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Stacked my car a few weeks ago and insurance is taking for fucking ever. Went in for a meeting which was "just a formality" and walk out AN HOUR AND A HALF LATER having been interrogated, watched through one way glass and been forced to supply my Bosses contact details to prove I was at work 5 hours before i crashed as well as eftpos statements proving I'd been to Foodtown 3 hours before my accident. DO NOT USE AMI INSURANCE

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g's outside fu who try to stock me while i'm in the drivers seat of a running vehicle after i wait patiently for them to cross in front of me. then tell me "oh, i'll let you go"... guess what mother fucker, cars are big, metal, and they hurt. You'll be lucky i let you walk next time. see you next week for some hit n runs - fuckwits.


actually, i should just shorten that whole rant to "g's outside of fu bar" period


what the fuck is going on these days?

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i blame the parents.


walking around town in THEIR youth in the 70's, and getting beat up for no real reason by carloads of honkies... now they tell the kids, "oh, dont go out alone in town - it aint safe. watch out for them crazy crackers, they'll whoop you fool."

and so the cycle of violence/vengeance continues...


still. doesn't make me feel better when im getting stood over at my ripe old age though ay

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well, mike, apparently there IS a need for them at Fu, well, Zen at least on a wednesday now that theres hiphop on. I'd say its going to be more of a regular occurence for the midweek shennanigans to start creeping into fri/sat night gigs now that new crews have found a new haunt.

i hope merge is taking names for a walking bus to the ATM at next week's WAX'd if the eftpos is still down... safety in numbers and all that.

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Theres a pita place thats been on the shore for a while and now theres one on vulcan lane. It's called Pita Pit. Pretty dam good!




Holy shit, Pita Pit is the bomb. There's one (or used to be) in Whistler and it's pretty much the only spot still open when all the bars/clubs close at 3. Needless to say it is the seediest place in town at 3.30, which takes some doing in a place like Whistler.


Epic Pitas though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I must say i had a pita pit from Vulcan lane last weekend and it was Fucking amazing. Shat on any subway ive ever had but ive always had beef with subway as every ones already said everytime u go something gets fucked up.


As for a Rant Green day and their new song......... id say someone needs to kill the lead singer but then that might just make him more famous.

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more orcon rant. these fuckers are USELESS...

called to ask why, when i check my voicemail it keeps asking me to enter my mailbox number(the line i am calling on for a start)then just loops back to that 'i'm transferring you now' voice then asks the number again....


but my actual rant is that since calling up, i have yet to have my call answered...


i feel like dialling the free calling number from every pay phone and cell i can get my hands on and just leave it off the hook. that'll teach em


now nineteen minutes btw


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  • 2 weeks later...


This is a fucking joke. Haven't read the article but heard some doosh from the council on the radio ranting on about how it isn't simply a revenue gathering tactic. LIES. COMPLETE WANKERS.


Of all the crap I hate spending money on (taxis, bank fees etc) Parking is by far my most hated

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This is a fucking joke. Haven't read the article but heard some doosh from the council on the radio ranting on about how it isn't simply a revenue gathering tactic. LIES. COMPLETE WANKERS.


Of all the crap I hate spending money on (taxis, bank fees etc) Parking is by far my most hated


This pisses me right off. Unless you want the council parking buildings to be open all night (Mercury Lane $5 all day weekends ftw - just needs to be open 24/7 for epic win) where else we going to park. I drive from the middle of nowhere and I don't want to pay for parking after burning a fiver on gas.

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well.....I have a rant thats festering ... just waiting for smoke to clear and THEN sheeeeeit negro hold tyte.......


oh shit. this may rival war and peace for length


you know it....... its a tale o rant like no other that has yet to be said in this thread o rants......

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I auditioned for a V t.v commercial a couple of weeks back which involved a scenario of a couple of mates drinking a can of V then using a jetpack to put a road cone on top of the sky tower. It'll be a publicity stunt by the marketing company behind the ad campaign. I didn't get the commercial though stink

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"Could of"




This has been bugging me for a while, because "could of" makes no fucking sense and is just people not realising/knowing that they're actually saying "could've". Even if you're too fucking lazy to type the two extra letters, at least put "could've" it's the same number of keystrokes and makes a fuckton more sense.


Phew. Feel much better now.

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any kind of injustice or hypocrisy..


i dont really want to get into specifics but there is a lot of double standards being played out around me at the moment and im fucking over it. Do what you said you're gonna do, apply the same rules to everyone and get the fuck off your high horse!

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