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Close minded fools

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[Rant]WTF is up with people bangin on other ppls music tastes?


I mean, fuck... we're all different and like different steeze, what gets to me is the people who take the richeous approach to it and voice their oppinion about teh taste in music bein shit... wtf is up with that?


I learnt years ago to respect other peoples tastes in EVERYTHING... Woman, Cars, Food, Fasion and especially Music.


I have some pretty corny songs which I swear by... I'm sure everyone does, yet people still go slaggin off other's tastes as 'shit'... People goin over that line of concidering someones taste in music to be different to theirs... and to actually think that the person's taste in music is different to the point of them having poor judgement and therefore loosing respect overall for the person is just fucked.


To a lesser degree... ruling out an ENTIRE genre of music as shit seems to defy logic to me also... although... imo 99.9999999999999999% of pop sucks a big fat one


If you fit into the hater category then you my friend have earnt yourself less respect from me. Thats right, have a cry bitch... preferably while you're listening to music which other people think is shit and you know it.[/Rant]


*Not aimed at anyone on this forum

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Yeah, I get pissed off when dnb-heads pay out on house music (for example) as a rule, I used to do this when I first got into dnb but it's all just beats and basslines I reckon


Or in dnb, people who think anything other than Dom&Roland etc is gay.. or in metal, there's peeps that say things like Pantera suck, because they're not technical enough, or brutal enough..


Overall I reckon every genre of music has its good and bad examples, a good tune is a good tune regardless of genre.. there's even a few good pop tunes ya know


Personal preferences over-rule everything else including trends or anti-trends, I listen to some pretty questionable music myself that some people would cringe at.. all good to pay out on peoples music tastes but only in jest, imo

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...I listen to some pretty questionable music myself that some people would cringe at..

oh man.. i have so much music that i just keep to myself.. just cause im scared of the shit id get if i busted it out.. not that its that bad, just an acquired taste :|

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dont look in my box then, you will find some godawful stuff from starwars musical to random swing records i picked up.


my ipod is probably worse... but who cares, music is art, and art is subjective. Ill subject myself to what you think is crap - nuff said.

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I agree with everything said. If Mike wants to listen to Aqua on his iPod who am I to call him a fruitcake. However.................if Mike wants to listen to Aqua on MY IPOD!!!!! he can just go find his purse and get out of my house...



Fark, I'm just having a laugh...I'm sure don't need to tell ya that.

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Give that man a prize!

well said!

standing ovations should be given to the catalyst man....


I have always prided my self on a very eclectic music taste..


I love all sorts of shit, including commercial stuff even though I hate to admit it in certain company....


for example....

my favorate song at the moment is,,, Kanye West,,, that song where in the video he is kanye kenevil... and pam anderson is in it...


you guys know it?

yup well thats me fav


I have been on the "outside" cos of my musical tastes a million and one tymes,,,(have you ever lived in hamilton and been into and been running gabber gigs,,,? OR been in a punk mettol band thats sole desire was to shock and cajole,,,in hamilton, playing a gig where u had a sheeps head that was previously kept in a bag , in the sun, in summer, purposefully to breed flys to breed maggots, and then opened at the start of your set, so the flys and the stench of the rotting head permiated the venue?. Our band name was maggot btw, AND WE WERE THE WORST HEAVYEST MOST OBNOXIOUS BAND IN THE LAND!) but cos I am used to being hated and misunderstood (and these things I have been for around 90% of my life thus far) I have learned in my 28 and a half years to simply not give a fuck,, and , well, I dont...


I love music,,, name it and I will like an element of it, well mostly everything, except fer emo and jebus music,, im sorry there catalyst, but I cant warrent any love towards that stuff, I have tried, but I just usually end up taking the piss and then going that little biit too far with it... But well that is a personality flaw of mine that I will deal with sooner rather than later ..fingers crossed


But anywho I digress...

give me paganini OR phillip glass or john cage or slayer or sepultura or D.R.I or some selected spice girls songs or tiffany or BSE or amon tobin or any other manner and combination of the multi disciplinarian music fraturnity and I will be happy,,, take my choice and freedom to chose away from me, and I will be making molotovs and prepareing my "black Blok" uniform for the forth coming revolution,,,

choice is fantastic,, dont starve your self,,, and learn to be eclectic...


End rant.........




