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Mind Game


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A little mind game



At the end of this message, you are asked a question.


Answer it immediately. Don't stop and think about it.


Just say the first thing that pops into your mind.


Now... Just follow the instructions as quickly as possible.


Do not go to the next calculation before you have finished the previous one..


You do not ever need to write or remember the answers, just do it using your mind.


You'll be surprised.




How much is:



15 + 6











3 + 56









89 + 2

















12 + 53



















75 + 26

























25 + 52














63 + 32



















I know! Calculations are hard work, but it's nearly over..



Come on, one more!
















123 + 5




























































Scroll further to the bottom.



















A bit more...









You just thought about a red hammer! , didn't you?




If this is not your answer, you are among 2% of people who have a different, if not abnormal, mind.


98% of the folks would answer a red hammer while doing this exercise




I got this in an email.. I got Red hammer aswell? wtf? I wonder why

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" repetitive tasks bring you into the now and bring you away from preconceptions. Under those circumstances, when told unexpectedly to think of a color and a tool, you are more likely to come up with the statistically most common responses.


In other words, the boring long list of caluclations are pretty much irrelevant except for the fact that they are boring and repetitive tasks which serve the purpose of bringing you "into the moment", making you disinclined to ruminate on what your answer to the color/tool question will be. And once your mind has been so preset, when you are asked the color/tool question, you will go to the answer that is statistically most common. It doesn't have to be a color and a tool. It could be a pet (likely "dog", I should think), or a bird (I've no idea what would be the likely answer here).


There's nothing magical about "red" or "hammer". And there's nothing magical about the specific calculations you are asked to do. It's simply that if you ask people, after a series of repetitive tasks to name a color, 98% of the people you ask will say red. If you ask for a tool, they will, usually, say hammer. "


Thanks Google

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Yeah, I've been thinking about it and thats the conclusion I came to - 'red' must be the statistically most common colour to come to mind unprompted and the same for 'hammer' in regards to tools.


I feel all generic seeing that only one other person in here got the red hammer thing though

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I thought orange (not far from red) and when it came to Tool I thought 100,000 Days but progressed to paedo-rasp. Which I don't think exists but isn't very original or unusual given that we were discussing the marketing potentialof a paedo-rasp/paedo-file at lunch. I probably woulda thought hammer on any other day.

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It's actually pretty much looking like the opposite. 98% of people guessing other stuff, but I bet that the chance of duplication is much higher with red hammer than it is with say.......mauve needlenose pliers.

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>>>>>>>>>>>>green hammer....

the abnormal 2% thing doesnt surprise me,,, I was told that every year ryte through out school and uni, they used to say " 9z you smash all the scores, you have the ability, but you cant follow rules and love to be the devils advocate"... so yeah


cool I like these games , more more more!

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