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C Steppa

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Ok, I'm a fucken newbie at cpu shit. I have utorrent and it is fucking up on me lately. One night it will download at speeds between 350 - 700 kb/s then the next it wont go higher than 20... The download has a good seeds to leechers ratio and all that jazz. What's weird is that sometimes if it's going slow and about 14% done, i remove the torrent, delete it from downloads folder, restart fresh and its starts going super fast. Does anyone know why my utorrent is a temperamental cunt?


P.S. Utorrent says my port is forwarded properly and accepting connections. blah blah


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Does it happen for a lot of torrents or just one or two in particular...? If it's just one or two then it probably means you're not getting a good connection to the seeders, and the reason it goes fast when you delete it and restart is that you were getting a good connection to leechers, then when they run out of pieces it stalls.... it happens sometimes.


You can have a look at the peers tab to monitor who you're getting stuff off.

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Check your upload cap in uTorrent... since version 2.0.1 (released a few weeks ago)... the restriction of Upload also applies to the Overhead of Downloads.


So if you are downloading at 400KBps, you can expect to need about 10% of that in overhead upload (when you download packets, you upload acknowledgements). It used to be that whatever your upload cap was would only apply to the files you are sharing and the applicable upload rate, now it's an overall cap which applies to uploads and the overhead of downloads as well.


It sounds like this could be a culprit if you find the download starts fast and slows down as you get more of the file. You will start sharing chunks once you have downloaded them completely, therefore leaving you with less of your upload speed to use towards downloading.


So... up your upload cap to test for this. Effectively if you are a major leech and don't like to upload because your net is expensive... it's time to move off uTorrent (Perhaps Try deluge instead http://deluge-torrent.org/) or revert to uTorrent 1.8.5.


Otherwise, it could be that you have uTorrent connecting to a random port on boot and you have uPNP setup but it didn't forward the port correctly... or your isp is doing something at their end (most do)... or perhaps it's the peers which you are connected to, or other connection settings in uTorrent such as the maximum connected peers setting... there is a lot to try.


Time of day is a factor for most ISP's... there are so many variables to deal with... but yea, check the basics. Do the test in uTorrent to make sure the Port is being forwarded correctly and check your upload cap setting + your other network settings if you can decipher them.


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  • 2 weeks later...
It says my port is open and forwarded properly...


Should i turn DHT off and enable scheduler?


No Anti Virus etc getting all shitty? Installed or changed anything else on the computer?

Not blocking UDP?


And yeah try turning off DHT, it's not really required.

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If you have 0 peers then DHT is not the problem... check the tracker tab when you select the torrent and the tracker will probably be giving you some sort of error. Either that or networking issue if no torrents work.


Also, pro tip: when you port forward in your router, make sure you forward UDP as well as TCP for DHT to work properly

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