Redstar Rising:: Ninetimes 9x 999 = Redstar (sawifauiN) "Given the ability too move inside and outside this reality" (18981) (11190) !z9z! (309Z)

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.......why do I like that choon... the Kanye west one I was talking about..


the hook... it grabs me,,, the metaphor,, the energy, the narritive the flow , the feeling I get from it.. the beats, the timbre, the cadence,,,the colour of the phrases. the mellencolly repose at the end... thats always a nice device, I like it wen the above things I have said get turned against you,..

yea man Kanye Is good! I think his production and song writing is excellent, he is also a very political kid too which i admire... and he is on the up with it,,,, what I mean by that is that quite alot of political artists tend to be on the negative, like "wahh wahh the shit is hard and big and scarey," but Kanye is all like " the shit is nothing and we can change it, if we want"...


,,is that a good justificattion?

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I dont think I need to be able to verbalise why I like a tune...


... cause I don't think words can describe all the reasons



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.......why do I like that choon... the Kanye west one I was talking about..


the hook... it grabs me,,, the metaphor,, the energy, the narritive the flow , the feeling I get from it.. the beats, the timbre, the cadence,,,the colour of the phrases. the mellencolly repose at the end... thats always a nice device, I like it wen the above things I have said get turned against you,..

yea man Kanye Is good! I think his production and song writing is excellent, he is also a very political kid too which i admire... and he is on the up with it,,,, what I mean by that is that quite alot of political artists tend to be on the negative, like "wahh wahh the shit is hard and big and scarey," but Kanye is all like " the shit is nothing and we can change it, if we want"...


,,is that a good justificattion?


also agreed that kanye west has some good beats in his songs.. always gets me movin a bit when it comes on teevee

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I like people with opinions as long as they can back them up.


I hate trance and most house, pop, a lot of New Zealand music and ummm, some other shit I prolly haven't even heard yet. I hate cheesy dnb. I reckon I'm pretty normal as well cause the stuff I do like, I can speil on and on about it, while at the same time not really give a fuck if someone wants to tell me they don't like my taste in music.


But yeah, I'd prefer someone who hates a genre and has an opinion about it, as opposed to a pleb with no opinion.


you're favourite band sucks

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It doesn't matter what music someone listens to, there will always be some common ground, even if sometimes we hate to admit it.


Music tastes are always changing... nobody can say theirs doesn't, having a rapidly changing taste in music shows how much you're thinking about what you listen to.


Anyone who's serious about djing, producing or mc'ing needs to broaden their influences, basically listen to new music from all directions and take out the parts that you like.


The more you get into D'n'B the more you see the differences between peoples styles.. I think it's up to the individual to refine and build their taste and musical skill.


Personally my tolerance for heavy grimy techy drum'n'bass is low, I can only handle the dark side for a short period of time, however in saying that I'll continue to take the factors that I like and merge it into my own tastes...



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"i may not agree with what you say, but ill defend to the death your right to say it."


Same applies here eh.. if you take away someones right to mock a genre then you may aswell take away their right to applaud another.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion even if it is a negative one.

Im not asking you to agree with what i say.. Im not even asking you to like it.. but im sure as hell saying that you have to deal with me saying it.


Admittidly people generalise way too much.. but still.. its easier than being a picky son of a bitch and being all flakey like: Ok.. there is 10,000 hard house songs that i hate, but i kind of like this one tune.. so therefore i cant say hardhouse sucks nuts.


On the flipside, just to put it into perspective: If you really liked metal.. and there are 10,000 metal songs that you really love, but 1 that you dislike, would you say that metal sux? Hell no..




in closing..


free speech bitches!


let people say what they want.. i dont think that ive heard anyone on this forum directly ripping someone else due to their music taste.. they may ripp on the genre, but if that their opionion, then you have to respect it.

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I do feel it's allowed to just not like something, and not feel you have to give a reason to the UN about it. Took me a long time to ignore peoples negative and pointless opinions.


Music changes you and I reckon for the most part you don't have much control over it. Since moving to the AK my tastes have become a lot more techy, and while incorporating my orginal love affair for the mean shit into it I've come to quite an interesting and promising place with dnb.


As long as dnb (or whatever 'genre') is keeping me interested and surprised, I'm happy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah, I get pissed off when dnb-heads pay out on house music (for example) as a rule, I used to do this when I first got into dnb but it's all just beats and basslines I reckon


I don't do those houses any more personally, cause they don't always work for me...

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Yeah, I get pissed off when dnb-heads pay out on house music (for example) as a rule, I used to do this when I first got into dnb but it's all just beats and basslines I reckon


I don't do those houses any more personally, cause they don't always work for me...


???? wtf


*looks at name*, we have guest accounts on here?

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Nah it's just a bot, we get hit by them quite often but only some of them are smart enough to actually make posts. Most of the time they are advertising internet poker and shit like that. Would have loved to see someone try and enter into a conversation with it tho....

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