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Appeal / Negative impacts of a conviction?


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This won’t be a very exciting thread but I need some assistance.


I’m going to apply to the High Court to appeal a conviction for assault I received back when I was 19. I know it’s a long time ago and the whole drama is going to have massive hurdles, but why not. I’m gonna act as my own council so there’ll be no legal fleas.


One point I need help on is the consequences of having a conviction.

I need to know what consequences a conviction will have for me. Notice I say will.


The court isn’t interested in “it might be harder to get a work visa in Canadaâ€

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ring up some embassy's bro and find out what countries your charge would hinder your work permit, then apply for a job in said country and tell the courts your trying to move to wherever that is for work. turn down the job once court has quashed your conviction. problem solved.


lol. dunno if this will work. but id try calling some embassy's for a chat anyway.

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well... from experience I know how much of an issue this can be....

theres a few factors that can assist you

like how long ago was the conviction. you said it happened when you were 19 but how old are you now? Under NZ law you only have to disclose convictions in a 7 year period after the fact after that "Statutes Of Limitations" come into effect and you dont have to disclose these charges. Also what kinda assult was it? common assult or what ever? as that holds weight as well. Ie whats the circumstances were their weapons involved did u instigate it a whole raft of things theres I think 4 levels of assult ...

Also have you had any other convictions since the conviction in question? like for anything driving what ever? Cause if you havent appeared in front of a court since the act thats favorable as far as employers go. This also comes under the act that Nandor passed in his 2nd term Or was it his first? "the clean Slate Act" I would def have a look at the specifics of that. another good thing to do is to go on to the american homeland security site ( I used to have the addy but cant find it) basically cos now the us is all scared and shit everyone who enters the usa or wants too has to apply on this website first. This does a scrub on your name and details and checks your record and threat level and then says yes or no on if you can enter the states or not.Basically if they be cool with you , u should be sweet in most western nations...

As far as your conviction goes with employment. Usually they (big corprates etc ) dont have an issue with convictions such as these but say if you had some dishonesty charges or fraud well then its a different story. The usual rule of thumb is to be very honest about it and explain the differences to you now as a person and you then as a person..BUT only if you are still outside the statutes of limitations. and then its entirely up to you. When I have been in a situation where I am asked that annoying question by prospective companies of "so have you been convicted of anything" I usually awnser like this.: "Under the privacy act and statutes of limitations I dont have to disclose this information , but yes I have". and then offer my last charge ... (but for me I have had a few in my dark and crazy youth) and they are pretty cool with it usually . and they cant actually see any charges that are protected under the statutes (employers) as its a major breach of privacy .and if they were to block u or take these into consideration its a huge breach of the law...and usually they dont...

just be honest , its sthe best way to go....always . But then again know your rights and know the privacy laws....




hope that helps.........


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Under NZ law you only have to disclose convictions in a 7 year period after the fact after that "Statutes Of Limitations" come into effect and you dont have to disclose these charges.


"Under the privacy act and statutes of limitations I dont have to disclose this information...."


Unfortunately the privacy act and all that won't mean shit when he's trying to travel or get work overseas though.

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Under NZ law you only have to disclose convictions in a 7 year period after the fact after that "Statutes Of Limitations" come into effect and you dont have to disclose these charges.


"Under the privacy act and statutes of limitations I dont have to disclose this information...."


Unfortunately the privacy act and all that won't mean shit when he's trying to travel or get work overseas though.


v true...

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I know that if you have a conviction you won't be aloud a Working Holiday Visa or Working Visa for Japan. They are pretty strict on us foreigners over there.


This would be useful. I wonder how I could get documented evidence of this?


Any ideas?

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will be on the consulate's website




I don't know if it makes me happy or sad not to see it there... it seems that you're not disqualified straight off the bat unless its for drugs, or you've been sentenced to prison for 1+ years


Maybe I'll check Korea and the states... what other countries are hard to get into...

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