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first of all. it IS illegal.


they don't give a shit about the light sequences and will stand there continuing cleaning the window once the light is green stopping traffic. the day one of them get hit by a car, the driver will probably end up with a dangerous driving charge or some crap like that.


they prey on young women and asians and it seems as if they try and intimidate them as much as they can into giving them money. just today at the manukau road/greenlane road intersection i saw a elderly asian woman give the guy a note. they are probably shit scared that they will get car jacked if they don't pay up.


annoying as hell


true? must just be an auckland thing.

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i agree with harry on this one. fucking pain in the ass. they don't even ask most of the time and then expect you to pay. although i do sympathize with people of such desperateness, its a hazard and can cause accidents. this is both selfish and ignorant. such people should be run over or have their balls electrocuted.


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Meh, I have no problem with it. Have never felt intimidated either. If I don't want my windows washed I just shake my head and they don't do it.

And just cause an asian lady gave him a note doesn't mean she felt intimidated. My mate gave a dude a 5er just the other day. (he did an exceptional job )

If anyone actually feels intimidated by a window washer then LOL in your face.


Get over it imo, gots to makes dem papers!

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also, people that wash car windows at traffic lights.


don't even get me started.



whats your problem with that?


9 times out of 10 they're pieces of shit.


how so?

The guys outside TVNZ are hilarious.

Saw a guy with a muddy sodden piece of lambswool the other day. He could barely stand, and was just flopping his lamb blanky onto the window, smoodgind it around then asking for coins. or cigarettes.

A good trick for these guys is to point your own window squirter into their general zone, then when one of em walks up give em the zap.

Stink for getting your window clean after youve done this though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rather ironic (wait? we were talking about that? I don't remember at all) indeed.


Can't be bothered going into all the drama llama's but lets just say semi psychotic five day bender then take loads of acid type girls did ruin my saturgay afternoon, and make me drive about 90km (round trip) to rescue them, only to not want to be rescued after-all.


Had to "Real Life" daily rant to the packmang to stay sane.

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  • 1 year later...



@ Pakage: LOL


@ Dold: No mate, it's all good, no worries



i'm just completely f*cked off with the bullsh*t.


i go to work = bullsh*t. Whether it's general conversation or external correspondence, internal correspondence or discussion...it all equals bullsh*t. pathetic, meaningless, simplistic bullsh*t.


i come home and my neighbour = bullsh*t. bullsh*t conversation, meaningless jibber-jabber, white trash bullsh*t. i DO NOT CARE HOW MANY PALLETS YOU HAVE COLLECTED THIS WEEK AND HOW MANY DOG KENNELS YOU SHALL MAKE...it all equals NOISE. NOISY NOISE BANGING, CRASHING NOISE BULLSHIT.


the supermarket, takeaway, pub and bottle shop don't exactly improve on the above either...ah, i'm just so god damn tired...thank god it's Friday in 48 hours and god damn i can't wait till Saturday!



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