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yeah, ive got new hardware. Just upgraded my whole setup to some pretty high spec gear.


Basically, when i stick the OSX disc into my computer and try to boot from it to load OSX it just says to 'insert boot media and press any key'.


so its just not recognising the OSX disc at all.


What am i supposed to do to get it to recognize the OSX disc?

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in the process of doing this now


first download a decent iso to burn to dvd. i used the zephyroth releases. there pretty solid. although you need to make sure of a few hardware things first. make sure you have an ide hdd and ide dvd drive. if your running sata then its makes things more difficult. i just got a 40gb ide hdd off trademe for 25 buks.


then just boot from dvd drive with the burnt dvd iso in there. if you get a message while trying to boot that says "still waiting for root device" this means its not reading from the dvd so you either have to change the sata controller to iahc, or find a version of osx x68 that works with sata.


im currently in the process of trying to install zephyroths 10.5.2 rev2 iso (latest one i think)


seems to have heaps of fixes. also what chipset are you running? amd or intel?

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im running an Intel Chip.


I do have a IDE hard drive i could use, but my dvd rom is Sata.


I was hoping to install it to my SATA drive if possible.


Where do i change the SATA controller to IAHC? is that a bios setting?


Im using an off the shelf OSX DVD, does that matter? Do i need to download a hacked version of it?

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ah i see ok, if your running intel then the zephroth releases wont work, they are for amd.


you cant use the legit osx dvd as its not patched to run on pc so u gotta torrent a pc version. search for either leo4all or kalyway they should work sweet. download the iso then burn the image to dvd using some burning software like nero etc.


try booting it first, chuck it in the dvd drive then at setup press f12 or whatever it is on your pc that shows the advanced boot menu so you can choose the cdrom drive.


boot it up and let me know what it says


if it doesnt boot then try switching to iahc which is set in bios, although switching controller to iahc can cause windows problems. do u have windows installed already?

Edited by Guest
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you could try a Virtual Box... I'm guessing you want this all for production... so as long as your soundcard drivers work, you will probably have more luck in a virtual machine.


Google VMWare.


Using this method you can download and install a VMWare image which someone else has already installed OSX on to which will just work (No installation process required). There may be issues with drivers using this method, however if it works properly then it's pretty sweet because you can use OSX without having to dual boot (You use the OS like an application under windows, you can literally run the whole OS as an application)


If you already own a copy of OSX, I wouldn't call this pirating... http://thepiratebay.org/search/vmware%20osx/0/99/0

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I wasn't talking about getting high specs I was talking about getting mac compatible hardware. The guys who got their setups as close to mac factory as possible always had the cleanest/smoothest setups. Too late for that now by the sounds of it.


I found that the prepatched install disc was the easiest way to go after several failed attempts. I believe there's a patch you can manually apply to the vanilla install disc as well. The instructions I linked to in the link I posted worked well for me, but may be a little dated now if you want snow leopard and all the latest kexts.


In anycase, prepare yourself for a weekend or two of solid trial and error.

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