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Most Dangerous cities in the US - 2009


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The results are in, peeps.




Camden, New Jersey wins. They top the murder rate and robbery rate. To put it in some perspective, Compton (South-Central California) only came like 11th.


You can also check out the 25 most dangerous neighbourhoods in the States... and then if you're really game, go walk around in them on Google streetview


The top one is in Cinncinnati, you have 1 in 4 chance of "being a victim" over there (in one year). http://maps.google.co.nz/maps?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&channel=s&hl=en&source=hp&q=elm%20street%20cinncinnati&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl


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oakland is sweet as.... i went skating there for a few days and saw nothing sketchy at all...terrible airport though..


Downtown was a little bit dodgy - rundown shit and boarded up shops everywhere - very very urban-decay type stuff. There were more pawn shops and gun shops than I've ever seen before. The whole time we were there it wasn't foggy at all until we went to Oakland and it was foggy all day. Whole center of town was deserted and you could see these 60s style apartment blocks towering out of the fog. To make things more bizarre we saw a car crash were a man drove straight off the road and into a brick wall for no apparent reason. We went into this huge department store that had about 15 people in it, but was at least 3 or 4 stories high.

Later we drove out to where the suburbs started to begin and the business subside - went to this milkshake/burger bar and got a really really bad vibe from the locals. We never really went into the uptown/nicer areas during the day, only drove through at night so can't comment on the other parts of town.

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