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Government to allow private ownership of water


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Whats your opinion i'm not sure which of evokes thoughts you were talking about.


And sorry for telling you to fuck off I just thought you were trying to belittle my opinion. Its pretty hard when what you believe isn't the status quo. I have got so much shit for this topic over the years.

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Fuck off


Nice one, prick


All you do once there is a decent discussion is come into threads and post pictures or emoticons.


Usually giving shit to the people posting for whatever reason.


Do you actually have an opinion on this? If so im sorry for telling you to fuck off.


I wrote a few replies to this but without rarking it up more, yes I do have a strong opinion over this, which was summed up quite nicely earlier in the thread by evoke or Tom(phonetics) from memory. No need to shit bricks, its a pic, it was based at the thread, not you in particular. .



IMO ease off the testosterone ladies.

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Found some good info for you Hakomi





Interesting paper with the ex-NZ dental officer dude Colquhoun... He presents a pretty strong case for the negligible correlation between water fluoridation and reduced tooth decay. His stance is certainly not the conventional wisdom in the literature though... See here


In any case, while I'm against water fluoridation, the evidence I've seen on the harmful effects is not incredibly compelling... and I'm not about to freak out about getting a hip fracture from our 0.7ppm-1ppm in the NZ water supply just yet. Nor am I about to spend lots of money on a reverse osmosis filter, drink less water, or spend hella money on bottled water cause I'm freaked out about miniscule increases in probabilities of disease. Would be nice if they stopped doing it however.

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In any case, while I'm against water fluoridation, the evidence I've seen on the harmful effects is not incredibly compelling... and I'm not about to freak out about getting a hip fracture from our 0.7ppm-1ppm in the NZ water supply just yet. Nor am I about to spend lots of money on a reverse osmosis filter, drink less water, or spend hella money on bottled water cause I'm freaked out about miniscule increases in probabilities of disease. Would be nice if they stopped doing it however.


Agree 100%. I'm yet to find anything which makes me feel compelled to avoid it. The amount of toxins in the air from cars and industry is more of a concern to me personally, even that I would never become obsessive about as the stress isn't worth it.


I'm honestly surprised that people can get so charged up over Fluoride or other things to this point, especially to the point of extremes which Hakomi is at. It reminds me of some sort of Christian preacher talking about how extremely terrifying hell is and how we need to avoid it at all costs. I don't mind having an informed discussion about it, but Tom, I think you pass that point into the realms of condescension.

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Let me put it to you from my perspective (at this point you can't prove either theory 100% correct) I think that fluoride is slowly poisining pretty much every person I know. This kind of thing you think would have a pretty significant effect on most people. Also if you have done some reasearch for yourself you would have already seen that there are loads of people out there giving their time and energy to this issue. I have seen so much information over my life about fluoride from what i've been seeing the info is stacking against any benifit of putting this potential toxin in our water.


Theres loads I still haven't even brought up yet for example the potential damage to young minds is greater because the blood brain barrier still hasn't completely formed plus loads more potential issues. On a side note The American Dental Association has now issued a warning to not give flurodated water to babies becasue its now been proven that the water is causing Dental Flurosis. Iroically dental flurosis can serverely damage your teeth. So the stuff they put in to help your teeth is actually damaging them, seems logical Plus theres loads more I could go on about the potential harm from even small doeses if anyone is interested haha doubt it anymore though. Mark you should look into other sources of fluoride in our diet if you can be bothered. You might find out that we are ingesting a little more than you think. And theres one thing that has been 100% proven, fluoride in high doses causes serious negative health effects.


I understand that I went a bit overboard in this thread, it didn't help that a had a fucking shite week last week probably one of the worst in my life tbh. But if you thought most of the people you knew were getting slowly poisined on a daily basis you might also do some crazy shit who knows.


The kind of reasearch invloved in finding out whether fluoride even in low doses really is a danger is so complex because of so many things (i won't bore you). And it will take a long time to come to solid conclusions.


But looks like you guys have made your minds up anyway, with your apathetic approach to the whole thing.


Craig if you do want some info on water filters I can sort you out I ended up getting a pretty sweet deal.


And as for comparing me to a fucking preacher

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If you were to start a petition to get it banned, then I'd happily sign it... If someone had died, or even gotten really sick from just drinking tap water, then I'm sure I would also get a lot more alarmed.


But in the greater perspective of the nasty shit we are exposed to with pesticides and fertilizers used in fruit and vegies, hormones and antibiotics in meat, massive amounts of toxins in vehicle emissions, airborne bacteria/fungus/virus's in the air, impurities and other unnatural chemicals in recreational drugs, first and second hand smoke, over consumption of alcohol, poor nutrition, unnaturally stressful lifestyles, sleep deprivation, etc.... why focus on and get so worked up over this one particular issue? Which issues should one get worked up over (if any), and why? Should everyone wear a gasmask outside as well as installing a RO water filter?


For the average person who can't afford a RO water filter (and its ongoing maintenance costs), would it be more beneficial for them to drink (fluoridated) tap water, or to be freaked out about it, and only drink bottled water or soft drinks/juices. Is such an expense really justified? How would one even know whether they are getting less fluoride (I believe the amount of naturally occuring fluoride is unregulated in bottled water), or even a 'purer' water at all...? Is a purer water even better - do RO filters remove much of the other minerals? If more 'pure' water is better, should we drink completely deionized water and campaign against mineral water?



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Well aside from the air all those things we can easily either choose or not choose to consume/do. Also aside from the air quality out of that list tap water would affect the most people.


Plus unlike Air pollutants its freaking easy to solve this issue, simply stop paying to put the crap in our water aaaaaaaaand done.


As for your second paragraph thats an extremely complicated isuue Tim but thats presumably the point. I don't know the answer to all that man. What I do however know is how to get rid of all those questions, remove it from the water

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Stuff.co.nz - Dental survey backs fluoridated water


northernadvocate - Far North towns say big 'no' to fluoride in water


It's interesting when people throw facts around using statistics. For or against Fluoride, they hardly paint the whole picture. I don't see how people can so easily ignore the other factors in Dental decay when referencing statistical evidence... such as dental hygiene and diet, which surely would be much more of a factor than Fluorinated water.


Well done to the far North

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I can tell from how exasperated some of you have gotten that you must be de-hydrated. Surely if you were drinking you allotted 2Litres per day the fluoride in those levels of water consumption would have rendered ya sufficiently docile by now.

I was on the big ol rock of Niue for a week, where they collect rain water, due to the rock being so porous as to not hold any ground water... so, they drink water straight from the sky and their teeth were all sweet as.

Also, tasted way better than ours.

Damn i wish i had brought me back some o them coconut crabs though...


*edit for da speeling & gramorz

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