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No Music Week:


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During No Music Week:


No hymns will be sung.


No records will be played.


iPods will be left at home.


Rock bands will not rock.


Conductors will not take the podium.


Decks will not spin.


The needle will not drop.


The piano lid will not be lifted.


Films will have no soundtrack.


Jingles will not jangle.


Joggers will not whistle.


Choirboys will shut their mouths.


Recording studios will not roll.


Mc’s will not pass the mic.


Brass band practice will be postponed.


The strings will not serenade.


Plectrums will not pluck.


Record shops will be closed .


And you will not take part in any sort of music whatsoever.


Then you will decide what you want from music.

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Possibly not the most popular suggestion for a music orientated website. I know what I want out of music, and thats why I'm here. I don't need a week of no music to let me know what I want.


Example: I like food......If I go for a week without I'm just gonna really want more food. I'm not gonna come back from my fast and think, "ya know what, I've really kinda gone off food, I think I'll go listen to some handbag house"


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Is it deaf awareness week or summat? I truly believe that life would mean less sans music. It's the soundtrack to our lives, yeah, so without it the over all intensity and impact of everything would be markedly diminshed. Which is not to say that I believe that deaf peoples lives have any less meaning than those of the more aurally-able, but my life would be so much less without sound.

I remember when I was fourteen, the morning after my first rave (yes, I went home and slept), I woke up and my hearing was fucked. I thought that was it, I'd be aurally impaired for ever more. I actually cried. I don't dance in front of speakers anymore, if I can help it. Come to think of it, why aren't ear plugs more readily available in bars and clubs? No sound would suck. I think I'd go all the way through crazy and come out somewhere north of not-good.


..."I don't think we're in Kansas anymore To-to"

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LOL Handbag house..


If your a dude and you listen to a genre with the word 'handbag' in it.. you should b shot on site


go teh handbag jungle ... oh no, i might have created a new genre... producers you DIDNT see this post =P


Madz, i agree that clubs should stock earplugs cause I know that they are lifesavers for me when im out dancing 1ft from the speaker.

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I do agree with all that has been said...

I too would be lost with out my morning musical (which consists of playing Geins skin suit sessions 3 ULTRA LOUD!,my neighbours must love me!) "wake up" and music all day at work..

which brings me to my next point


Recently at my place of employment I have been undergoing some interesting musical research...


now first of all let me outline the demographics of my colleges


there are two teams at work, and they consist of 10 people per team


at my work it is weighted like this 95% polynesian from south auckland.

2% indian

2% maori

and then me a white junglist from newton ciddy.


so heres what I have been doing, I have slowly been subverting them with drum and bass.. slowly but surely


I have discovered that they dont like BC very much,, but they love natos mix and calibre and anything that is from the 90's IE roni size or early stuff..

Now you maybe sitting there saying to your self "um yeah ryte mr9's "

But I have empirical evidence that states that it is working.

You see my boss came tto me on saturday waving a piece of paper furiously in my general direction.. I was like "um whats this ,?' as I looked a the piece of paper with a strange graph on it. He then said. " see this side, (the vertical) its times when I have put on your various cds, they are coded with an asterix.., andsee where the peaks are on the horizontal, thats where the number of sales are at their highest, and thats when your music is playing (drum and bass). " He fucking loves it,(my boss) and the proof is in the pudding, Its very interesting watching all these commercial hip hop south siders starting to dig drum and bass...


very very interesting


hehehehehehe so yes, music is great except for the mainstream, BUT we all know this dont we




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liquid for teh ´sales leads´ win! ....<<<< Sez Mike


and yea man u would b ryte.... they love liquid,,, like the new calibre album is a favorate, also carnages lighten up mix,,,,


slap on some Raiden, or some Counterstrike.. or some Mayhem+Psidream ....<<<< Sez Package...


I will treat them to harder edge stuff, I played them BC and End.User, they were not impressed, so maybe I just have to keep them rolling on the softer stuff at first.


who are you doin outbound for?....<<<<< Sez Catylyst...

yes my main mang I am werking fer the company that u think ai am werking for,,, im not gonna say the name on here, but I have sent u a PM, and yes I heard the name of your work floating around the other day too ,at my werk so I think that u are right about seeing each other more!

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I despise Handbag House and Handbag Drum N Bass equally


(and yes there is such thing)


Handbag Whaaaa?


man.. fuck all that.. lets go drink burbourn and thrash some pantera and some exhumed eh grind! haha

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I despise Handbag House and Handbag Drum N Bass equally


(and yes there is such thing)


Like what? You have to be kidding. No one brings handbags to D'n'B gigs (T-boys pockets work much better).

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I despise Handbag House and Handbag Drum N Bass equally


(and yes there is such thing)

have u got any examples of this "hand bag jungle/drum and bass" that u are taling about?

(whilst risking almost an immediate barrage of mocks and taunts) I have been known to be seen at calibre or met getting down to hand bag house... ahhh ! you guys remember jones? on krd... man I had some good nytes there oonsting....

the summer o 99,,(breaking into song) ",me and some guys from school were into hand bag house and we used to have fun, oonstin about at jones on krd,we should have known that hand bag house wasnt the one, billy quit and joey got married, those were the best days of my life, in the summer o 99!"..

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(whilst risking almost an immediate barrage of mocks and taunts) I have been known to be seen at calibre or met getting down to hand bag house... ahhh ! you guys remember jones? on krd... man I had some good nytes there oonsting....


Risking? Ensuring. So here goes; Homo! Ass-bandit! fudge-packer


It's probably a guilty secret shared by most. When your unenlightened mates are bitching about "always having to go to those drum and bass things" it's just diplomatic to concede their point, stick on a dress and head down to The Met. With a sufficient blood/alcohol level anything is enjoyable. Plus, you can't dance to D'n'B like you can to Electro. Mmmm Electro.

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deep durty crunchy electro

love it love it love it!

I think thats why I love John B so much as it brings my two most loved genre of dance musics together!





hehehe no dresses fo me sadly but I appreciate the ladies wearing dresses and dancin to electro.... mmmmmmmm!

(wipes drool off chin!)

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I don't wanna name names because I'm not trying to offend anyones personal tastes, even if these personal tastes happen to be ghey :teef:


Put it this way, just because a tune is a dnb tune doesn't make it inherently good, or badbwoy, or whatever, and just because a house tune is a house tune, doesn't mean it is handbag house, or gay, or whatever.. there's some seriously phat house beats out there (nothing mainstream of course) and at least at their gigs there's always lots of girls!!!


Nothing like getting down to some battybwoy Hospital records beats on a dancefloor seething with males :teef:


Madz - you do that to your boys pockets as well? I find everytime I walk down the FU steps the weights in my pockets increase 3-fold, I accumulate an extra cellphone, gum, some lipstick/gloss? thing and a few other random accessories..

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