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New Satellites launched by US. Any info appreciated...

Guest Room101

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Hey, I read in the herald(i know, sorry) yesterday a small article touching on the launch of a new Orbital Test Vehicle to go into space. It will orbit for 270 days, and can apparently drop mini-satellites/drones to moniter various spots on the globe. Also, will be testing new laser-technologies/weapons.

No link sorry(was in print)

But if you must have validation, read the launch schedules for publicly announced sat's here;



That is not actually what I want more info about though.


The article mentioned breifly, another satellite which was launched recently from California which has a "weapon" of some capacity, and the ability to reach any target on the globe within ONE HOUR. No name given of the sat or any further points of reference were made.


Does anyone have any legitimate info on this?

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Starwars is/was a defensive project, it sounds like evoke is talking about an offensive weapon, one that orbits the earth and fires down on it, rather than takes out incoming nuclear warheads in space.


They've been talking about this stuff for a long time, weather or not it's a laser remains to be seen - it could just be a low orbit satellite with a modified cruise missile or smart bomb strapped on.


As for the one hour thing, uncle sam has been able to fuck your shit up for a long time.


It doesn't take long to warm up and fire ICBM or cruise missile. The current ICBM's the US use are called "Minutemen", once it's on standby it can be launched in about 60 seconds. If a nuclear warhead is inappropriate, they could launch a cruise missile from a ship or a submarine that may or may not be sitting off the coast (you'd never know until it flew through the window).

If a cruise missile strike is inappropriate they could have flown over a done which has been lurking around for overhead 24 hours which could fire off a smaller missile when the time is right.


If that's not enough, they could launch a few B52s/B1 Lancers/B2 Stealth Bombers and utterly pulverize anywhere in the globe within 48 hours (read about the taliban getting completely fucked up by these).


If, for some reason, the above proves to be not enough, they could sail over a carrier battle group in a few days, or launch a marine expeditionary unit, or deploy any of the thousands or paratroopers the US has at it's disposal.

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yes yes, star wars defense systems and Bombs aside...

I want to know.

Is this actually just a massive BASS CANON! and can we rave with it?

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