyone else care to share their parking warden experiences? i have plenty unfortunately

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bit of a weak rant, but something that grinds my gears on a regular basis is advertisements that incorporate unsuitable imagery, wording or innuendo for the item/s they are selling.


For example, a hearing aid company is presently advertising on billboards around town, with male models posing in underwear with the captions "we all know males dont listen, but its good to know they can"



hearing aids? half naked men on billboards?.... really guys?


I know no publicity is bad publicity (i mean i do remember the ad) but if i ever need a hearing aid, i'll go out of my way to avoid a company with such rediculous advertising campaigns.


Yeah that sounds shit. For the record though the whole "any publicity is good publicity" thing is a complete myth .. there is def such thing as bad press! Same with the "oh well, we're talking about the ad so it's done it's job" (the purpose of most ads isn't for people to talk about them).


Anyways. My gripe of the day. People continually calling me on private number... but not leaving voice messages when I ignore the phone call. The curiosity is killing me... reveal yourself!

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Anyways. My gripe of the day. People continually calling me on private number... but not leaving voice messages when I ignore the phone call. The curiosity is killing me... reveal yourself!


Wouldn't be any fun stalking you if I... wait, what?

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i fucking hate parking wardens. every time i see one i just want to beat them to a pulp of bloody parking ticket paper.


got a 200 dollar "no wof" fine slapped on my car at 11pm on thursday after our boosh show just off krd. what kind of asshole would do that at 11pm. parking hours are over buddy, give us good tax paying citizens a break.


anyone else care to share their parking warden experiences? i have plenty unfortunately


I got one (200) for no rego, went to the post office and they told me i was up to date but they'd mailed the display to the wrong addy. Apparently they are supposed to double check so it should be reduced to just failure to display or quashed. Cunts

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anyone else care to share their parking warden experiences? i have plenty unfortunately


$600 worth in the month of June alone! All entirely my fault though tbh


i got done for no warrant, no rego on my motorbike twice in 1 week and it was just parked outside my house in the burbs!


$800 fucking dollars.


after the 2nd one i wheeled my bike up onto my porch till i got a warrant.


wish that cunt came back for a 3rd while i was home!!


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anyone else care to share their parking warden experiences? i have plenty unfortunately


$600 worth in the month of June alone! All entirely my fault though tbh


i got done for no warrant, no rego on my motorbike twice in 1 week and it was just parked outside my house in the burbs!


$800 fucking dollars.


after the 2nd one i wheeled my bike up onto my porch till i got a warrant.


wish that cunt came back for a 3rd while i was home!!



shit thats harsh guys. makes me feel better off lol. shudnt speak too soon tho might end up with another one soon

yea i wish i could catch them in the act. give them a piece of my mind. perhaps throw a shoe at their car while they drive away

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